Excerpts from the English/Techanese Dictionary

For those of you following the latest in the Terrible Techie Trouble Saga, I want to give you the benefit of my experience in trying to speak Techanese: the language of the computer.  Here are some Techanese terms and their English definitions:

Techanese: Windows detected a hard drive problem. 

Translation: We have no idea what the problem is, but YOU’D better find out quick!

Techanese: Microsoft Word has encounted a problem and must shut down.

Translation: We have no idea what the problem is, but you can’t use Word right now!

Techanese: Memory is low, please restart your computer.

Translation: We know exactly what the problem is, but you’ll never be able to fix it this way!

Techanese: Warning!  A critical error has ocurred.  SoquelMPQ MSNBC MOUSE 123 Dosey Doe Here We Go!

Translation: We know exactly what the problem is and you’ll never figure it out!  Bwahaahaaahaaa!

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