The other day, while chatting with someone online, the topic of goal setting came up. She was surprised at how many different events Art of Eloquence held. If you’re new to Communication FUNdamentals, you may be wondering: we host a weekly podcast, put out a weekly newsletter, post a daily blog, hold an annual three-day online convention and write a monthly Foot in Mouth Man episode, just to name a few. However, what surprised her most was the fact that I said I never set goals.
I’ve heard so many say that you should set goals and work toward them. I haven’t the patience God gave a gnat so I’ve never been one to set goals. Seems like such a lengthy process to me. All that thinking and planning about what I should do, what might work and how it would work makes my head swim.
Folks have told me that I should make a list, put it up on my mirror and read it over three times a day to increase my belief that I can accomplish my goals. I’ll let you in on a little secret…I don’t have that much faith in my own abilities.
I don’t put my faith in myself. I don’t put my belief in my own abilities. I can’t. I’ve disappointed myself too many times. If this confuses you, you’re in good company and it confused her too. lol Let me explain. It’s not that I don’t have any faith or belief. It’s just that I choose to put my faith and belief in the one who is Almighty.
I’m just little old me. Five foot nothin’ with three, maybe four muscles tops! ROFL I have only the power the Lord chooses to give me, but the good news is…
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” -Philippians 4:13
In the last six years at Art of Eloquence, I have proven something time and time again. If I work hard toward a goal I think I should attain, it may not get accomplished. Yet each time I communicate with Him and ask what He wants me to do, things just fall into place even when I KNOW I cannot do it! God knew it too-which is why He sent others to help me accomplish it.
Often, when I seem to be struggling with a goal, it’s not because I haven’t written it down or repeated it each day or believed it could be accomplished or even worked it hard enough. It’s because the goal is not His. Each time the Lord has asked me to do something, He has given me the tools I needed to accomplish it.
His goals almost always come without writing them down, focusing on them or working hard to accomplish them. His goals always flow like manna from heaven which require only three things:
God’s Goal Setting Steps:
1. Pray to ask God what He wants you to do
2. Believe in the Lord
3. Thank God for what He provides!
Prayer is communication with the Father. For more communication tips, visit Art of!