Politics Week: Who are Our Enemies?

I’ll be making a major announcement tomorrow on our newsletter and then on Wednesday right here on the blog about a new study we have coming out soon.  It has to do with how we “talk politics.”  In preparation for that, it’s Politics Week here at Communication FUNdamentals.  Today I’d like to share a bit of “politicing” going on and how we should and shouldn’t communicate when we talk politics.

Recently, President Obama made a very divisive comment while addressing the Latino community.  It was not well received by many as the following YouTube video shows.  He ran as a Uniter.  He promised to listen to both Republicans and Democrats.  He said he wanted to bring us together.  However in his recent address he stated:

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

Not only has President Obama communicated that he sees half of the American people  (Republicans) as his enemy or the enemy of the Latino people, but that they need to be punished. I think that’s rather disrespectful to half of the country.  I also think it comes at a particularly bad time for the Democrats when polls show that they are way behind.

Later, the President made an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  He is the first sitting president to do so and, the fact that he had made the decision to appear there, does the image of the office of the President a disservice.  This is not the kind of venue that makes one appear presidential.   It was clear that the President didn’t expect Mr. Stewart to be quite so harsh with him, though I think he had to expect some of that given the nature of the show.  The President came off as defensive and annoyed.

While I don’t agree with President Obama’s stance on most issues, I didn’t feel comfortable watching the sitting U.S. President on a Comedy Central show being treated like a common goofball celebrity, the depths of which was seen when Mr. Stewart called him “dude.”  This is simply disrespectful to the President, even for this kind of a laid back show.

I couldn’t find a video to show you.  Frankly it’s embarrassing to watch a sitting president laughed at by the audience and referred to as “dude” by the host, so I’d just as soon NOT.  Over all I’d say President Obama made a huge error in judging who his enemies really are.

What say you?  What do you think of the President of the United States making an appearance on The Daily Show?  And what do you think of Mr. Stewart calling the President “dude?”

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