Word of the Week: puerile

Puerile: pu·er·ile adj \ˈpyu̇(-ə)r-əl

1 juvenile

2 childish, silly <puerile remarks>

I told the teenagers that such puerile behavior would not be tolerated during the ceremony

First Known Use: 1652

I’m 49 years old, but I’ve never lost my sense of silly.  In fact, when I get frustrated, my silly takes on a life of it’s own.  Said silliness happened last week whilst Gundar, my technology gremlin, was on my last nerve.  This was the result.

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Communication Skills in the news: Herman Cain

Don’t look now, but Gundar, our own personal Technology Gremlin, hasn’t been as busy here at Art of Eloquence the last few days.  Yes, we still have some computer issues, but our newly redesigned website and shopping cart are working just fine.  That gave us some time to start thinking about the kinds of information (and FUN) we’d like to have for you in 2012.

You’re going to start seeing some changes right here on the AoE Blog and also in our newsletter beginning this week!  We’re bringing back some old favorites (categories)…with a twist!

Mailbag Mondays start back up again today and will feature thngs like my commentary on the communication skills of a political figure or entertainer, my take on a recent social event or issue, some of the questions our customers ask most and reports of communication trends or innovations that affect how we communicate with one another.

Another feature we are bringing back is Word Wednesdays.  This category will include obscure words, vocabulary issues, how words have changed over the years, new terms emerging with technological advances and how the media and the politically correct have purposefully acted to change the meanings of certain words in order to fit their agenda.

Today’s Mailbag Monday report is on Herman Cain.

I was incredibly impressed with Herman Cain’s speech to the media directly answering the allegations against him by these women who recently came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.  He was direct, clear and quite articulate in answering the issues. Cain addressed each of the issues the public might have been concerned about and he did it with conviction and sincerity.

The strongest issues he addressed during his speech were 1) the complete lack of evidence and 2) the fact that some of his accusers were unnamed and that some of the informants were unidentified.  3) In addition, he said what many of his supporters were thinking-that this type of unfounded accusation only serves to distract from the message and 4) that the media had a duty to uncover the facts.  5) At a time when many Americans are tired of the same old political rhetoric, Herman Cain doesn’t speak like a politician; he presents himself well and speaks plain English directly responding to the issues without skirting them.   6) Lastly, he assured the American people that he was strong enough to deal with issues like these and that he had even expected them.

This particular speech as well as others I have heard, reflect a strong leader who is prepared for the reality of public office.   Herman Cain presents himself as an honest, likeable man who isn’t running for the highest office in the land for the power, but for the country.  He comes across as a fresh alternative to politics as usual with some sound ideas for America’s future.   I think this was a smart move for Cain and will go a long way in helping him to put these issues to rest allowing him to move forward with his message.

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What I learned talking to my computer

Gundar, our personal Technology Gremlin, has been instrumental in successfully keeping me from communicating effectively with my computer.  I’ve tried reasoning with it, yelling at it and threatening it with bodily harm.   I even tried sweet-talking it, but here’s what I’ve learned so far about communcating with your computer:

1. Doing one successful thing one time doesn’t mean it will work the next time.

2. Doing one thing succesfully one thousand successive times doesn’t mean it will work the next time.

3. Software MUST be kept up to date.

4.  Beware of software updates!

5. Not updating your software is BAD.

6. Updating your software may be WORSE.

6. If you configure things correctly, don’t assume it will WORK correctly.

7. If you configure things incorrectly and they work, don’t assume it will stay that way.

8. If you configure things correctly once, don’t assume you will do so again by configuring EXACTLY the same way!

9. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

10. If it is broke, you should have fixed it!

11. If it is broke and you already fixed it, fix it again.

12. If it is broke and you fix it again, nothing will change!

13. If it is broke and you fix it and nothing changed, something will change later after you forgot what it was you did to fix it again in the first place…or was that the second place?

Join me on Friday when I’ll be sharing from the English/Techanese handbook!

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