Do you speak Spanish?

This week’s question of the Week: Do you speak Spanish?

This Thursday’s Talk Talk Show on the Communication Comedy Network is about the communication differences in the Spanish culture and language.   My special guest this week is Michelle Rothwell of Dora and Diego Homeschool Spanish.  She and I will discuss the cultural and language differences of those who speak Spanish and why learning Spanish can be exceptionally helpful today!

My dh was born in Mexico and is fluent in Spanish.  He also speaks a little French and Italian.  He says there are some distinct difference in the Mexican culture and the language and I’ll be sharing some of his insights.  Michelle and I will be having some fun with some humorous stories of miscommunication between the Spanish and English speaking world.  Come join us!

Do you speak Spanish?  Or any other language?

You can post your answers here or post this question on YOUR blog and come back here to link your blog post so all of us can read about you and YOUR readers’ answers!

If you would like to share your thoughts or experiences about the Spanish language and culture with my listeners, I would LOVE to have you on the show live on Thursday 8am PST/11am EST!  If you cannot make it live, you can post here and I will share your thoughts on the air with my listeners as I have time.  The show is archived as an audio directly following the live broadcast so you can listen in at your convenience.

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I Love Lucy: English Pronunciation

This is one of my favorite episodes of I Love Lucy.  Since this Thursday’s Grace Talk Soup is on the cultural differences in communication, I thought it’d be fun to post this segment of I Love Lucy where Lucy is trying to convince Ricky that his Cuban accent doesn’t afford him the ability to speak “Correct English”.  I especially love the part where he can’t figure out how to pronounce the different English words that all end in “ough”.

English is a funny language and even Americans have a “tough” time of it!  Or is that a “too” time of it?  LOL

Do you have a funny cultural communication story you’d like to share?  Come on the show on Thursday 8-9am PST and tell it!  Or just post it right here and we may read it on the air!

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