On this day in 1951, I Love Lucy Premiere

I’ve written about my love for the I Love Lucy show before.  It was one of the most incredibly creative shows, especially with the use of language. It was the first show I can remember where language played a vital role: accents, miscommunication, culture.

Last month, I wrote an article for my newsletter subscribers detailing the lessons we can about poor communication from I Love Lucy.  But this week, on the anniversary of the very first I Love Lucy show, I’d like to highlight some of the fun and creative scenes that taught us about language and effective communication.

Here’s Lucy making fun of Ricky’s English:

Ricky tells Little Ricky a bedtime story.  Can you tell which one?

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Lucy & Ricky: English Problems

This is one of the most hilarious I Love Lucy episodes where they discuss communication.  It’s about how difficult the English language is, especially in comparison to Spanish.  I can relate as I’m a red head married to a Spanish speaking man myself.  Check this out and have a giggle on us!

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Remember when Ricky made breakfast for Lucy?

So it was my birthday on Tuesday and my dh called me from work to tell me that he’s getting out of work early, not to make dinner and we were going to go out when he got home.  Then he calls me from the parking lot of the grocery store to ask if we have white rice.  Why? Cuz he’s going to cook me dinner!  And not just any dinner, mind you, but THE dinner to end all dinners:  Seafood Medley!  We usually only eat this very special meal  once a year when I make it for him on his birthday.  Ok he’s got my attention!

He asks me if I can start the rice for him because he isn’t sure we have enough and to call him back to see if he needs to stop again to get more.  I start it and find we probably do have enough but we wont have any for left overs so I call him back and he stops off to get another box.

He comes home with a few bags of seafood and all the fixin’s to make Seafood Medley telling me to just sit back and relax while he does all the work.  In fact, he says, HE’S going to do all the dishes!  WOW!  22 years of marriage and this is the first time he’s ever cooked!   And I don’t think he’s EVER put a dish in the dishwasher!

So I go upstairs to finish some work I had waiting and I hear…”Jo!  Do we have biscuits?”  So I go downstairs and look and find them.

“Jo!  How do you preheat the oven?”

“Where’s the cookie sheet?”

“Can I use this pot?”

Up and down the stairs I go thinking how sweet he is to do this for me but feeling a little like Lucy Ricardo in the episode where she was pregnant and Fred and Ricky made breakfast for her.  It was exhausting, but bless his heart he really did a great job with the Seafood Medley!

I came down for my special dinner to find the table set with our good PURPLE (what passes for) china and a Coconut Cream Pie thawing on the counter for dessert!  Coconut is my favorite!

It was a lovely meal and afterward he actually did the dishes…ALL of them!  Not only did I have a great meal but no dishes in the sink afterward!  Hmmm!  You’re jealous about now aren’t ya!  He’s MINE!  ;D

I woke up this morning to find another surprise.  He saw that the dishwasher was full so he put the soap in and turned it on so they’d be done by morning!  What a guy!!!  I usually have to remind (read that BEG) him to turn it on and he will only do it if I put the soap in for him.

We had left over Seafood Medley tonight for dinner too.  So I didn’t have to make dinner tonight either!  What more could a gal ask for for her birthday?

Gotta go!  My son is at Theater practice and Ricky wants to have some coconut cream pie with Lucy.

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Humor in Communication

Since tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup podcast is about humor and we do a segment that is a parody of I Love Lucy (I Love Language) I thought I’d post this clip from one of the Lucy shows where Lucy tries to communicate with her mother in law.

It can be pretty funny to communicate when you don’t speak the same language.  I know because my MIL is from Mexico!  She does understand English fairly well and I understand Spanish a bit but neither of us speaks the other’s language.  This makes for some pretty funny miscommunication and we play a little charades as well!

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I Love Lucy: English Pronunciation

This is one of my favorite episodes of I Love Lucy.  Since this Thursday’s Grace Talk Soup is on the cultural differences in communication, I thought it’d be fun to post this segment of I Love Lucy where Lucy is trying to convince Ricky that his Cuban accent doesn’t afford him the ability to speak “Correct English”.  I especially love the part where he can’t figure out how to pronounce the different English words that all end in “ough”.

English is a funny language and even Americans have a “tough” time of it!  Or is that a “too” time of it?  LOL

Do you have a funny cultural communication story you’d like to share?  Come on the show on Thursday 8-9am PST and tell it!  Or just post it right here and we may read it on the air!

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Why aren't some words words?

dunce-award-2001Why are some words not words you ever hear used?  In fact, if you use them, you have a good chance of being perceived as unintelligent.

If unbelievable means NOT believable and unimaginable means NOT imaginable, then uncouth means NOT couth.  But couth isn’t a word that is ever used.  The dictionary describes “uncouth” as strange, clumsy, lacking in polish and grace, so “couth” would be the opposite of uncouth.  And if you look in the dictionary, you will find this to be the case.  But nobody ever uses it, well…almost nobody:

“You can get yus’ as couth as you wan’ as long as it doesn’ cos’ me any money!”-Ricky Ricardo, I Love Lucy

Isn’t it strange that we can be thought inarticulate by using words correctly?  I often teach my students that it is often more important to “speak good” in order to be clear than it is to speak correctly and be thought a fool.ahhhh-2001

If we speak in the tongues of men and of the learned but have confused our listeners we are as a clanging cymbal.  Often we must choose between what is correct and what will gain the desired response and it can be a tricky choice.  Sometimes I choose to reword my entire sentence in order to be grammatically correct without using the confusing word or phrase. Other times I decide to say the incorrect thing so that I will be understood by most of my audience even if it might cause apoplectic fits of indignation from a few.

“From whom did you receive that tidbit of auspicious news?”

Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of Grace Talk Soup where my co host and I will be discussing this issue in some depth.  Until then, this is Lucy Linguist signing off until our next episode of I Love Language!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

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