How to Communicate Love Series Part1: Words

Flowery WordsSaying the words is only one way that you can tell your spouse you love them, but how many times have we heard people say things when they don’t really mean them?  They say talk is cheap and it is.  We allow words of hate to slip out of our mouths all to often and things are far easier said than done.  How many of us gals ever dated a guy who said they loved us, but what he really meant was he WANTED to?

Unless the other party really feels your love for them, these words are almost meaningless.  Ever have a fight with your brother after which your mother made you say you were sorry?  You said the words to each other because mom said so, but you and your brother knew full well neither one of you meant it. How many of us, in our rush to get stuff done, have kissed our spouse and said, “love you” as you shuffle your papers to find your car keys?  Forget our love language, sometimes we simply don’t act as if we mean the words we say.

If you’ve ever done this, and I suspect we all have, it can become a habit and then the words, “I love you,”  become synonymous with “nice knowing you.”  These words, spoken so frequently and with varying degrees of depth, become meaningless.  After all, a stranger on the street could say the words and be telling the truth because he loves all people, but what does that really mean?

So how else can we communicate that we love them?  Tell them they are special to you.  Tell them WHY they are special to you.  Compliment them and be specific about what you love about their personality, their smile, their talents.  And it’s not just about how your wife looks, fellas!

The devil is in the details and so is the feeling of love.  A stranger on the street may be able to tell your wife the truth when he says, “I love you,” but he can’t tell her what he loves about her because he doesn’t know her.  What do you love about your husband?  What does he do, not do, or say that warms your heart and makes your day?

Specific words will show your spouse the love he/she needs to feel.  How else can we communicate love?  Check back next week for part 2 of this month’s blog series!


Don’t forget to check out our Valentine Special where you can get two e-books that will help you and your spouse build a happier and stronger relationship!  Plus our free bonus gift, 28 Days of Love: 28 scriptures, sayings and beautiful illustrations that will help you become better able to express your love for your spouse.



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