Grace Talk Soup’s Economic Stimulus Package!

Yesterday was one of our most amazing shows on Grace Talk Soup to date!  We gave away a TON of great information on How to Get a Job in Today’s Tough Market:

* How traditional methods of finding a job don’t work in today’s market

* Creative ideas for finding a job today

* How to write your resume even if you’ve been out of work for “motherhood” a long while

* How to prepare for the interview

Then we gave our own version of an Economic Stimulus Package:

The Grace Talk Soup Economic Stimulus Package includes opportunities for job seekers to have their resume’s proofread by Carla Ives (AKA Ethel the Editor) for only $10 and JoJo’s (AKA Lucy Linguist) Say What You Mean on a Job Interview for only $4.98

Once you know how to successfully find a job in today’s market, have a stellar resume’ and are prepared to confidently interview for the position, YOUR economy will be stimulated!

To get your resume proofed by a veteran editor of the highest caliber for only $10, contact Carla Ives at

To purchase Say What You Mean on a Job Interview for only $4.98, click here to order as usual, put in voucher code 404095050 when prompted and put GTS in the Special Instructions section.  It will automatically take 50% off your order!

The Grace Talk Soup Economic Stimulus Package offer is good for JUST THIS WEEK!  So hurry to take advantage before it’s too late! Help an unemployed friend and buy it for him! It’s a great gift for such a small fee!

This week’s Grace Talk Soup CONTEST:

We are even offering a great contest this week!  Help us get the word out about Grace Talk Soup and you could win a free Say What You Mean on a Job Interview FREE!

Post the link to Grace Talk Soup on your blog, newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo group or friends and let them to how valuable the show is!  Then just email us with the link to where you promoted the show or where you did so, and each entry gets you one more chance to win!  Entries must be sent to  before Wednesday night to enter. The more you promote the show the more chances you have to WIN!

Grace Talk Soup airs each Thursday 8am PST/11am EST here:

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Enter our contest for a chance to win!


Did you enter our contest yet this week?  It’s easy!  Just leave us a comment on the Grace Talk Soup podcast site with your comments, feedback or suggestions (topics you want to see covered on future shows) and we will be picking one at random this week prior to Thursday’s show to be our winner!

How to enter:

Scroll down to where the talk bubbles are to rate the show and underneath where it says “Write a full comment?”  Click there to leave your feedback or show topic suggestion.

How to see if you are a winner:

Listen to the show on Thursday to hear if your name is called and how to claim your prize!  Our winner will have 48 hours to claim the prize!

What you could win this week:


FIMMology 101: The study of the humorous sins of our mouths!  Staring FIMM: Foot in Mouth Man and his most hilarious misadventures.

FIMM is a bumbling communicator who sticks his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete’s Tongue!  This is a creative and fun study for all ages and a great discussion starter with younger children about communication!

Each episode is packed with humor and fun and illustrates an important communication skill!

Grace Talk Soup’s new segment “I Love Language” stars Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST!

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Dr. Seuss Meets Lucy and Ethel

In honor of our guests tomorrow who wrote an enormously funny and poignant Dr. Seuss like poem about the CPSIA law we will be discussing, Ethel and I wrote a poem about our new segment, “I Love Language” on Grace Talk Soup.  Here is only an excerpt. You’ll have to tune in tomorrow to hear the rest!  But you’ll really want to hear their poem and why this law is so confusing and dangerous.

Lucy and Ethel loved language and so
they decided to teach on a humorous show
how to say what you mean and mean what you say
and edit your words in an eloquent way!

WANT MORE?  Stay tuned to…


Grace Talk Soup’s new segment “I Love Language” stars Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST!

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New Articles! New Show! New Study!

Happy Thursday Communication FUNdamentals readers!  Writing your blog posts ahead of time gives new meaning to the phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” cuz here I am on Monday writing as if it’s Thursday.  I have one toe in the future contemplating my newest gray hair!  As if I wasn’t getting old fast enough on my own…!  ROFL

writingFor months I’ve been telling you that I’m going to be adding some new articles to the Art of Eloquence site.  You probably thought this day would never come but here it is!  How did this happen you ask?  Well, to be perfectly candid, I’m supposed to be writing some new eBooks but I hit a wee bit of writer’s block and I’m playing hooky from it for a few minutes.  I spruced up some of my old Tuesday Tips articles that were buried under mounds of old blog posts and popped them up on Art of Eloquence.  Violin!…I mean, viola!

I have a few of them up there for you, but here’s one I thought would be very timely.  With everyone trying to figure out this Twitter and Facebook thing, I thought I would point out one of my new articles that might help you communicate more effectively on social networking sites that allow limited space:  How to Say What You Mean in 140 Characters or Less!

Another great and FREE resource is my internet radio show, Grace Talk Soup.  Today is the first day of our new format with my new cohost!  If you are reading this before 8am PST/11am EST, then jump right on over to the show!  Today’s topic is Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility.  If you are reading this after 9am PST/12pm EST, then jump right on over to the show!  LOL  And listen to the audio!  😀  The all new Grace Talk Soup stars Ethel the Editor and Lucy Linguist staring in “I Love Language”!  Don’t miss the fun each week!


FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths

Speaking of which…If you are into fun, I have a brand new communication study for you that you will just adore! FIMM is our resident mascot and MIScommunicator.  He sticks his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete’s Tongue!  He does so for your entertainment and education.  This is the most fun you could have studying communication skills.  Let Foot in Mouth Man illustrate the hilarious reasons why communication skills are so important and give you tips for more effective communication through reading the best of his 130 + MISadventures! Each episode is PACKED with communication lessons and discussion opportunities with your children!

It’s Thursday!  Do you know where your communication FUN is? Art of!

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Lucy Linguist & Ethel the Editor Star in "I Love Language"

gts-logo-thumbnailAre you confident that you are being understood when speaking to your child’s doctor?  Are you sure that they know exactly what you need when you finally get to the right menu option at your mortgage company?  Do you know why your small business isn’t going where you feel it should?  Is it possibly because you aren’t communicating skillfully and efficiently?

If it is . . . or if it even might be, you need to join us every Thursday morning on Grace Talk Soup for I Love Language, starring Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor.  Laugh along with these two crazy compadres of Communication FUNdamentals, one spoken and one written, while gaining valuable knowledge and important tips on improving your business, your family and your life, simply by refining your everyday communication skills.

WHEN:     Every Thursday, 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific Time
WHERE:  Talk Shoe, more specifically at
WHY?:      Because you cannot get through ONE DAY of your life without communicating something to someone!

Life is simply too precious to waste one more moment being misunderstood.  Learn how to say it and write it right the first time.  So if you are missing out because of miscommunication or not being taken seriously. . . or whether you simply love words, you will positively adore I Love Language every Thursday, same talk time, same talk channel!  Bring your kids, bring your husband, bring your friends.  Laugh and learn along with us!  We’ll be waiting for you on Grace Talk Soup.  You can join us on the phone, in the chat room or both!

Tomorrow’s topic is: Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility
To call in during the live show:
(724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Remember:  Life can get a little spicy sometimes.  Just add a generous helping of grace, a dash of humor and Enjoy the Grace Talk Soup!
Lucy Linguist (
Ethel the Editor (
Starring in “I Love Language” on Grace Talk Soup:

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Serving up a new co host at Grace Talk Soup!

For the last two years I have been “Boldly Serving Up God’s Word with a Side Order of Grace and Humor” over at Grace Talk Soup.  It’s been such fun and the feedback on the show has been truly amazing!  I have had the opportunity to interview the most inspiring guests!  Let me engage in a little name-dropping:

Stephen Kendrick, Co author of The Love Dare and Fireproof!

Pastor Bob Cushman, author of What if You Pray?

Lorrie Flem, publisher of TEACH Magazine

Bette Dowdell, author of How to Be a Christian without being Annoying

FIMM, Hear Foot in Mouth Man speak for the first time!

Capt’n Richie, Coma Survivor!

Cindy Rushton, of Talk A Latte and UHSE shares her testimony on air for the first time!

Cathi-Lyn Dyck, shares her story of the side effects of her abortion and what the Drs don’t tell you!

Bill Phillips, Street Evangelist in the news who was threatened with arrest as he shared the Gospel!

Next week marks Grace Talk Soup’s two year anniversary and I have BOLD NEWS to share!  In her third year, Grace Talk Soup will be serving up more communication tips and instruction and even more HUMOR because Grace Talk Soup will be serving up a bold new CO HOST!

Want to know who it is?  You’ll have to tune into the show today to find out!  How?

To join us live via your computer:

To join us live via your phone: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Grace Talk Soup is recorded live each Thursday at 8am PST/11am EST.  If you miss the show, you do miss the live interaction and the ability to voice your opinons and ask your questions BUT you can listen in any time you like to the recordings by visiting the talkcast, scrolling down to “Past Episodes” and clicking on the orange “listen” button next to the show that interests you.

Want some hints about my FUN new co host?  OK…

She’s a long-time dear friend that I have spoken of on Communication FUNdamentals a few times before.  In fact, I have blogged about her quite RECENTLY. (WINK WINK)

For those who may know her, she shares my passion for words, has an incredible sense of humor and a vast knowledge of history.  She’s actually been on the show before.  Can you guess?  If you have an idea, post it here!

If you want to hear her say a quick hello and hear more about the exciting changes we are planning for our listeners, tune in to Grace Talk Soup and hear what’s On the Menu this morning!

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Do you have an unusual testimony or ministry?

Then Grace Talk Soup is looking for YOU!   Do you have a unique testimony?  Did you lead someone to the Lord?  Do you have a ministry or mission in life that would be of interest to my listeners?  Contact me and tell me a bit about it!  I am looking to schedule guests for 2009.

Grace Talk Soup is where you can find me “Boldly Serving Up God’s Word with a Side Order of Grace and Humor” each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST.

I share news of importance to the Christian community as well as  tips on effective communication, especially where it relates to sharing and defending the Christian faith.   My guests share their testminony, ministry and their missions.  I also have Open Discussion shows on various topics of interest to the Christian community where you can come and share your thoughts and experiences.  A great way for you or your teens to hone your communication and public speaking skills!

Some of My Former Guests:

Stephen Kendrick, Co author of The Love Dare and Fireproof!

Pastor Bob Cushman, author of What if You Pray?

Lorrie Flem, publisher of TEACH Magazine

Bette Dowdell, author of How to Be a Christian without being Annoying

FIMM, Hear Foot in Mouth Man speak for the first time!

Capt’n Richie, Coma Survivor!

Cindy Rushton, of Talk A Latte and UHSE shares her testimony on air for the first time!

Cathi-Lyn Dyck, shares her story of the side effects of her abortion and what the Drs don’t tell you!

Bill Phillips, Street Evangelist in the news who was threatened with arrest as he shared the Gospel!

Open Discussion Topics coming up:

March 12th, Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility

Later this year: How Does God Speak to You?, Big Church or Small Church?, What is Grace?, The Language of Leadership, Christian Buzz Words, What is Your Communication Personality?, 21 Days to More Godly Communication, The Bible on Parenting, Marriage…

Come share YOUR unique story!

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