Compliment: FIMM Style

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Ending Praise Week with a blast.  Foot in Mouth Man has had 150 episodes of communication MISadventures.  In the past several  years that I’ve been writing for “himm,” FIMM has stuck his foot in his mouth many a time resulting in a backhanded compliment.  Here is a FIMM Classic from the early days:

Episode 11:

FIMM has finally met someone!  Bonnie was carrying some heavy grocery bags when FIMM offered to help her carry them to her car.  Bonnie was so impressed with FIMM’s sweet nature that she agreed to go out with him.  They have had three dates already this week!

FIMM wrote Bonnie an email to thank her for cooking him dinner last night.  Bonnie was very insecure about her cooking and told FIMM that she really hasn’t had much cooking experience.  By way of apology, Bonnie admitted that she had used spaghetti sauce from a jar.  FIMM wanted to show his appreciation before he called her for another date so he wrote her this email:

To: Bonnie Sweet

From: FIMM

Subject: Dinner

Hi Bonnie,

I just wanted to thank you for dinner last night.  Nobody opens a jar like you do!  In fact, the whole dinner was so good that I thought it was cooked by someone who knew what they were doing!



FIMM: Don’t be like himm!  Check out all things FIMM on his very own page at Art of Eloquence to see his latest episode, his very own video, audio recording and a few of his classic episodes!  Don’t forget to check out the Foot in Mouth Man Gift shop featuring FIMM Wear and his book of FIMM’s Best Episodes, FIMMology 101!


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Celebrating Five Years of FIMM

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It’s Good Friday so before I get started with our special Friday Funny Festivities, I want to take some time to wish you all a blessed Good Friday.  Today’s the day my son and I make Resurrection Cookies and read the Resurrection story in the Bible.

Well, as I said, this week is also a very special Friday Funnies week because Foot in Mouth Man’s five year anniversary was this past Tuesday. FIMM began his misadventures five years ago this month!  April 19th, 2006 to be exact.

You can check out FIMM’s very first episode along with several other featured episodes here.  As FIMM’s fame grew we featured him in his very own video:

Later on there were just too many FIMM Misadventures to put them all on our website so we created an eBook with the best of FIMM’s episodes.  You can check it out here.  He also agreed to a radio interview with me several years ago.  You can hear FIMM SPEAK here.  And finally, we started FIMM’s own brand of clothing at cafe press.

It’s been a fun five years, but I am slowly running out of good foot in mouth material and I’d LOVE some help!  If you have a misadventure you’d like submit, please send it to and put FIMM in the subject line.  FIMM entries must be family friendly please.

If I use your episode, you’ll get a mention on our site and on the blog as well as a free Art of Eloquence product!  So…got any great foot in mouth stories?



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Vote for your favorite FIMMpersonator!

Foot in Mouth Man (FIMM) is our lovable mascot here at Art of Eloquence.  A bumbling miscommunicator who sticks his foot in his mouth each month for your amusement and “confusement.”  He does it so often that he has Athlete’s Tongue!  However, there are some people I have encountered recently on social media and blog sites who are vying for the coveted title of FIMMpersonator of the Month and I thought I’d give it out to one lucky winner.

Communication doesn’t break down significantly if someone has a typo or two and, as my editor knows, I can’t spell my way out of a paper “bagg” so I’d never complain if someone had a grammatical error or a misspelled word here and there.  THESE FOLKS, however, make FIMM look like Hemingway!

Please leave a comment with your vote for this month’s Favorite FIMMpersonator. The names and other identifying remarks have been changed to protect the FIMMpersonators.  

1. Our first contestant is Twitter Twit: This follower wanted me to follow “him”.  His Twitter name is a marketing company, but he has a picture of woman’s chest with wet hair down her front, enough to see that she is “well-endowed by her creator.”  He posts articulate thoughts such as: “Built your success with one focus thought and massive actions”  and his bio reads: “Candy, love pink color and eating. Socialised and hangout with friends,clubbing and entertaining.” I’ll just bet (s)he’s got some fabulous thoughts on marketing, no?

2. Next up is Facebook Faux Pas.  There were a few men who sent me a direct message on Facebook like this one:

Hello Dear I am looking for friendship.i am an easy going i am good listener. i like long conversation. communication is an lost art now a days.  I am a very sincere person who like to treat a lady like a queen,lol.I guess you can say “OLD FASHIONED, I enjoy opening door’s, giving flowers, taking long walks, candle light dinners,i will like to know you more……..Donald.

Can you believe it?  Donald is single, ladies…but I’m  not!  Apparently Donald never read my bio where I share that I am a Christian WIFE and mother.  Donald also never bothered to send a friendship request. I guess he figures if he gets a girlfriend, she’d probably send him one!  ;D   Donald has nothing posted on his wall, has no friends and no information in his bio except what is listed in his direct message.

3. Our next FIMMpersonator, Pastor Potty Mouth, also hails from Twitter. I was following what seemed to be a nice young man on Twitter whose bio said he was in seminary to become a minister.  I hadn’t been following him long when he posted about how he doesn’t appreciate something.  He told his follower where they could go.  Of course, he used other, shall we say, more colorful language which included a word brought to you by the letter “F”.

4. Last, but definitely my favorite, is Blog Blunderer.  Our final entry was a comment found in my spam folder on my blog.

“Ilike to assert without any backing evidence whatsoever that the post author is [insert slur for homosexual  here] simply because this commenter does not agree with the post author and is unable to articulate a cogent argument, let alone a coherent sentence”

Blog Blunderer is apparently not articulate enough to insult me, your humble post author, but has eloquently insulted HIMSELF! By the way, this comment was posted on a blog entry that simply had a picture of one of my purple projects.  I guess he REALLY doesn’t like purple!  He gets my vote for FIMMpersonator of the Month!

Vote for yours!  I’ll let you know who our winner is tomorrow!

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FIMM's 150th Episode

We’re celebrating FIMM’s 150th episode this month. I starting writing for Foot in Mouth Man on April 19, 2006.  At first he was over on my blog each week, but eventually after his popularity grew, we gave him his own page on Art of where he has his monthly episodes, his FIMM Speaks audio and his own You Tube video!

Check out FIMMology 101: The FIMMportant, FIMMtastic and FUNbelievable Study  of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths!  It has thirty nine pages and over 30 lessons packed with hilariously, creative Foot in Mouth Man episodes teaching various communication skills!  This is NOT your traditional communication study!

* eBook available immediately as a download
* Over 30 fun-filled, creative lessons
* Adorably illustrated
* Links to even more FIMM Fun
* PERFECT for shy communicators!
* FUN lessons you can share with children of various ages
* Can be used as a homeschool study by teaching one lesson per week and using discussion to explore its implications!
* Have students rewrite each FIMM Faux Pas the way it should have been handled or share it orally!
* Perfect for adults who need a giggle break!
* Makes a great gift too!

Check out FIMMology 101 and celebrate FIMM’s 150th episode today with your very own copy.  Don’t let anyone you know be a FIMMpersonator.  Get your copy of FIMMology 101 today!

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Reading helps communication

My dd was practically born with a book in her hand.  She LOVED reading and was reading on a college level when she was in 3rd grade.  My son actually taught himself to read using the computer and DVD subtitles when he was about 2yrs old.  So I was shocked that he didn’t want to read anything that wasn’t computer game instructions!

It was like pulling teeth to get Chris to read back then.  I tried covering up most of the page so he could only see a line at a time.  He knew words that were well beyond his years but he just didn’t want to read.  Then we found a series of books that were well below his reading level, but that he really thought were fun!  I allowed him to read them to his heart’s content because I was sure he would blossom as a reader if I could just get him to understand how much fun reading really was.

It worked wonders!  He is now reading things much higher than his grade level IN HIS SPARE TIME and loving it!  He just finished reading a book that is almost 400 pages and is asking for more! I always knew that reading equals a larger vocabulary, but you know what else?  I noticed that his spelling has improved dramatically as well!  In fact, I have noticed that his ability to describe things and to understand things has also drastically increased.

Get your kids into reading even if they don’t like reading. Find something they do–even if you don’t.  That’s another reason to check out Foot in Mouth Man.  My 10 y/o son loves reading FIMM!  If you don’t know FIMM, he’s the Art of Eloquence mascot and resident MIScommunicator.  Each month is a funny story many kids love to read!  Reading helps communication and communication skills are powerful!

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SPAMmers ain’t none to bright!

It’s actually getting easier to tell if something is SPAM or not.  SPAMmers aren’t too bright as a bunch or at least they don’t take the time to be too smart.  I order lots of stuff online so it can be hard to tell what emails are real order confirmations and what emails are SPAM.

However just last week I received an email that said that my transaction didn’t go through and that this was my last chance to order and get the discount.  I looked up at who the email was addressed to and laughed myself silly!

It was addressed to FIMM.  Foot in Mouth Man is a fictional character I created to be our mascot here at Art of so I am 98% sure that he didn’t order anything from Sears! ROFL

For more communication FUN, visit Art of!

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Extra!  Extra!!

Read all about it!  FIMM sticks both feet in his mouth this month!  Check it out: Here!

FIMMCar 2001

Latest FIMMportant FIMM News and FIMMformation!

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Have you ever seen a FIMMpersonator?

Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:

FIMM 400x4001Have you ever seen/been a FIMMpersonator?

FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) is the Art of Eloquence mascot and resident MIScommunicator.  He sticks his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete’s Tongue!  He is a cartoon character who started off on my blog.  People loved to read  FIMM’s wacky misadventures so much that he quickly became very popular.  It’s so much more fun to learn communication skills by pointing miscommunication out in OTHERS, especially when it’s so funny.

Very soon FIMM’s Fame grew and we moved him to our website where he now has his own video.  FIMM has been a guest on Grace Talk Soup, a speaker at the Say What You Mean Convention, a tShirt line over at CafePress called FIMM Wear, a fan club on Facebook, and now his own eBook, FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths which includs the best of Foot in Mouth Man’s misadventures!

While nobody communicates as badly as FIMM, everyone is a FIMMpersonator at times in their lives.  Even Ronald Reagan, The Great Communicator must have had times when he stuck his foot in mouth.  We all do.  I take those times, exaggerate them to the fullest extent of the funny bone and post it once a month.

After more than two years of writing for FIMM (and for the first two he had WEEKLY episodes!) I was running out of ideas so I had FIMM get married and have quintuplettes: Timm, Jimm, Slimm, Kimm and Enrique.  Thankfully in blog years, kids grow up pretty quick so now I am beginning to FIMMerize his children so I have introduced some FIMM Faux Pas that involve his now 4 year old’s.  But, I’m always on the look out for a good FIMM storyline.

That’s where you come in this week!  Most of the FIMM episodes are taken from real life, things I’ve done or seen.  So this week, I thought I’d ask for ideas from your life.  If I use your suggestion, I’ll give you credit when I post it too.  Have you ever seen or been a FIMMpersonator?  Share your story here!

JoJo’s Answer:
There are several FIMM episodes that come from real life, things I saw and one thing I actually typed!  Due to a typo, I said something like…”Unfortunately, so and so and his wife are no longer speaking…” making it sound as if they were getting a divorce or something.  What I had meant was that they were no longer on the speaking circuit.

What about you?  Ever see or been a FIMMpersonator?  Happens to the best of us!  Share your story!

Have you ever seen/been a FIMMpersonator?
Please post your answers here as a blog comment. Then post this question on YOUR blog and come back here to link your blog post so all of us can read about YOUR readers!

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FIMM Strikes Again!


Foot in Mouth Man’s latest MISadventure is up and ready for your reading pleasure and Friday giggles!  This month FIMM illustrates what frustration can be caused by not paying attention.  Our UnHero finds himself in the park with a mom who is desperate to find her daughter only to enlist the help of FIMM who is less than helpful!

Check out his latest miscommunication lesson here.  While you are visiting his page, you can check out some of FIMM’s past misadventures and view his video. Bring the kiddos!  After all, FIMM sticks his foot in his mouth for your amusement and confusement and to illustrate how NOT to communicate effectively.

Have you got a FIMM Faux Pas in your past?  Have your children been a FIMMpersonator?  Come share your very own Foot in Mouth Man stories right here!

While your at Art of Eloquence, don’t forget to check out our fun communication studies for the whole family!

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What’s coming up?

We have so much going on this month!  I thought I’d share so you don’t miss out. Frankly, I’m posting it so I have a record of all I’m doing in one place so “I” don’t forget!  ROFL

Art of Eloquence is mostly a ministry where we offer free communication FUN for all ages!  Here is just a sampling of what we offer.  Don’t miss out!

FIMMonthly MISadventure

I’ll have a brand new Misadventure of Foot in Mouth Man for you later today!  FIMM is our resident MIScommunicator and a great way for your kids to learn communication skills for FREE!  Just tell them not to be a FIMMpersonator!  lol

MINI SERIES May on Grace Talk Soup

This month is our very first mini series and it all begins tomorrow on Grace Talk Soup! On the Menu: For the entire month of May, we will be discussing how to answer 4 of the most common questions and misunderstandings people have about Christianity from my eBook, Say What You Mean Defending the Faith!

To join the call live (8am PST/11am EST) via your computer:

To join the call live (8am PST/11am EST) via phone:
(724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

Can’t join us live? Listen to the audio:

Free Gift for Mother’s Day

This month we have a special gift for Mother’s Day just for our newsletter subcsribers.  To take advantage of all our exclusive offers and free gifts, just sign up as a subscriber!

Language of Leadership Coming Soon!

As soon as I get my new computer in a few days and retire Methuselah for good, I’ll be able to finish our newest eBook, The Language of Leadership.  Remember that online classes will also be available!

Beginning Debate Coming Soon!

Later this year, we will be introducing another new eBook on beginning debate!  This is the incredibly fun class I tought a co op class one year.  They had a ball!

Say What You Mean Convention Plans Underway!

Our theme for next year will be “2010 A Communication Odyssey”.  It will be three days of communication fun as we teach about effective conversations, writing and speech making!  Working on the Keynote Speakers right now!  You can still check out all the recordings from last year’s convention and some of our freebies are still up!  Go get ’em before they’re gone!  The SWMC 2010 is in February around The Great Communicator’s (Ronald Reagan) birthday!


If you are a Christian homeschooler with a shy, gifted or learning disabled child, you should join us over at Homeschooling with Humor. It’s a Yahoo group where we share the joys, frustrations and support of our members.  We are starting up a new game of Humor Bingo.  Come join us and see what all the fun is about!

Grace Talk Soup Facebook Fan Club

If’ you’re on Facebook, come join the Grace Talk Soup Fan Club!   You’ll be the first to know about new segments and issues on Grace Talk Soup and also see how you can have more chances to win our contests each week!

Don’t miss out on all the fun with!

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