Do experts really have universal wisdom/knowledge?

Your English teacher always told you to study your vocabulary words because it was important.  Why?  Because the bigger our vocabulary, the stronger the likelihood that we will choose the correct word for the situation.  Mark Twain once said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”   The more words we have at our command, the more precise our description and the more effective our communication.

To that end, today’s Word of the Week is:

pansophy  \PAN-suh-fee\, noun:
Universal wisdom or knowledge.
From the Greek, pansophy is comprised of the root words pan meaning “all” and sophy meaning “wisdom.”

As I looked at this word, it reminded me of the number of times we find someone in our society claiming universal wisdom or knowledge-at least of one subject or another.  They host TV shows, do commercials, ask us to hire them and sell products.  They call themselves experts.  The ones who sell marketing products are called gurus.  I am often introduced as a Communication Expert and I’m always uncomfortable with this term.

An expert implies universal wisdom or knowledge of a subject and, while I have a degree in Speech Communication and over 25 years of experience, I still consider myself a student of communication.  As a human being, I’m always a work in progress.  I may know more about the topic than many, but an expert?  If anyone could have been called a Communication Expert, it was Ronald Reagan.  However, even Reagan was consistently honing his skills.

No, as I see it, the only one with pansophy is the Lord who possesses all the wisdom and knowledge of the universe.  Does it bother you when someone calls themselves an expert?  A guru?  What say you?

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Everyone Who’s Anyone is an Expert. Aren’t You?

Last week I talked about the misuse (and overuse) of the word “literally.”  This week, I continue my series of misused words with the word, “Expert.”  Expert is another word that has “literally” been overused to the point of being lost in meaninglessness.  With so many able to claim expert status on the net, everyone is an expert in something these days.  Aren’t you?

If you’ve been on Twitter for any length of time, you will notice a huge influx of Marketing Experts and Social Networking Gurus.  I’m followed by at least one per day!  Hundreds of them per day spam my Twitter and email accounts with things like, “How to get six million followers before lunch!” and “Make money in your sleep!” or “What simple, yet morally questionable, trick will help get a bagillion people to buy your stuff?” Okay, it’s not exactly like that, but I’m close, right?

It seems everyone who’s anyone is an expert guru these days.  The word expert has come to be used more like a title that comes after your name:  Mildred P. Widdlewaddle, Marketing Expert.  Claiming to be an expert these days can either sound a bit pretentious or incredibly silly.  You know… Mr. John Q. Public, Esquire.  MBA, PHD, DDS, XYZ, Sock Aficionado, Avid Breather, Expert Typist and Marble Guru.

I have become uncomfortable with the term expert.  So many call me a Communication Expert.  True, I have studied it for many years, but I don’t feel comfortable claiming expert status when there are so many who have more training than I.  I’m just an average Jo (Jo) who has studied this topic a long while and loves to teach it in creative and humor-filled ways.

Most use the term because I happen to have a degree.  Frankly, my degree in speech communication wasn’t all that trained me in the art of eloquence; it was just the beginning.  I have since received a much higher degree from the school of life.  I have used my training for over 25 years in business as an employee, trainer, manager and business owner, as well as a wife of almost 23 years, a mom for 20 years and homeschool/co op teacher for ten.  However, the reason people look for experts is not because of what it has done for that expert, but what she can do for them.  It isn’t their titles or pedigrees that makes them someone people can learn from.  It’s their experience and the way in which they present themselves.

Merriam Webster defines an expert as “one with the special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject.”  More important than what I have mastered is what I can help YOU master!    It does you no service if my expertise has allowed me to reap benefits in my life.  It matters not what that Marketing Guru can do that benefits his business.  At the end of the day, it’s what he can do to help YOU.  And that, my friend, takes a little communication skill.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication.  Her Christian and humorous approach to communication skills has helped thousands feel comfortable enough to increase their skills for more personal and professional success.  For more information on how JoJo can help you and your family, please visit

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