HSLDA Recomends Art of Eloquence Studies!

The other day my friend, editor and co host, Carla Ives, called to tell me that she just read HSLDA’s Weekly Update and found that they had recommended two of Art of Eloquence’s speech communication studies!

“3. Public Speaking for High Schoolers

Good public speaking skills are essential for your teen. Family, friends, and neighbors make great audiences, and your teen will be more motivated to do his best when he knows others will benefit from his presentation. “

“For help in teaching public speaking see these other resources:

‘Say What You Mean for Teens’


‘Know Your Audience’


I had received their update, but had not yet read it!  What an honor to have an organization like the Home School Legal Defense Association recommend my speech communication studies!

Art of Eloquence has been so blessed to have received such positive feedback over the years and from some major homeschooling organizations like The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

I think our studies have resonated with so many because speech communication skills can be so initmidating for shy kids or seem boring to others.  I was a painfully shy child and the only way you could get me to study speech communication was at gunpoint!  So while studying the subject in college, I discovered that, if it is presented in a fun way, even SPEECH can be a fun course to take!

Communication skills are something the Lord talks about hundreds of times in His Word.  It’s a vital subject for every day life with family as well as in our careers.  If you would like to see what all the FUN’s about, check out our full line of creative Christian-based, speech communication studies as well as all our free resources at Art of Eloquence.com.

Even shy children love our speech course!

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