Mailbag: 5 Advantages of Art of Eloquence eBooks

We receive some wonderful questions and comments from Art of Eloquence customers each month.  Since many of them have incredible insights and bring up quite interesting ideas, I thought I would begin sharing them with you all about once a month or so. Here’s this month’s question:

“Why don’t you sell hard copy books any longer and what are the advantages of an eBook?” -Dianne


In November of 2008, we became aware of the Child Protective Services Initiative Act (CPSIA) that was passed under the radar and remained unknown to most small business owners until that time.  This law made it very difficult and quite expensive for small business owners to continue selling products manufactured for children under 12.  It requires them to test each batch of product (each lot) for lead and other substances which are not normally found in books anyway.  Small business owners who buy inventory in smaller quantities would be hardest hit along with those crafters who produce one of a kind or make inventory one at a time. In addition to this, the rising cost of postage for both domestic and international customers made it difficult for us to continue to offer our hard copy studies, games and other products.

Rather than close our business as some did at that time, we decided to rewrite all of our hard copy studies as eBooks.  It’s taken us several months to complete four out of the five studies.  In addition, we had to discontinue production of our fabric board game, and other hard copy shippable products.

As long as we were rewriting our studies, we thought we’d make them even better by taking advantage of the inherent features of the technology.  Some of these benefits are common to all eBooks and some are unique to Art of Eloquence!

1. We added embedded links to various resources, articles and information that enhances each study, making them clickable and easy to navigate to the additional information that rounds out each eStudy!

2. eBooks are delivered instantaneously upon purchase! No waiting for delivery, even if you are an international customer!

3. No shipping costs! This can be a HUGE savings for our international customers who would now have to pay as much as $54 for shipping in a reasonable time frame.

4. No extra student fees! Art of Eloquence recognizes that times are financially uncertain for so many.  Since Art of Eloquence no longer has to spend money on inventory, we’ve decided to pass along our savings to our customers in a fresh new way by offering them the opportunity to download our eStudies to be used by EVERYONE who lives in their household.  So there is no need to purchase an additional eBook for each of your children or for husband and wife to have their own copy as in the case of our eBooks for adults.  That’s a HUGE SAVINGS for families right there!  Most other publishers will NOT allow you to do this with their eBooks!

5. Lastly, if you are planning to teach a co op class, you can SAVE BIG with the Art of Eloquence license fee for co op classes. Instead of paying full price for each student taking a co op class, Art of Eloquence charges a very small license fee for increments of 10 students.  AND it caps at 30 + students which means you could conceivably teach a co op class of 100 students and pay for only ONE BOOK plus a small license fee!  Think of the savings for each family member there!

So now, not only are Art of Eloquence studies the most fun way to learn Speech Communication, but they offer , embedded links to even more resources and information, instantaneous eDelivery, no charge for additional family members living in your home and an economic way for co ops to teach communication skills the fun way to as many students as they wish with minimal cost!

Homeschoolers and Christian parents love Art of Eloquence products for all ages including adults!  Check out a few of the comments from this month’s Art of Eloquence’s eMailbag!

(Links were added for reference for those who would like more info on what products or free resources the comments are referring to.)

“JoJo!  Your show is HALARIOUS!!!!!  And I learn things too!  What could be better???!!!! Thank you for all you do!  Have a great day!” -Dana

“I have to tell you that my daughter and I are using your FIMMOLOGY as the basis of our communications and creative writing class this year. I can’t begin to express to you just how much she enjoys reading the stories of FIMM. Her assignments center around how she can re-write his difficulties to get and keep him out of trouble. She really, really is enjoying it. Do you offer something like that as a course? Maybe consider doing it as a webinar? Know that she and I are huge fans of yours!!” -Trudy

“By the way, I’m going to recommend your “Play What You Mean” [The Play Book] as therapeutic help for children with RAD.  It contains many attachment type activities.  :>) Communication is mega-helpful in attachment!” -Becky Joie

Thank you Dana, Trudy and Becky Joie for your comments. We are so very happy your families are having fun with Art of Eloquence!  And thank you to Dianne for your question about eBooks!

If you have a question about communication skills or Art of Eloquence products, post them here as a comment on this blog post. I will answer all questions individually and then pick one per month to post here so that my readers can benefit from your question as well!

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I am a postal thief

In the category of “What’s Wrong with this Picture?”, I nominate the following bad example of government run programs:

It’s funny because I just got through remarking to my dh how much improved the US Postal Service has been in the last several years, but I had forgotten about the USPS website where you can “Click n Ship.”  I have had so many problems with their website not allowing me to sign on, not letting me ship internationally from the site, going down in the middle of a transaction, timing me out before I got all my labels printed…you name it!

The reason I forgot is because several months ago, when the government in it’s infinite insanity decided to penalize small business owners by requiring many of us to test each batch of product for lead and other things (see CPSIA laws), we had decided NOT to produce any more hard copy studies.  Postage had been going up several times a year too so it became a ridiculous juggling act to keep up with the hikes, let alone the ENORMOUS increase in postage prices for our international customers!

So I’m trying to ship two boxes of winter necessities to my college girl, who forgot them at home during the summer, when I can’t seem to find the particular Priority Mail box I have as one of the choices on their website.  They change things so often and their site is very difficult to navigate.  I could only find one box the shape of the one I have but the price doesn’t make sense to me.  I got out and back into their website about 3x to make sure it wasn’t some sort of website glitch, but that was the only one I found.  None of the other Priority Mail boxes are that shape so… I finished the transaction, paid, got a confirmation and printed the labels.  Off I ran to the local mail place to get these out to my poor dd who had been freezing prior to Labor Day.

Later that night, I received an email from the USPS website that said that the order was canceled and that the labels were not valid.  Well gee willakers, Uncle Sam, thanks for letting me know AFTER I dropped them off!… and you captured the money from my credit card!!  So I figured that as soon as they scanned the label, they would figure out it wasn’t valid, they would return it to me for insufficient postage.  (Still don’t know why the transaction was canceled but ours is not to reason why!)

A few days later I get a phone call from my dd who says the packages arrived!  WHAT?!!  I said, “Are they postage due?” and she said NO!  So, logically, I figured that they would take the money they captured from my credit card after all, right?  WRONG!  Yes the money is still captured, but here’s what the United States Post Office did instead:

They sent me two more emails the following day telling me that I owed them for the postage and accused me of  FRAUD!!!

“It is unlawful to intentionally use any label that has been voided or refunded to ship a package through the U.S. Postal Service, or to duplicate a label for reuse.”

THEY canceled the transaction…AFTER I had already received a confirmation and took it to be shipped!  THEY still had my money captured and now they want me to pay them again and are calling me UNLAWFUL?   I don’t think so!

I followed their instructions to pay for the postage AGAIN and I am waiting to see if they give me my other funds back.  I, then, wrote a formal complaint to the USPS.  I seriously doubt I’ll ever hear back from them and I am disinclined to use their website anymore.  I guess that’s why UPS is so popular.  I’d send them a free copy of my book, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business, but I doubt anyone would read it.

And they want to run health care?

A public service announcement from the folks at Art of

*NOTE* I am closing the comments on this blogpost due to HUNDREDS of SPAM messages I receive per day which are picking up on the SEO of these key words.

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Dr. Seuss Meets the CPSIA!

I have been blogging about the Child Protection Safety Initiative Act for a few months now.  It went into effect under cover of darkness and was supposedly designed to protect our children from lead poisoning which was a real concern born out of the state of toy making in China.  It blossomed as UNTHINKING legislators threw law together with the intent only to make themselves look like they were actually doing something about the problem.

However, instead of requiring testing from toys coming from China or other foreign countries, the law requires every product manufactured for children 12 and under to go through rigorous and expensive testing in order to be compliant.  This included things that were never known to contain lead or other harmful elements like clothing and books.  In fact, originally, it required testing of each lot.  So if you were a used clothing store, you would have to test each individual garment in order to be compliant!

Fortunately, most THINKING people knew this was bad law which would put many small businesses OUT of business and they have been successful in getting many exceptions added to the law.  It is impossible for them to enforce anyway, but it may take several years before it is all ironed out.  You see, instead of just scrapping the bad law and rewriting it in a less confusing and restrictive way, they will do what most politicians do and throw lots more words at the law and hope that the good words will cancel out the bad words and,  in the end, the ones that stick will make sense!

The Lord put a great deal of creativity in the hearts of His children and when they are justifiably outraged, they can be quite creatively humorous.  Currently there are a few YouTube videos dealing with this issue.  One is of a Faux Senator who explains how difficult his job is NOT to read all the laws that come to him for his signature each week.

And then there is this adorable social commentary by Heather Idoni of Homeschooler’s Notebook.  She and a friend wrote Dr. Seuss Meets the CPSIA.  They have also issued a challenge to all you creative writers out there who love Dr. Seuss to come up with your own social commentary on a subject near and dear to you in the style of Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss).

If you want to try your hand here, please post a comment with a few Dr. Seuss-like lines.

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