All NEW Art of Eloquence Newsletter Features!

We’ve been busy here at Art of Eloquence making changes in order to bring you even more incredible reasources. If you haven’t been to the home page in a while, check out the changes there!  But what I wanted to share with you today was this…
So I was sitting at my desk yesterday morning before church reading the Bible and contemplating what else I could do for my readers, subscribers and fans when the Lord put some incredible ideas into my head.  They came one at a time to allow me to process the information and write it down.  Isn’t God amazing that way?  Here’s a short little blog post just to introduce them to you.
Brand NEW Features:
* JoJo’s Monthly Articles: Includes tips she only shares with her subscribers!  (Okay, this one is not new and will continue!)
* Family Time w/JoJo: Game, activity, recipe, field trip idea, story or critical thinking prompt providing great family time giving you something to do together that builds effective communication that strengthens your relationships.
* JoJo’s Challenge: Monthly communication challenge that helps you and your family learn to be more effective communicators and to speak in boldness tempered by grace.
* Lessons from the Media: JoJo analyzes various movies, TV shows and commercials that hold a special communication lesson for you and your family.
* Plusfree gifts, exclusive offers and much more!
So now, if you thought you didn’t have enough reasons to subscribe to the Art of Eloquence newsletter, you certainly do now!
If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter
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