Be Our Guest!

We have some fun planned for you this Thursday! I also have a reminder about how you can get some free advertising for your ministry/business. And I want to remind you about our membership drive for the GTS Facebook Fan Club where you each member can get a free gift! See below:

This Thursday Grace Talk Soup is having an Open Discussion show on how culture and accents and nationality can affect communication and we would LOVE for you to call in to share!

Do people misunderstand you because of an accent? Do you find a gesture means something different where you grew up? Do your kids correct you because you are from NY and say “are eng” instead of “ore ange” (Orange)? We want to hear from you on the air!

How does your culture affect your communication? Do you have funny stories? I do!! Do you have some helpful information about communicating with people from different cultures? Come share it on the air!

Join us live via your computer:

Join us live via your phone:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

If you can’t join us live, can you email us your experience so we can read it on the air?

Don’t forget our contest this week!
Post our link on your FB or Twitter page, your blog, email loop, Yahoo group, newslette or wherever and then email us to tell us you did so…

and you could WIN free advertising for your ministry, blog or business on the show! We’ll read your info on air and it will be part of our archived shows!

We are so close to reaching 500 members on the Grace Talk Soup Facebook Fan Club! When we do, we will be giving each member a free gift!

Come join the fan glub and/or share the Grace Talk Soup Fan Club link with your Facebook friends! The quicker we get to 500 members, the faster we can give away your free gift!

We love your feedback so please reply if you have any suggestions or comments for the show!

Lucy Linguist
Ethel the Editor

Co hosts: Grace Talk Soup


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Are you happy now?!

A while back I had  a strange customer service experience when ordering my cell phone.  The entire incident was hilarious with lots of communication faux pas and I’m sure I’ll be sharing that at another time.  Sometime soon Carla and I will be having a Grace Talk Soup show on cultural and regional differences on communication.  This little tidbit is a great warm up for that show.

The customer service department for Best was apparently in India where they have extensive training in various aspects of the English language in order to converse with customers here in America.  However, some cultural or regional differences or perhaps American customs and expressions  in communication were apparently not addressed.

After a quite lengthy discussion about why my cell phone had not shipped where I still was unable to understand the reason for the delay, I was told I was going to be given a $25 gift certificate for my trouble.   The customer service rep took my information down and boldly asked…”Are you happy now?”

Rolling laughter could be heard emanating from my office long after she hung up!

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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