A Story of Image

Driving through town this past weekend, we saw a young man dressed in “hip hop” like attire with a bit of razor stubble holding a cardboard sign with something on it written in black ball point pen.  Stop right there.  What’s the image that comes to mind?  Yup.  That’s what we thought, too.

On one side was written “Call me” with his phone number.  He mouthed the words, “Call me” and flipped the cardboard sign over.  On the other side was written, “God loves you!”  He mouth the words, “God loves you.”  Now what image comes to mind?

First of all, the image that came to mind wasn’t of him.  It was of me.  The word that came to my mind now was convicted.  I was convicted.  Here I had thought that he was begging for money when he was really wasn’t asking for anything at all, except to help.  He had given out his phone number to complete strangers in order to share God’s love with them.  Stop right there.  What image comes to mind now?  That’s what we thought, too.

How many people would he actually get to call him?  If you already knew the Lord, you probably wouldn’t call.  If you didn’t and weren’t ready to hear it from your family or neighbors, you probably wouldn’t call a complete stranger, would you?  Or would you?  What image comes to mind at this point?

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

What’s the word that comes to mind now?  That’s what we thought, too.  The word that came to mind for us was ineffective.  But then, my mind began to think of two things and, again, the word convicted came to me.

What if you were at the end of your rope or at the end of your faith at the moment you passed by this young man’s sign?  What image would come to mind for you?  That’s what we thought, too.  Someone who cared was offering help, a shoulder to cry on, a smile at the other end of that phone for the weary.

How many people would actually take advantage of this young man’s offer?  Probably not that many, but if even one soul was comforted or, even better, turned to Jesus, there would be rejoicing in Heaven.  What image comes to mind now?  That’s what we thought, too.  This selfless soul was putting himself out there in public to be judged, ignored or worse in order to help another person find the love of Jesus.

Now one more image came to mind.  He wasn’t pushing a flyer in people’s face.  He wasn’t dragging someone to church.  He wasn’t arguing the merits of turning from sin.  He wasn’t “doing” anything.  He wasn’t offensive.  Even the most staunch Atheist would have a hard time getting angry with this young man.  He was simply offering love and support.  Offering, to whomever would like to take him up on it.   The image that came to mind at this point for us was of a changed heart, not only for those hurting and in need of Jesus, but those of us Christians passing by.  It warmed my heart.  It changed my heart.  It showed me another way to show God’s love.

This young man may have only done this that one time and perhaps nobody ever called him, but he shared God’s love to all who passed by that day.  What image comes to mind for you?  Share your thoughts.

To learn more about how to do this and other communication topics, receive free gifts and exclusive offers, subscribe to our newsletter!  Subscribe now and get JoJo’s eBook, Communication Activities: Finding time to Communicate with Your Children in a Busy World.

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Mirror, Mirror on My Words

Mirror, mirror on my words

which reflect upon my heart.

Interpretation others find

whether I choose wisely or do not!

Americans understand that we have the right to free speech, but what we often fail to understand is that our communication has consequences.  What we say affects people either negatively or positively.  What we say may be interpreted the way we intended or in a way we never even anticipated.

Some of the things we say are of little consequence, but much of what we say may have dire consequences if we are not properly understood.  If we misspeak and everyone comes to our dinner party a day early while we are in our PJ’s, it could only be embarrassing.  But if we misspeak in our resume, we may not get the job!  If we misspeak while trying to sharing the Gospel with someone, we may inadvertently lead him away from the Lord.

What if we misspeak on our website?  Our sales brochure?  Our book?  Our letter to the editor?  Our ad?

I see so many marketing “gurus” who say that spelling doesn’t matter, grammar isn’t important and that mistakes are even preferable.  However, did you know that many times your communication is simply dismissed without you having any way of knowing?  How many times do people click out of your website because you have 16 mistakes in the first paragraph?  You may never know unless you engage the help of a good editor.

Our communication matters.  Many times it isn’t the words we use but the way we come across that makes or breaks our effectiveness.

If you’re looking for a good editor, you won’t do better than mine: Carla Ives from A Word Aptly Written.   She not only spots misspelled words from tall buildings in a single bound, but she allows your personality and style to shine through your work.

Want to hear more about this amazing purveyor of fine words?  Check out Grace Talk Soup!  She’s my co host each Thursday morning at 8am PST/ 11am EST.  But if you missed the live show, just scroll down to the show’s archives and listen to the past recordings.   You’ll be very glad you did!

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