President Obama's Health Care Rhetoric is Telling

I’ve said this here on Communication FUNdamentals before.  President Obama is an accomplished speaker when he delivers a prepared speech.  However, when he speaks off the cuff, he tends to get a little flustered.  When answering or even anticipating tough questions, the President has been side tracked and even stuck his foot in his mouth.  In fact, there are several websites that are now tracking his miscommunication.

Though his health care bill has already passed, so many Americans are unhappy with it that the President feels the need to ‘sell it’ to the people after the fact.  According to several articles, President Obama has been talking in circles.  This article reports his record-setting run on sentence which I feel is very telling.

Here is an excerpt from a recent speech:

“A lot of people have asked, why is it you seem so calm?

And what I’ve tried to say often — and a lot of times this gets discounted in the press — is that the experience of having traveled throughout this country; having learned the stories of ordinary folks who are doing extraordinary things in their communities, in their neighborhoods; having met all the people who put so much energy and effort into our campaign; having seen the ups and downs and having seen how Washington was always the last to get what was going on, always the last to get the news — what that told me was that if we were willing to not do what was expedient, and not do what was convenient, and not try to govern based on the polls today or tomorrow or the next day, but rather based on a vision for how we can rebuild this country in a way that works for everybody — if we are focused on making sure that there are ladders of opportunity for people to continue to strive and achieve the American Dream and that that’s accessible to all, not just some — if we kept our eye on what sort of future do we want for our kids and our grandkids so that 20 years from now and 30 years from now people look back on this generation the way we look back on the Greatest Generation and say to ourselves, boy, they made some tough decisions, they got through some tough times, but, look, we now have a clean energy economy; look, our schools are revitalized; look, our health care system works for every single American — imagine how tough that was and how much resistance they met from the special interests, but they were still willing to do it — if that was how we governed, then I figure that the politics would take care of itself.”

When a person speaks in circles using run on sentences with convoluted and unclear thoughts, it is usually because they are not sure what to say.  I think the President is finding it difficult to sell this to the American people because he knows this is not what they wanted.  He’s always known.  There are no words to placate the American people after having gone against their will.

President Obama has been saying that the only reason the American people are upset with the health care bill was because they didn’t understand it.  That is now proving to be an incorrect assessment.  Nobody knew exactly what was in the bill.  Most of the politicians hadn’t read it before they voted on it!  However, I don’t believe it is the details of the bill that are in dispute between the people and the government.  It is the spirit of the bill and the outcome.

It is quite apparent that the President has no words to placate the people, not because they do not understand what it means, but precisely because they do.  Further, according to current surveys, it is not just the bill that they disagree with, but the way in which it was passed.  According to these surveys, this President campaigned on transparency in government, but the American people see back door deals and a complete disregard for freedom, the Constitution, and the will of the people.

What say you?

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I am a postal thief

In the category of “What’s Wrong with this Picture?”, I nominate the following bad example of government run programs:

It’s funny because I just got through remarking to my dh how much improved the US Postal Service has been in the last several years, but I had forgotten about the USPS website where you can “Click n Ship.”  I have had so many problems with their website not allowing me to sign on, not letting me ship internationally from the site, going down in the middle of a transaction, timing me out before I got all my labels printed…you name it!

The reason I forgot is because several months ago, when the government in it’s infinite insanity decided to penalize small business owners by requiring many of us to test each batch of product for lead and other things (see CPSIA laws), we had decided NOT to produce any more hard copy studies.  Postage had been going up several times a year too so it became a ridiculous juggling act to keep up with the hikes, let alone the ENORMOUS increase in postage prices for our international customers!

So I’m trying to ship two boxes of winter necessities to my college girl, who forgot them at home during the summer, when I can’t seem to find the particular Priority Mail box I have as one of the choices on their website.  They change things so often and their site is very difficult to navigate.  I could only find one box the shape of the one I have but the price doesn’t make sense to me.  I got out and back into their website about 3x to make sure it wasn’t some sort of website glitch, but that was the only one I found.  None of the other Priority Mail boxes are that shape so… I finished the transaction, paid, got a confirmation and printed the labels.  Off I ran to the local mail place to get these out to my poor dd who had been freezing prior to Labor Day.

Later that night, I received an email from the USPS website that said that the order was canceled and that the labels were not valid.  Well gee willakers, Uncle Sam, thanks for letting me know AFTER I dropped them off!… and you captured the money from my credit card!!  So I figured that as soon as they scanned the label, they would figure out it wasn’t valid, they would return it to me for insufficient postage.  (Still don’t know why the transaction was canceled but ours is not to reason why!)

A few days later I get a phone call from my dd who says the packages arrived!  WHAT?!!  I said, “Are they postage due?” and she said NO!  So, logically, I figured that they would take the money they captured from my credit card after all, right?  WRONG!  Yes the money is still captured, but here’s what the United States Post Office did instead:

They sent me two more emails the following day telling me that I owed them for the postage and accused me of  FRAUD!!!

“It is unlawful to intentionally use any label that has been voided or refunded to ship a package through the U.S. Postal Service, or to duplicate a label for reuse.”

THEY canceled the transaction…AFTER I had already received a confirmation and took it to be shipped!  THEY still had my money captured and now they want me to pay them again and are calling me UNLAWFUL?   I don’t think so!

I followed their instructions to pay for the postage AGAIN and I am waiting to see if they give me my other funds back.  I, then, wrote a formal complaint to the USPS.  I seriously doubt I’ll ever hear back from them and I am disinclined to use their website anymore.  I guess that’s why UPS is so popular.  I’d send them a free copy of my book, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business, but I doubt anyone would read it.

And they want to run health care?

A public service announcement from the folks at Art of

*NOTE* I am closing the comments on this blogpost due to HUNDREDS of SPAM messages I receive per day which are picking up on the SEO of these key words.

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The Articulate Twain on Government

“There is no distinctly native American criminal class…save Congress.” -Mark Twain

“The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.” -Mark Twain

“No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” -Mark Twain

“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself”. -Mark Twain

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” -Mark Twain

But as Will Rogers said, “I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.

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