Homeschool Question#4 "Do you KNOW anything?"

Today is Memorial Day so I’d like to start off by saying thank you to all our military and their families and to honor all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free!

The last Monday of the month is usually reserved for your comments and questions.  This Monday is a bit different in that I’m going to focus on the one question I have received over the years from homeschoolers.  It fits right in with my “A Question of Homeschooling” series of articles so this week I’d like to help homeschoolers answer the question, “Do you KNOW anything?”

One of the issues homeschoolers have to deal with is the random quizzing of our children and the questions that reflect their ‘concern’ that our children aren’t really learning anything.  I remember walking through the store or a park when someone found out we homeschooled.  Turning to my dd, they began asking her a series of questions…

“What’s 12 x 12?”

“Name the capital of Venezuela?”

“When did World War II begin?”

“Explain the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?”

“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?”

My dd was able to answer all of the questions folks flung at her, but she often felt like she was a contestant on Jeopardy!  It gave her some amount of stress, especially when she was young.  It can be a little unnerving for the parent as well.  You stand there wondering how long you should let this go on before you say something.  And what do you say?  “Stop quizzing my kid, she’s not a performing monkey!”

I usually would allow a question or two and then cut it short saying we had to go.  Sometimes the Quiz Master would make a comment to imply she wasn’t able to handle the interrogation, er… I mean, conversation.   Then I felt it  appropriate (read that justified) to quip, “Well, if she’d known there was a test today, she would have studied.”

Once a man began quizzing my son in the same way.  He didn’t want to let it go and made some comment which, in essence, spoke of my son’s inferior education.  I explained to him that, though my son spoke quite well, he was only in the second grade!

I have never understood the need to quiz my children. I doubt very much anyone has ever quizzed public schooled children this way!  Can you imagine the look on the parent’s face if a man had said, “Oh, you’re in public school?  What’s the capital of Venezuela?”   When I run into someone who feels the need to do this and he is not satisfied with one of my previous answers, I have taken a few minutes to point this out along with the fact that studies show that homeschooled students consistently score higher academically than public or private schooled students.

What’s important is to try to do this with as little indignation as possible.  I know it’s easier said than done when your children have been called ignorant to their face, but do try.  If you don’t, you run the risk of appearing wounded and that gives him more ammunition for future homeschoolers he encounters. (He could take this as, “The truth hurts, eh, Mrs. Homeschooler!)

Lastly, it is important to talk with your children about the encounter to assure they don’t feel belittled by this man.  Their self-esteem is important and one little careless remark by a stranger can have a big impact on a child.

Now, you may be wondering about the question which titles today’s article and you can’t believe anyone would say such a thing to a child.  I’ll tell you the story as it was relayed to me by my dd’s friend.  Apparently she was at a family event (I think she was about 13 at the time) when an older man (friend of a family member) started a conversation with her and found she was homeschooled all her life.  He looked at her and replied, “Well, do you KNOW anything?

When someone asks if my kids ‘know anything’ or imply that I am an easy teacher because I’m my kids’ mom, I relate a story of my own.  My children are gifted.  When I brought my dd home from private school in the 5th grade, she was used to being the smartest one in the class. So much so that her teachers never made her prove it.  They often took less than her best work and praised her for it.  I made her do her best.  I insisted on it.  Though she read on an adult level by the 3rd grade and spoke like a 45 y/o when she was 6, she wrote like a first grader in the fifth grade!  I made her rewrite her papers…several times!!  In the first year of homeschool, my dd made up a chant for me called “Mean Mommy.”  There was a clap and a dance that went with it.  She taught it to her brother and they’d both run around the house chanting, “Mean Mommy” (clap clap) “Mean Mommy!”  (clap clap).

After my dd was accepted to Vanderbilt University, I asked her about Mean Mommy.  She said she was grateful for Mean Mommy today!  So I guess she does know something!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and and hosting her weekly podcast, Communication Comedy Network.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

Stay tuned next Monday for more in my article series, “A Question of Homeschooling” when I will share another answer to a typical question homeschoolers are asked.

If you have a question you are frequently asked and would like me to include it in my blog series, please post a comment here or email me at jojo @

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A Question of Homeschooling

For the next few weeks, I’m going to post a series of articles answering the typical questions homeschoolers are asked.  Each Monday, I’ll post answers to questions about socialization, college prep, and extra curricular events.   I’ll also deal with how to handle things when your children are grilled by folks who wonder, (as one anti homeschooler put it) “Does she KNOW anything?”

I’ve been homeschooling for over ten years.  I have taught every grade level and even graduated one student who went on to an elite university.  My children and I have been asked every homeschooling question in the book, but this week I’m going to begin at the beginning.

Why?  Why do you homeschool?  Why did you decide to homeschool? It’s a very common question asked by many people for various reasons.  You may think it has a simple answer, but you’d be wrong.  How many times have you been asked a seemingly simple question only to find the answer isn’t so simple?

Folks often ask me where I’m from.  Seems simple enough, but my life is not simple.  I often look for the reason they are asking.  Here’s what I mean.  If you are asking where I live, I’m from Arizona.  If you are asking where I just moved from, I’m from California.  If you are asking where particularly I lived in California, I’m from Southern California.  However, if you are asking where I grew up, I’m from New York.  (Spent most of my growing up years in New York.)  If you’re asking where I was born.  Then I’m from Colorado.  What if you are asking my heritage?  Well, then I’m primarily from Russia.  Perhaps you’re just looking to find out what department I came from in the store.  In that case, I usually am from the purse department! LOL

There are four basic reasons people ask why we homeschool and the best answer is going to depend largely on your ability to discern.

1. Public school parents who ask why I decided to homeschool may genuinely want to know, but they also fear feeling like homeschoolers think they are bad mothers because they don’t homeschool.  It’s important not to overwhelm them with all the statistics about how “homeschooling is so much better than public school” and how you “wouldn’t have it any other way.”  You don’t want to condemn someone for their educational choices just as we homeschoolers don’t want to be condemned for ours.

It’s best just to give a short answer with one of the reasons and leave it at that.  If they ask more about it, you know they really want to hear more, but again, you don’t want to make it sound as if you think any less of them because they DON’T homeschool.  Each of us makes the choices we do according to what works for our family.  I know some homeschoolers who only homeschool one of their children and some who homeschool all but one.  I know some who have homeschooled all the way through and some who just started when their son was in Jr High.

I usually say something like, “We wanted to give her more individual attention and tailor the subjects to suit her needs.”

2. Public school teachers who ask are usually asking because they don’t approve of homeschooling.  They are often upset that their school won’t get the public funds and that so many homeschoolers put down public education.  I usually tell them that we started off as sort of an experiment to give her more one on one education and then revisited the idea each year.  I let them know that we were apprehensive when we began which tells them that I understand their apprehension now.  I add that it just “worked for us” which tells them that I would understand that it might not work for others and so don’t condemn anyone else’s educational choices.  If they do become defensive, I may add that my sister’s kids are in public school and they are very happy there and doing well.

3. Someone interested in homeschooling usually asks because they are interested, but cannot understand how it might work for them.  I usually find it best to tell them a bit more of the story.  I share how we had moved into a home where the previous owners were homeschoolers.  With my dd going into the 5th grade of a private Christian school, my dh asked me to “look into homeschooling” as an alternative to the expense for private school.  I relate how I talked to as many people as I could and reported back to my dh that I wanted to give it a try, but he said “Whoa!  I only asked you to check it out!”  Then I follow up with how we decided to try it for a year to see how it worked and we never left it.  This allows the person to understand that it was something we, too, had difficulty with and that if we can do it, they might want to look into it too.

4. Someone who is openly anti-homeschool usually asks in order to show me up.  What they are actually saying is, “How could you ruin your kids like this!”  I actually had many in my family ask me this because my dd was so bright and doing quite well in private school.  I used to just say that it’s worked pretty well for us and leave it at that.  However, since I graduated my dd two years ago, my answer has changed slightly.  I usually tell them that I guess I didn’t do too badly.  My dd is in her second year at Vanderbilt University!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and and hosting her weekly podcast, Communication Comedy Network.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

Stay tuned next Monday for more in my article series, “A Question of Homeschooling” when I will share another answer to a typical question homeschoolers are asked.

If you have a question you are frequently asked and would like me to include it in my blog series, please post a comment here or email me at jojo @

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Free Leadership Seminar

I have a very special treat for my homeschool friends this week!  The authors of the brand new book, One By One: The Homeschool Group Leader’s Guide to Motivating Your Members, are joining me for a free seminar this Wednesday and YOU’RE INVITED!    Kristen and Denise have a great deal to share about topics all homeschool group and co op leaders share.

Ever wonder how to motivate your teens?  How to avoid burnout?  How to communicate in a way that gets positive results in your homeschool group or co op?  Well, the Wednesday at 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST you will get all your answers and MORE!

Come join us! The live event is free!

When: Wednesday, March 10th
Time: 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST
How to join via your computer:
How to join via phone: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

SPECIAL NOTE: Do mark your calendars to attend the live seminar.  Space is limited and this session will NOT be available to the general public as an audio afterward!

Take advantage of the collective experience we have and learn how you can regroup and rejuvenate your homeschool group experience!

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Homeschool Leadership Seminar Coming March 10th!

Homeschool Group Leader Workshop
03/10/2010 12:30 pm PST/3:30pm EST

Join JoJo Tabares author of “Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership” and her co-hosts Kristen Fagala and Denise Hyde authors of “One By One: A Homeschool Group Leader’s Guide to Motivating Your Members” as we discuss how homeschool group leaders can lead more effectively with less stress and get more participation!

  • Why motivation is a huge part of successful leadership
  • What leadership is . . . (relationship)
  • Three burning questions every leader must ask
  • Questions leaders have asked us: how to avoid burnout, how to get people to show up, how to get more volunteers
  • Tips on motivating teens
  • Why we need leadership skills
  • What a leader isn’t
  • 16 Biblical qualities of a leader
  • Why a leader needs: effective communication skills

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 10th, at 3:30pm EST/12:30pm PST.  Here’s how to join in the call:

Listen via your computer:
Or call in via phone: (724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

Or you can sign up for a free TalkShoe account so you can join the chatroom while you listen in!

Do mark your calendars to attend because space is limited and this session will NOT be available to the general public as an audio afterward!

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The Language of Leadership Now Available!

SWMLL 4001 Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership is finally   here!

Leadership is all the buzz right now, but leadership is so much more than power or charisma.  Leadership, Godly Leadership, true leadership, is so much more than that!

Leaders are not just politicians. Leaders are not just heads of companies.

* Parents need leadership skills.

*Those in charge of church projects need leadership skills.

* Any business owner and any employee who desires to get ahead needs leadership skills.

* Those in the MLM, Direct Sales or Network Marketing business need leadership skills.

* And those wishing to fulfull The Great Commission need leadership skills.

The Language of Leadership is an 18 week course where you will gain inspiration.  If you feel, as many great leaders have,  unprepared for the mission He has you on,  The Language of Leadership will teach you…

* Why we need leadership skills

* What a leader isn’t

* 16 Biblical qualities of a leader

* Why a leader needs effective communication skills

* What a leader looks like

* How to package yourself as a leader

* Powerful leadership words/speech

* and so much more!

It’s available as an eBook packed with tips and embedded links for further resources and as an online course available to ANYONE who resides in your home for NO EXTRA CHARGE!

It makes a fabulous homeschool study, the perfect course for adults of any age no matter what type of leadership they are destined for.  AND it is easily used for Co op classes where you can teach for less because you don’t need a teacher’s handbook, a test manual or even to purchase a different study for each individual student!  Just purchase a small license fee of $10 per 10 extra students!

Click here to find out more about this long awaited study and online course!

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JoJo’s FUNschooling at the Ultimate Homeschool Expo!

I think this is my 3rd year speaking at Cindy Rushton’s Ultimate Homeschool Expo!  She puts on a fabulous event! This is Preview Week for the UHSE and Cindy is having some of her speakers on to share even more fun with her listeners!

Come join me this afternoon 11am PST/1pm CST for my seminar on FUNschooling!  Here are the details:

with JoJo Tabares

Call-in (Call in on your phone, cell-phone, or SKYPE):
(347) 205-9175

Join Us Live Online:

And get ready for some FUN!

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