My life is funny!

My friend Carla has been telling me for years to record some videos and put ’em up on YouTube.  Why?  Because my life is funny and it usually illustrates why effective communication is so vital!

So yesterday my dd and I were watching Chonda Pierce videos on YouTube and laughing our collective tushies off.  She turns to me last night and says, “You should be a stand up comedian!”  Well, my life is funny and I do love to tell a good story!  My son is always laughing at the way I present his homeschool lessons and, occasionally and out of the blue, he’ll say, “Say something funny!”

While it’s probably a little premature to go out on tour or do TV appearances, as soon as I get my stubby hands on a digital video camera, I’m going to make a series of YouTube videos so be on the lookout!  In fact, I can almost guarantee it’ll be fairly soon so, if you love to laugh at someone else’s expense, I’m your gal!  You might want to subscribe to my newsletter, What’s New at Art of Eloquence so you don’t miss any.  I’ll let you know when we’ve uploaded them.  (Like that term?  I’m techie already!) lol

In the meanwhile, I have a funny story for you because…my life is funny!

So I’m up at 2:18am, cuz…I’ve had my alloted 4 hours of sleep!  And I’m on the computer typing a note to my Grace Talk Soup co host, Carla, and it’s taking a really long time to do, cuz…I still haven’t hooked up my new computer, Zippy, and I still have Methuselah!  When all of a sudden, I hear this GINORMOUS chirp!  It sounds like a cricket on steroids or a basketball player’s sneakers on the gym floor only he has…MUCH BIGGER sneakers!

At first I freeze, listening with great interest and expecting to see a 9ft cricket come out of the shadows and …EAT ME!  I was concerned about my feet, so I pick them up off  the floor and place them gently on the chair under me.  After a long while I figured I must have dreamed it.  After all, it is only 2:45am!

So back to my typing… I hear it again!  It has to be my computer, right?  So I shut off the speakers, but I hear it three or four more times and it’s LOUD!  There are certain odd sounds you hear in your house at 3am, but a 9ft electronic cricket ain’t one of them!  I run off downstairs and all over the house trying to find the giant cricket or, perhaps Magic Johnson in my living room!  Although what Magic Johnson would be doing playing basketball in my living room at 3am, is beyond me!

I end up in my bedroom standing over my husband at 3:06am.  Should I wake him up and tell him that a giant 9ft cricket is after me?  Well…YES!!  So he goes out and looks for the giant cricket.  There it goes again!  Where is it coming from?  It’s echoeing all over the house, bouncing off the walls and hardwood floors and vaulted celings!  It’s got to be HUGE!

Wanna know what it was?  Wanna know what killer creature my husband woke up at 3am on a weekday morning to protect me from?  A smoke detector with a low battery signal!

Now that’s love!

My life is funny! ROFL

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