The 3 Vertically-Challenged, Pink Mammals w/a Reputation for Gluttony

Euphemisms and political correctness have permeated our language leaving our communication bereft of all meaning!  We are so concerned with not offending that we end up saying nothing of consequence and are beginning to sound like we are all speaking legalese!  Often we expend so much energy, not to mention verbiage, in order to make the simple almost  unintelligible:

Once (but perhaps more times than I am aware of.  For I am not counting myself among the gurus on the subject) upon a time, there lived three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony.  The first (though he was only first in order, not necessarily in preference) vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of the agricultural by products of the stalks of cereal plants.  The second vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of thin, discarded tree limbs.  And the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of blocks of dried mortar used in masonry construction.

One particular day, after each of the three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony had completed their warm seasonal dwellings, a tropical twister hit with hurricane force winds and caused widespread collateral damage throughout the area.

The first vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling was condemned.  The second vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling was reduced to rubble.  But the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling withstood the gale force winds and remained unaffected.

The first and second vertically-challenged, pink mammals with reputations for gluttony requested refuge in the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling and were granted long-term economic asylum by the other in exchange for day labor as the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal had dreams of  owning and operating a vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony hotel.

And they all co-existed most satisfactorily ever after!

If you want to have more fun with communication skills, visit Art of!

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JoJo’s 10 Important Uses for SPAM to Enrich Your Life!

Ok…the old girl has gone off her rocker!  She’s nutz!  Elvis has left the noggin!  Call the little men in white coats to come and take her away ha ha, hee hee, hoo hoo!

I know I’ve complained about SPAM before…ENDLESSLY… but let me share with you some insights I have had that will increase your quality of life!  Why?  Because SPAM is here to stay.  It’s not going anywhere and no matter how big your SPAM folder is or how many virtual padlocks you put on your email address, you will have to deal with SPAM.  So allow me to give you a different perspective that will enable you and your SPAM to live in relative peace with each other.  How?  Here are 10 important uses for SPAM:

1. Giggles!

Yes we all need giggles and most SPAM provides an endless supply of comedic value!  At times, life can be difficult, dull and even lifeless, so get all the giggles you can!  SPAM is generally written by people with little or no communication training or sometimes by those for whom English is a second language.  Sometimes SPAM itself is a whole ‘nuther language but, with the proper perspective, you can learn to find your daily giggles in your endless supply of SPAM.

Giggling at SPAM will reduce your blood pressure, add years to your life and make life seem more FUN!  So rather than looking at “Hallo, JoJo!  You get 80% off too day!” in frustration as you pound your index finger on the delete button, look upon it as an opportunity to get your daily giggles!  When life gives you SPAM; make SPAM-aide!

2. Sharing Giggles!

Everyone needs a giggle so don’t keep them to yourself!  Spread a little SPAM giggle where you can!  Post your funny spam on Facebook and Twitter.  Share it with friends!  You might even want to pass around the link to this article!  (wink) Spread a little SPAMshine around.

3. Keep Your SPAM Giggles for a Rainy Day!

I suggest you keep a SPAM folder in your computer!  Oh not the SPAM folder where you delete all your unwanted emails.  I mean a folder where you keep all your funny SPAM giggles from all those illiterate marketers out there!  Visit it often when you’re having a bad day and watch your frown turn upside down!

4.  To Build Self-Esteem

There are some people who don’t feel they do things well.  These people often get caught up in a cycle of depression because they don’t see their true contribution to society. Some don’t feel they are very smart.  Perhaps they compared themselves to an older sibling who got straight A’s.  You, too, can feel smarter and more accomplished simply by comparing your communication to that of the average spammer!  Take note of their grammar, spelling and word choice; how their subject lines have nothing whatever to do with the topic at hand!  Bask in the glow of your capabilities as you send an email to Aunt Sally and don’t start the salutation with, “Hey, Mom.  I tell you about my new buzness!”  Soon you will begin to realize your vast array of abilities and harness your self-esteem!

5. Great Conversation Starters

Give the weather a break and use some fresh, new content to begin your conversations as you mix and mingle at that business function!  You’ll be the life of the party and an asset to any host when you learn to hone your skills in bringing out the lively discussion at boring family gatherings and board meetings!  Learn to work a room using relevant and timely SPAM stories everyone is usually familiar with and has their own opinion about!

6. Bragging Rights

The amount of email I receive in general has increased exponentially as Art of Eloquence reaches more and more readers/subscribers.  With that comes more SPAM as well.   While this has been a matter of serious irritation to me, I can now see the benefit in announcing the increasing numbers of irritating, unwanted email communiques I receive from seemingly illiterate and illogical individuals!  “Hey, I receive 1000 SPAM emails a day!” Aren’t you impressed?  LOL

7. Great sermon jokes!

SPAM makes great stories for sermons or lectures because they can lighten the mood of your audience and break up your material with humor.  They are also much more readily available than are speech jokes!

8. Homeschool Lessons

Homeschoolers have an almost inexhaustible supply of material with which they may educate their children on any number of subjects ranging from grammar and spelling to logic!  Mini communication lessons and critical thinking exercises are just some of the uses homeschoolers can take advantage of by using free unsolicited emails.  Increase your child’s education without spending a DIME!  (Disclaimer: you will need to weed out any SPAM that requires an X rating!)

9. Use as Blog Fodder!

SPAM also makes great blog fodder for speech communication authors, writing instructors and those with editing services!  It’s a fun way to advertise your services and products!  Incidentally, if you notice your son or daughter’s communication skills are beginning to resemble that of an average spammer, take a peek at the Art of Eloquence website for the various ways in which he or she can have fun learning effective communication! [grin]

10. To test your delete button and make sure it’s in good working order!

Finally, here is my favorite use for SPAM.  Did you know that the delete key gets rusty if you don’t use it often?  Think of all the emails you need to delete and what would happen if they piled up because your delete button wasn’t in good working order!!

So there you have it!  JoJo’s 10 Important Uses for SPAM that will enrich your life!

Have any of your own?  Post them here!!

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Riddle Me This…Time!


I scour YouTube for funny videos and keep all kinds of funny “miss steaks” so I can share them all with you each Friday for Friday Funnies.  Well, this week my son was reading a book and ran up to show me this line:

“One week from the day before the day after the yesterday that comes three weeks before six months from six weeks from now minus 49 days plus five tomorrows and a next week.”

Just to have a little fun with language/communication…who can figure out this riddle…when would this be?  Post your answers here as a comment.  Show this to your smartie pants kidlings and see if they can figure it out.

Another humor-filled Communication FUN Friday from your friends at Art of!

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Words Matter Week: Friday Word Fun Entry!

Today is Day Five of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest!

Today’s Extra Entry:

Here are our extra entry rules for today, Friday, March 5th:

Each Friday, here at Communication FUNdamentals, we feature a video or quote or picture that illustrates miscommunication with humor.  This week, I have a funny video for you.

I’m always looking for family friendly communication humor.  Today’s extra challenge for Words Matter Week is to find some fun illustration of miscommunication.  Send your family friendly video, picture, quote or audio links to  and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject linke.  Each of these family friendly miscommunication humor segments will count as an additional entry in our contest!

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight tonight, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

Good luck!

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Abbott & Costello Computer Spoof

For all you non techies out there!  This one’s for you!  A spoof on Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First”, but updated to the Computer Age!  This video is too funny!

Another Communication Friday Funny from your friends at Art of!

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Fri Funnies Picture: Out of Control!

Sometimes just a single word can make all the difference in your communication.

Another great Friday Funny from your friends at Art of!

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Your Friday Giggle Break

It’s time for your Friday Giggle!  Communication FUNdamentals is proud to present this week’s Friday Funny:

So many of you send me Friday Funny material from “real life” and I thank you.  I’ve had newsletter subscribers send in some funny things their kidlings have said, blog readers send in pictures of street signs that should have been better thought out and this week’s Friday Funny comes from my dad!  Thanks Dad!

This was in a story on the AP Wire:

“The young Nigerian man was due in federal court Friday afternoon for his arraignment on charges that he failed to detonate a chemical-laden explosive on the Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight.

Let me get this straight.  He is charged with failing to detonate the explosive?  So…if he were successful, he would have been released without charges?

This has been your Friday Giggle Break.  If this had been a real communication emergency, you would have been instructed to visit Art of  We now return you to your regularly scheduled day!

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Funny Ads and Signs

Communication skills are so much more than making speeches.  They are vital for every day life.  Those in advertising know just how important a single word can be in making an impression on their client’s potential customers.  However, I don’t think the authors of these little gems had a clue how it would come across…  Take a look:

Interesting Ads and Signs

Now is your chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to take home, too.
(For those times when you want to show you’re “all ears”!)

We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.
(That’s comforting!)

Save regularly in our bank. You’ll never reget it.
(I think I’ll regret that.)

This is the model home for your future. It was panned by Better Homes and Gardens.
(It’s always nice to know something was trashed by the best!)

For Rent: 6-room hated apartment.
(Thanks for being up front about it.)

Offer expires December 31 or while supplies last
(Because you wouldn’t want to wait til the last minute.)

Stock up and save. Limit: one
(But will I have room to store all that?)

We build bodies that last a lifetime
(So do I.  It’s just that my idea of a lifetime might be significantly limited by the amount of junk food I eat.)

See ladies blouses. 50% Off!
(Things are made so skimpy these days!)

Our bikinis are exciting. They are simply the tops!
(As I was saying…)

Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated? Come here first!
(How convenient!)

For sale: A quilted high chair that can be made into a table, potty chair, rocking horse, refrigerator, spring coat, size 8 and fur collar.
(Quite versatile!)

20 dozen bottles of excellent Old Tawny Port, sold to pay for charges, the owner having lost sight of, and bottled by us last year.
(I think I need a translator for that one!)

Toaster: A gift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically burns toast.
(Good because I have to hold the lever down manually to burn my toast at home.)

Handmade gifts for the hard-to-find person.
(I don’t know…if I can’t find him, how could I give it to him?)

Auto Repair Service. Free pickup and delivery. Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.
(That’s just what my neighbor said just after she sued her mechanic.)

Mixing bowl set designed to please a cook with round bottom for efficient beating.
(Now that’s getting a little personal, don’t you think?)

Semi-Annual after-Christmas Sale
(My kids keep telling me that Christmas should come more than once a year.)

And now, the Superstore – unequaled in size, unmatched in variety, unrivaled inconvenience.
(Thanks for saving me the trip!)

We will oil your sewing machine and adjust tension in your home for $1.
(Would that adjustment result in less tension or more?)

Ladies and gentlemen, now you can have a bikini for a ridiculous figure.
(Interesting marketing concept: Customers are either insulted or have no use for your product.)

Original quotes from with my added commentary

Perhaps they should have taken a few courses from Art of

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Friday Funnies: What you can learn from worms

A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars.  The first worm was put into a container of alcohol.  The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke.  The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup.  The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.  At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:

The first worm in alcohol – Dead.

The second worm in cigarette smoke – Dead.

Third worm in chocolate syrup – Dead.

Fourth worm in good clean soil – Alive.

So the Minister asked the congregation – What can you learn from this demonstration?  A little old woman in the back quickly raised her hand and said, “As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have worms!”


Sometimes you can have a great illustration, but get across the wrong point.

For more fun with communication skills, visit!

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English Problems Video

It’s Friday Funnies time here on Communication FUNdamentals!  I found a really fun video for you this week.  I have no idea what show this is but they had a few really funny videos.  This one really caught  my attention.  I think you’ll know why.

Know anybody who has troubles in these areas?  LOL

For more creative fun learning communication skills, visit Art of!

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