Wright the Wrongs

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Wright” the Wrongs in this paragraph. How many grammar/spelling mistakes can you find?

Their once was a lady who would only ware purple.  She had many clothings, but they just hang in the clause it because they where grean or reed.  One day, she decided to die them all violent so she wood be able two ware then.  Little by little, dipped them all in the purple buck it until all of then where the proper color.  She wasn’t happy until every dress and skirt, every pare of pants and shorts, and every socks and shews were purple.  Finally, she even died her hare purple!  And she lived appley every after.

This is a great exercise for your children as well.  Have them look the paragraph over and post what they find. No looking at what others have posted now! LOL  Post your findings as a comment to this blog post.  Let’s see how clever you all are!

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Birthday Bash Contest#3: WriteShop

It’s Birthday Bash Time and you know what that means!  Time for our Facebook fan page party with free gifts and, of course, our contests where you can win free prizes like this one!

From WriteShop

WriteShop Level 1 Fold-N-Go® Grammar Pack ($19.95 value) – International winners will receive the e-book version ($11.95 value)

Hands-on introduction to grammar rules and essential writing skills. Make 10 colorful, lapbook-style folders, each devoted to a different skill such as Punctuation, Self-Editing, Nouns, and References and watch grammar become your child’s favorite subject! Ages 8-11.

(Two winners will be chosen)


TO ENTER THIS CONTEST: to win a copy of WriteShop Level 1 Fold-N-Go Grammar Pack, post a comment on this blog post with the name of the Art of Eloquence study you learned the most from or hope to in the future and why.

Winner will be selected from among the correct answers and announced by November 8th. Winner must have a valid email address and has two days to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen.

*NOTE: Check out all our other contests and our Facebook Party on our Birthday Bash Page!


Congratulations to our two winners:

Ambre and Rebecca K.!

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Effective Email (Part 4)

So far, I’ve talked about the importance of choosing a good email address, your subject line and given you some tips for a more effective body of text.  Here are the last five tips to help you form a more effective body of email.

6. Check spelling and grammar
This section may not be as critical when you are emailing a friend, but if even when emailing your best friend, spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes can result in miscommunication and hurt feelings:  “Ill meet you at 7 am not coming at 8”   Does she mean she’s meeting me at 7am because she is not coming at 8am or does she mean she’s ill and not coming at 8am but will meet me at 7am. Or does she mean that she is meeting me at 7 (pm) and saying “I am not coming at 8(pm)”?

7. Short emails are best
Most people don’t like to read long copy on the computer.  Short emails are usually best not only so that you will keep your recipient’s interest but so that there is less of an opportunity to be misunderstood.  The more involved or complicated an email, the more chance for it to be misinterpreted.

Too Wordy: “I was thinking about this the other day and wondering if w shouldn’t make a more convenient time for all of us to get together for the sales meeting but then I thought it should be after Christmas because some of us might be on vacation during that time of the year. We should be able to get together in January but I might have some work done on my house and you know how that can go so maybe we should make it February or even March but then that might be too late in the year unless you all think it can wait that long. What do you think would be a good month?”

Better: “It might be too difficult to get together over the Christmas holiday. When would you prefer to get together for this year’s sales meeting?”

8. But don’t be so brief that your message is vague
Be succinct, but do give enough information for your receiver to understand your meaning.  When replying to Yahoo group posts, I notice many will keep all the previous replies.  Others will delete all of them leaving no clue as to the question they are answering.  Be as brief as you can without obscuring the purpose of the reply.

Too Brief: “March 2nd”

Better: “I’d like to take my vacation the week of March 2nd.”

9. Paragraphs and Bullet Points
Even when emailing a friend, it’s always better to create breaks in your thought process so that it is easier for people to scan your email.  Many email readers are scanners.  They will scan the email for keywords before reading the parts they are interested in.  Some will scan and never read the email.  Scanners don’t read full emails. They can get distracted and overwhelmed by too many words on a screen.  Break up your email into paragraphs or bullet points making it easier for scanners to discern what message your email contains.

10. If a phone call is possible, do so
If your email is going to require several pages of detailed instruction or thoughts, it might be better just to pick up the phone and have a five minute discussion.  In fact, I will usually pick up the phone if at all possible as a first resort and not the last!  Phone conversations rate much higher on the interpretation meter because not only does your receiver have your words to help them decode your message, but they also have your tone of voice, and the ability to question in real time if they do not understand.  What’s more, YOU have the ability to hear their voice and discern if they are having a hard time understanding what you are saying or if they flat out misunderstood you.  This gives you the ability to correct any misunderstandings before they become full-fledged arguments!

You can’t do without email these days so it behooves us to be as efficient as possible when using this method of communication.  These few tips can help you avoid common interpretation issues and save you time and trouble as well as friendships and business problems!

Stay tuned next week for part five of my series on signature lines!

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Does *Speling* and *Badly* Grammar Count?

This month we’ve been talking about the deadly communication sins of advertising from my article, “The 12 Deadly Communication Sins of Advertising.”  What a coinkydink, eh?  Today I’d like to talk about:

*Badly* Grammar and *Speling*
The written word has always required proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, but in recent years, email has become an accepted form of communication with our customers. Email is generally a more informal communication prone to incomplete sentences, abbreviations and typos. These are all generally accepted as appropriate among friends and co workers, not, however, for customers! Misspellings, typos and bad grammar all tell our customers that we don’t take the time to do things properly. Done too often, it can make a message almost unintelligible!

One of the most basic mistakes I see is not creating paragraphs. Nobody wants to read one long run-on sentence. When the eye sees a two page sentence, it sends a message to the fingers to hit that happy delete button. Skip lines between thoughts to make it easier for your customers to follow you. You don’t even need to indent anymore. It is perfectly acceptable these days.

I know several people who cringe when they see words *speled* incorrectly or encounter *badly* grammar.  It just sort of *ribs* them the wrong way.  My dh is one of those who will discount anything riddled with *spilling erors* as he says it “insults his intelligence.”  To me, it just calls into question the quality of their product when the don’t take the time to *profreed* or even notice that they need to *take take* out duplicate *wards.*

What about you?  Does *baad splelling* and grammar count with you?  *Dose* it bother you if someone sends you an email filled with *tapos” and “erorrs?*  Or do you *ovrlok* such things?


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: for More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Two Persons or More?

I grew up, as many of you, learning my plurals:  One pickle.  Two pickles.  One man.  Two men.  One mountain lion. Two mountain lions. One person.  Two people.  So it bugs me when I see road signs in the carpool lane that say, “Two Persons or more”

Can you imagine your 2nd grade teacher’s response to, “I want to invite six persons to my birthday party.”   Do you think your boss might question your education if you suggested, “I just emailed 642 persons the details for our next business luncheon.”

So is it incorrect grammar to say ‘persons’ or just poor spelling?  Actually it’s neither!  According to my research including this article, the word persons was the original plural of person.  People was a word derived from the Latin word populum meaning populace.  There is evidence that from the time of Chaucer, they began to refer to the plural of person as people and so every child now learns that he has 5 people in his family.

This brings me to an important communication question.  Is it always effective to speak correctly?  My answer is no!  Let’s say your purpose for this particular conversation with a friend is to persuade him of your ideas.  Using a word which may be grammatically correct ,but not popularly used, may actually distract him from what you are saying.  It may even unconsciously convince him that you are uneducated and uninformed.

This is one of the reasons I say it’s important to “Know Your Audience.”   If you know that the persons to whom you are speaking are in the habit of using grammatically correct English despite the popular view, it would behoove you to follow suit.

For more creative and fun communication tidbits, visit Art of Eloquence.com!

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