Thank you for shopping with us?!

clownIt amazes me how so few people think learning to communicate effectively is important.  Today’s society says we have free speech and should feel emboldened to say whatever we feel, but so few seek to speak in a way that minimizes errors for the recipient or takes seriously the consequences and responsibility.  Case in point:

My sister works at a retail store.  A few months ago a truck drove off the road and through their store window hurting a patron.  The customer was wheel chair bound, but only received a cut on her leg due to the accident.  She was lucky.  However, the saleswoman on the floor that day who escourted her to the ambulance said her goodbyes in a way that prompted a complaint call from that customer two days after the event.  What did the saleswoman say to her departing and injured customer?

“Thank you for shopping with us.”

She says she was trying to lighten the mood, but the truth is she wasn’t very sensitive to the feelings of her customer.

Communication Tip of the Month: NEVER try to use humor with someone you don’t know, particularly if it’s during a serious situation!

What would you have said?  What could this saleswoman have said?  What should she have said?

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Post Our Link & You Could Win $350 Prize Pkg!

OMGosh!  This is our biggest contest yet!  And the easiest one to enter!  Art of Eloquence will reach a milestone next month of being in business for 7 years!  Each year we have had a fun contest for our customers but this one is by far the BEST EVER!


All you need to do is post a link to the Art of Eloquence website and tell people to check us out and that qualifies you to enter our contest to win a prize package worth well over $350!  You can check out our Contest Page for more details and to see the HUGE package of prizes you could win if you are the one who posts the most before December 31st, 2009!   But …here is the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version:

What Art of Eloquence Page to Link to:

You can link to our homepage: , any of our product pages (see our Online Catalog),  our newsletter page: or even to our contest page:

Where to Post Our Link:

Post to your email friends, your blog, your newsletter, Yahoo group, website, Facebook, My Space or Twitter page… anywhere you have a following.

What to Say:

You can tell them to check out Art of Eloquence and that we have the most creative and fun speech communication studies around!  You can tell them about a particular product you like or want to purchase and link to that product page.  You can tell them to sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive offers and freebies just for subscribers.  Or you could tell them about our contest!

In the last seven years, Art of Eloquence has helped hundreds and hundreds of students improve their communication skills with their parents, their friends, their employees, their businesses and even those they minister the Word of God to!  With your help, we can reach even more and help them prepare for their futures as they follow the Lord’s leading in their lives! And you can win a huge prize package in the process!

But there’s more!  Art of Eloquence is giving away 10 MORE PRIZES in this contest!  Our winner will get a $350 prize package of awesome donated gifts from some fabulous Christian companies!  BUT we will also select 10 random contest entries to win a free gift from Art of Eloquence!  The more you enter, the better your chances of winning any of our prizes so enter early and enter often!! LOL

As they used to say on those Bartles and James commercials: “Thanks again for your support!”

Check out our contest page for all the details and to see the fabulous gifts so many have donated toward our contest!

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