LaTara Ham Ying from Integrated Woman Ministries will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour. Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:
With the Becoming an Online Entrepreneur Guide you’ll learn how to place yourself properly in the driver’s seat of your online business destination. With this easy to follow practical guide; and the handy action sheets and checklist you will be able to cover the basics, determine if building your business is the right road for you, and if so, sit down and map out the direction you must take to succeed. (Two prize winners will be chosen for this prize!)
To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question: Name two of your favorite Art of Eloquence studies listed on our Leadership page!
We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence! And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!
(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)
Congratulations to our Winner: Rebecca Holt!