Ms Pac Man on this week’s Friday Funnies!

If you’ve listened in to Grace Talk Soup in the last few weeks, you’ll know that my co host, editor and dear friend, Carla Ives, is going through a tough time right now.  Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and it’s already been a long haul for her family.  Ray, just went in for a proceedure that will tell them how far the cancer has spread and then they will be deciding on a treatment.

Carla has a fabulous sense of humor and a very active imagination.  She wrote one hilarious blog post about her feelings and I thought it would make a perfect Friday Funny for Communication FUNdamentals.  It is hysterical but it is also a testament to how God gets you through and how you can use communication as a means to help you heal.

Ray and Carla have been blogging about his cancer experience to help others who are going through a tough time whether it be health related or not.  Take a few minutes and read her post.  You will laugh and be inspired!


NOTE: A God thing!  I designed a graphic for the cancer cells that she beats up in her imagination.  Carla told me they look very much like what she pictured!

If you want to hear more from Carla, AKA Ethel the Editor, tune in to Grace Talk Soup Thursdays at 8am PST/11am EST.

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Dust is just God’s way of letting us know we’re NOT in charge

You are my DUSTiny!
By JoJo Tabares

Oh sweet DUSTiny of life at last you found me!
Yes my Swiffer is the one that made it so…

Everybody sing!

If you are like me, you have spent the last 22 years of your marriage shaking the dust off your… everything-all the while, understanding that… Resistance is futile!

Those dust particles are SERIOUS and they are especially fond of shiny black surfaces. You know, like the TV, VCR, DVD player, cable box, microwave oven, toaster, stovetop, oven door, coffee maker, dishwasher, and those little light fixtures with the tiny crevices were no dust rag has gone before!

It is our DUSTiny to dust because it’s a never ending process. I think dusting is really a communication from the Lord. He’s trying to tell us something.

Dust is God’s way of letting you know YOU’RE not in charge!

If you enjoy humor, you’ll LOVE our speech course!  No dry text here! Even shy kids LOVE this fun speech course!

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How not to explain MATH!

I have two Friday Funny videos for you this week!  I saw this first one when it was posted on Twitter.  It explains a very simple math problem that they say explains the Bail Out! ROFL

This next one is Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in a similar math explanation but in the old Abbott and Costello style.  Note the last frame where Lou hangs his hat on the chalk board.  ;D

Learning speech communication skills can ALSO be fun with Art of!

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40 Second Video Guaranteed to Make You Smile!

Despite the research and literally HUNDREDS of communication scriptures in the Bible, popular thinking tells us that communication isn’t a subject worth our attention.

Learning to be an effective communicator CAN be fun also…with Art of Eloquence!

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Foot in Mouth Marketing


Do you ever wonder if FIMM has infiltrated the marketing world?  Have you noticed recently how many newsletters, sales ads, cable TV commercials and products have gone out without benefit of a good editor?

There’s a funny that’s been making the internet rounds for years which shows you the power of the human mind to grasp the meaning of the written word even though certain letters are missing.

“Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.”

True though this may be, there is a big difference between being able to understand something and holding it in high esteem.

Current popular thinking tells us that “spelng” isn’t important, taking care not to words out doesn’t hurt your message any, editors are just high priced nitpickers, and who needs to learn to communicate effectively anyway?  After all, it’s YOUR problem if you don’t understand ME!

You all remember the controversy over 2 + 2 = 5 in public schools where teachers were told not to “damage a child’s self-esteem” or “stifle his creativity” by telling him he is…WRONG.  We all know that Johnny’s boss isn’t going to care about his creativity if his budget comes up short because $20k plus $20k isn’t $50k!  And Johnny’s self-esteem is going to take a big hit when he’s UNEMPLOYED!

The same holds true for how we communicate.  Words mean things and the words we use and the manner in which we use them is important.  This is true not only because we might not be understood, but because we might not make the impression we desire!

Consider the following examples of Foot in Mouth Marketing that should have been run past a good editor:

“Perishable.  Homemade Baby.  Keep Refrigerated.” (Box of baby food jars)

“Tastes like Grandma!  Homemade Jam” (I’m afraid to ask how they know!)

Another popular myth about communication is that all we need is our right to Free Speech and we’re ‘good to go’.  Everyone has the right to say whatever they wish; this is America!  What they don’t always understand is that those listening have the right to interpret it any way THEY like.

“The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.” -Hubert H. Humphrey

Consider these marketing tactics that leave a somewhat sour impression:

“Hitler Handkerchief Perfume” (Perhaps bringing it more current: Bin Ladden?)

“Great Value: 2 DVDs $6.99!” (Which ones? and Care Bears Share a Scare)

Everything we say and do (and everything we don’t say and don’t do) communicates something to someone.  It isn’t always just a matter of being understood.  Many times it’s a matter of making the impression you desire.

“Litercy Night! September 7, 2008” (Of course, if you can’t read, you might not know it isn’t worth it to attend!)

Here is a picture of an actual SAT study guide we found for my daughter last year.  Barron’s is a well-known company!  We didn’t buy it.  Can you guess why?


We do the same thing when we speak and our listeners interpret what we say and how we say it in order to formulate opinions about us and our credibility.  Being understood is only HALF the battle.  Making a good impression or being able to persuade or being taken seriously is the other!  That’s why it’s vital that we learn to become effective communicators.  That’s why I teach the Art of Eloquence.

By the way, if you need an excellent editor/proofreader.  I highly recommend Carla Ives from A Word Aptly Written.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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10 Signs Your Child Might Be Gifted

10 Signs Your Child Might Be Gifted:

1. He has a picture of Albert Einstein over his crib.

2. He teaches himself to read at the age of two using DVD subtitles and video games.

3. He prefers Jeopardy over Cartoons at age 4.

4. At six he has a nasty habit of correcting mom’s spelling.

5. He points out that studies show that forced napping can, in fact, be hazardous to one’s psyche!

6. He reads the dictionary for FUN!

7. He postulates the meaning of life for five hours, but cannot sit still for five minutes in order to eat!

8. He can spend hours on the internet pondering the answer to life’s questions, but he can’t figure out how to put away his toys.

9. He understands the effect of too much sugar on the body, but decides to take his chances with the candy bar due to the fact that he found several flaws in the research.

10. As a teen, he says he knows more than you about just about anything and …well, by now he probably does!

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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Dr. Seuss Meets the CPSIA!

I have been blogging about the Child Protection Safety Initiative Act for a few months now.  It went into effect under cover of darkness and was supposedly designed to protect our children from lead poisoning which was a real concern born out of the state of toy making in China.  It blossomed as UNTHINKING legislators threw law together with the intent only to make themselves look like they were actually doing something about the problem.

However, instead of requiring testing from toys coming from China or other foreign countries, the law requires every product manufactured for children 12 and under to go through rigorous and expensive testing in order to be compliant.  This included things that were never known to contain lead or other harmful elements like clothing and books.  In fact, originally, it required testing of each lot.  So if you were a used clothing store, you would have to test each individual garment in order to be compliant!

Fortunately, most THINKING people knew this was bad law which would put many small businesses OUT of business and they have been successful in getting many exceptions added to the law.  It is impossible for them to enforce anyway, but it may take several years before it is all ironed out.  You see, instead of just scrapping the bad law and rewriting it in a less confusing and restrictive way, they will do what most politicians do and throw lots more words at the law and hope that the good words will cancel out the bad words and,  in the end, the ones that stick will make sense!

The Lord put a great deal of creativity in the hearts of His children and when they are justifiably outraged, they can be quite creatively humorous.  Currently there are a few YouTube videos dealing with this issue.  One is of a Faux Senator who explains how difficult his job is NOT to read all the laws that come to him for his signature each week.

And then there is this adorable social commentary by Heather Idoni of Homeschooler’s Notebook.  She and a friend wrote Dr. Seuss Meets the CPSIA.  They have also issued a challenge to all you creative writers out there who love Dr. Seuss to come up with your own social commentary on a subject near and dear to you in the style of Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss).

If you want to try your hand here, please post a comment with a few Dr. Seuss-like lines.

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