The Communication Comedy Network is back! News Anchor, Nancy Newsome, interviews viewers on Mother’s Day Vs Father’s Day in this our first in a series of monthly vlogs. Nancy shares her research on the disparity between the celebration for moms and dads on their special day, but this one viewer had something quite unusual to share. Check it out:
If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter! This month I’ll be sharing two articles on some father issues and how they can strengthen your relationships.
The Communication Comedy Network Presents: Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day
This Sunday was Father’s Day so Happy Father’s Day to all the dads! I’ve been reading, lately, about the sad state of celebration of fathers out there. Most people go to a lot of trouble for Mother’s Day, taking mom out to dinner, buying her flowers and a special gift. Fathers don’t seem to merit the same attention.
It may be just that taking mom out to dinner is more appreciated because she gets a break from all the nights she has to cook her own dinner or the fact that mothers do have a more difficult time during the pregnancy and birth of baby, but fathers seem to be getting short shrift.
The Bible compares fathers to our heavenly father. Often absent in a child’s life these days, a father is an important part of a child’s upbringing. Divorce most often gives custody to the mom so dads don’t usually get equal time. Though moms are working outside the home in large numbers, more dads see less of their children than do moms.
What did you do to celebrate dad this year? I got to thinking about it and realized that the gifts we give frequently send a message to dad communicating how much thought we put into the gift and just how much they are appreciated. Here’s what I mean.
The tie is a traditional Father’s Day gift that usually says I didn’t put much thought into this because it’s not really a priority for me. A silly tie says even worse, that we would rather amuse ourselves than find a special way to honor dad. Dad doesn’t usually appreciate the tie gag gift as much as the giver does.
A shirt can be a practical gift, but it can also say that you didn’t really spend much time or thought on dad this year. Many’s the time my dh appreciated the tie or shirt because he could use the clothing. He spent most of his time and money for things the kids needed or wanted. So little was sometimes left over for what dad needed or wanted, but how many dress shirts or ties can dad really use? If you’ve given dad a tie or shirt for the last three or four years, you might consider an alternative gift.
Tools can be a practical or special gift, but only if dad really uses or wants them. Often a tool is a cop out gift that was purchased because it was the right price or was for sale where ever we happened to be shopping.
What to do? Ask dad what he’d like to have or do this year. Think if there is anything special he’s been putting off buying. What’s his favorite food? Hobby? Interest? Work around your budget and come up with something uniquely dad.
What is a good father? What did you do for Father’s Day? Share.
If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter
Words: It’s what’s for Father’s Day this year!
This Father’s Day, instead of giving Dad a tie or a soap on a rope, why not give him the gift of appreciation? Why not communicate with him and tell him how much you love him and what he has done all these years that has made you who you are? Why not share who you are with him and make him feel special.
I bet he’ll think it is the best gift you ever gave him! Even taking into account the year you made him a tie with your own tie dye!! And, especially in this economy, it’s affordable too!!
Want a unique and special gift for Dad this year? Tell him exactly what he means to you!
Words…it’s what’s for Father’s Day this year!
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