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Tune in to the Grace Talk Soup Weekly Podcast featuring Lucy Linguist & Ethel the Editor, starring in “I LOVE LANGUAGE!” each Thursday morning 8am PST/11am EST where these two crazy compadres share tips for more effective communication and boldly serve up God’s Word with a  side order of grace and humor!  Join in via your computer: or via phone: (724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736 for one hour of creative speech communication fun!

Grace Talk Soup NEWS!

* GTS Fans Join Us On Facebook!
It’s a new month here at Grace Talk Soup! Come hear all the new shows we have lined up for you to help your family, your business and your ministry. Do you think communication is important? Want to have some fun with language? Love to laugh? Join the Grace Talk Soup Fan Club and be the first to learn about our newest show topics and contests! Chat with the hosts and fellowship with other members!  Come learn how to share that more effectively…as always with a generous helping of grace and a dash of humor!

* Mark Your Calendar!
06/04:  21 Days to More Godly Communication Preview
The say it takes 21 days to make a habit.  21 Days to More Godly Communication is an upcoming study by Art of Eloquence. This show is a preview sharing what God says about how we should communicate with each other. Let’s share how learning to speak in grace as God shares with us in His Word can help us minister and relate to others better. Do you have stories of how grace has helped you communicate with someone? Come share!

06/11:  Cultural Differences in Communication
Are you from another country? Culture? Do you have a different way of communicating because of that cultural difference? Come join us as we talk about how the very same words or gestures may mean something totally different in another culture or country!

06/18:  How to talk to someone who is grieving
Do you know someone who just lost a child? Mother? Was diagnosed with cancer? Has a wayward child? Are your unsure of what to say to them or how to comfort them? Join us this week and find out!

06/25:  Editing Tips for Do It Yourselfers!

Ethel the Editor shares her expertise so you can better self edit your letters, emails, papers, essays and reports.

07/02:  Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool!
Did you ever want to include humor in your speech? Conversation? To break the ice? Do you know when it’s appropriate or inappropriate to use humor? Have you ever pulled a FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) and stuck your foot in your mouth trying to make a joke? Then this show is for YOU! Besides, it’ll be FUN!

07/09:  Has Technology Ruined Our Communication or Helped It?
What effect has technology had on our communication skills as a nation? Have our skills deteriorated due to texting? Or have we increased our influence in the world through the internet? Come share your thoughts! Open discussion time on Grace Talk Soup.

07/16:  Consequences of Vs Rights of Freedom of Speech
Americans know they have the right to free speech, but what many don’t understand is that there are consequences that come with those rights. You may have the right to disagree with someone, but do you have the right to yell at him? You may have the right to state your beliefs, but don’t others have the right to be offended by what you say? Let’s discuss this fine line between what we have the right to say and the natural consequences of that right.

07/23:  “But you don’t LOOK sick!
Do you or someone you know have a “Silent Illness?” Do people say, “But you don’t LOOK sick!” and therefore they treat you as if you are lying or complaining about nothing? How do you communicate your needs and your illness to those who don’t understand? Come join us as we discuss this frustrating issue.

07/30:  Frequently Misused Words
Grab your kids too for this one! Our own Ethel the Editor takes us through a list of frequently misused words and explains the proper usage, why they are commonly misused. In her creatively unique and amusing style, Ethel will share her expertise in this area so prepared to have some fun!

* Testimonials:
“This show always has such good information and interesting guest speakers. The format is excellent, and I find out things here (particularly things that affect the speech rights of Christians) that the ‘regular’ news won’t cover. Keep up the good work!” –Joan

“I love Jojo’s sweet spirit. She is helping us to speak with grace and eloquence and showing us how to glorify God in our relationships. She has a wonderful ministry. I enjoyed her Birthday Bash and the last interview with the author of The Love Dare. We Christians need to hear what Jojo has to say!” –PennyMarie

“I am really enjoying listening to this newly found talk show. I added their widget on my sidebard. I really recommend it. It has been such an encouragement to me in my Christian walk. I am listening to the current one right now in the Defending the Faith Mini Series: “I’m a good person, why do I need God?” SOoooooo good.” –Natalie

If you missed any of our shows…

you can listen to the archives. May was Mini Series Month where we shared practical tips on Defending the Faith from my eBook, Say What You Mean Defending the Faith. Comprehensive information and tips on 4 of the most common questions and misconceptions the world has about Jesus! Scroll down to Past Episodes and click the orange “listen” button next to any show you want to hear!

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