Vote: Who should win our contest?

I know the elections aren’t until 2012, but you can still vote!  ROFL  Last week, I issued a challenge to enter our contest by submitting a family friendly, funny or sweet story of miscommunication.  We had several wonderful entries and now I’d like you all to vote on your favorites!

1. Janie’s Entry:

I was chatting on the phone with my sister. She had said that for her daughter’s birthday she wanted one of our kittens. I knew which kitten my niece liked so I told my sister “The kitten she likes is a female.” My daughter (who was 4 at the time) said “But Mom, we don’t do females we only do e-mails.

2. Andi’s Entry:

One afternoon I was trying to convince my young daughter the importance of drinking lots of water….she asked: Why? I replied …because it’s good for your kidneys. She then asked, very seriously, but Mom what about your adult knees?  I started cracking up and left the conversation…. :0)

3. Joyce’s Entry#1:

My youngest was telling me a joke about what a red neck calls a no eyed deer, then he gave the punch line I have no I deer. I started cracking up then he said, but I don’t get it. I said so you have no I deer, he got it.

4. Joyce’s Entry #2

Some of my fondest memories of my children come from their mispronunciation of words during their young years. My oldest loved the movie Pinocchio with who see called Jimminy Cickit. My middle child with point to the sky and talk about the clowns, I thought he saw an image of a clown however, he was trying to say clouds. My youngest started playing video games way to young and would say “I have three wives,” instead of lives. Gotta love ‘em.

5. Monica’s Entry:

A few years ago, when our son was six, we were renting a house, and had a very good relationship with our landlord and his wife, Lorraine. (She made homemade donuts for us and things like that.) The time had come that we had to move to a new location. When I gave thanks to the Lord for the food at my meal with the children one day, I also prayed that the Lord would help us with the moving process “by keeping the rain away.” Amen. My son asked,”Why did you pray to keep Lorraine away?” I was glad to clear up that misunderstanding on the spot! :)

6. Mary’s Entry:

Our son received a Dairy Queen Coupon for a “FREE CONE” while attending a local Vacation Bible School Program. Excited to get something free, he wanted to visit the Ice Cream Parlor on the way home from VBS. While leaving the church parking lot, I hear his inquiring, but serious tone from the back seat of the car. “Mom, Is the coupon just for the cone?

7. Lisa’s Entry:

One day we were out at the baseball fields watching my husband play mens modified softball. My 6 yr old was sitting on my lap. We were talking about how odd it was for him and his older brother to be done with their ball seasonsand how its daddys turn to play ball now. I then proceeded to tell him “its in his genes ” to play ball…he got quiet then turned around with a puzzled look on his face..then with a straight face replied “But mom…dad and I aren’t even wearing the same type of pants”……needless to say everyone around us busted out in laughter!..

8. Paula’s Entry:

My daughters LOVE the “BAM” man as they called him. Emeril the chef. One night, my 8 year old daughter was over hearing a conversation between my husband and myself as to where we should plan our next family vacation. I thought it would be awesome to take them to a taping of his show. I said “Oh I know where we should go! The kids will just die! We should go…” and then my daughter was screaming hysterically. When we finally calmed her down, we realized she literally thought we were going to take the kids somewhere to die. We read a LOT of Amelia Bedilia books after that! :D

Thanks to all our readers for the fabulous entries.  Now let’s see who’ll win a free Art of Eloquence communication study of THEIR CHOICE!

To Vote:

Leave a comment and tell me which one you like best and if you have a second choice.  The one with the most votes will win.  If we get enough votes, the one with the second number of votes will win second place.  So…post this blog link all over town!


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!



NOTE: Voting is now closed and the winner is….Andi with our number two entry!  Congratulations, Andi!  I’ll be emailing you to see which Art of Eloquence study you’d like as your free gift!  Thanks to all who participated!  I had such fun reading all your fabulous stories!


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Word Wednesday Contest

June is Effective Communication Month so, to celebrate, Art of Eloquence is hosting a contest here on the blog where you could win free Art of Eloquence studies of YOUR CHOICE!  Here’s how it works:


1. Submit a family-friendly, funny or sweet story of miscommunication.  The story could have happened to you in “real life,” you could have heard about it happening to someone else  OR you could write one out of your own imagination. It can be funny like a Foot in Mouth Man episode or a sweet and inspirational story.  Preferably just a few sentences or a paragraph, but there is no limit to the length if it’s a good story.

2. Post them here as a comment on this blog post making sure to leave a valid email address and name so we can contact the winners at the end of the contest.

3. Enter as often as you like, but each entry (a different miscommunication story) must be posted in a separate comment!

4. At the end of the month, I’ll post a few of the best stories of miscommunication and ask my readers to vote for their favorite in each of the two categories: Fun and Sweet.

5. It is understood that submissions may be used in future Art of Eloquence marketing.



1. Winners will receive a free Art of Eloquence product of their own choosing!

2. The more entries we have, the more winners we will choose so please pass along the link to this blog post and ask others to enter!

NOTE:  Contest is now closed. No more entries will be accepted.  We will be asking our readers to vote on the winners in the next few days!


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!


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Don’t Miss the Upcoming Facebook Fun!

If you weren’t already aware, Art of Eloquence has a fan page over on Facebook.  We’ve been having such a fun time over there that I thought I’d share it with everyone so you could come on over and join us for some upcoming Art of Eloquence Communication FUN.  Aside from all the fun links, videos, funny pictures and sayings posted weekly, here are two reasons you’ll want to join us…

1. Communication BINGO starts Sept. 1st!

I have a list of 75 communication terms posted on a secret link on the Art of Eloquence website just for our Facebook fan page members.  Choose 25 of the terms, email them in to me before Sept. 1st and play along to win one of 8 prizes!  Each of the first 8 winners will get a free Art of Eloquence product!

The idea is to watch for the terms I call out each day and cross them off your list.  Each day I’ll not only post a term or two from the list, but a fun link, picture, joke or saying that goes along with it.  When all of your terms are called off, email me to claim BINGO!  After each win is verified with my email copy sent in, I’ll award each of the first 8 to call BINGO with a free Art of Eloquence eProduct!

If you aren’t yet a member of the Art of Eloquence Facebook page, come on over and “Like” us!  Then click our Events tab to find more details about our upcoming Communication BINGO!

2. Free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook!

If you weren’t an Art of Eloquence newsletter subscriber last week, you probably didn’t get a free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook, the very first in the eSeries!  Not to worry, because if you are a member of our Facebook fan page when we reach 1000 members, you’ll have another chance!   We have somewhere around 950 members.  When we reach 1000, I’m going to make a link available for ALL Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page members to claim their own free copy of my very first illustrated JoJoisms eBook with my insightful and humorous quotes on communication!

Don’t let us start without YOU!

If you “Like” us, I think you’ll really like us!

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Free JoJoisms Coming Soon

I have a new series of illustrated eBooks coming out soon.  JoJoisms are my funny, insightful sayings about life.  The first in the series will be on communication.  Who’d a thunk it, right?  Inside will be things like, JoJoism#45, “God didn’t make cookie-cutter people so there is no one-size-fits-all way to communicate with them.

It’ll be out this week and you can get it for free if…

1) you are one of our newsletter subscribers.

What’s New at Art of Eloquence is our newsletter featuring an exclusive monthly article and Ask JoJo featuring answers to YOUR communication questions.  It also shares exclusive offers and free gifts just for our subscribers.  Tomorrow;s newsletter will allow every subscriber to download JoJoisms that reveal life’s truths about communication fundamentals!

If you are already a subscriber, you need do nothing but open your newsletter and click the download link.   If you are not a subscriber, now is the time!  Click here to subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence today!

2) you are a Facebook Fan when we reach 1000 members.

We currently have over 930 members of the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page.  When we reach 1000, I’ll make a download link available to all members!  Our Facebook page members have all kinds of fun that we cannot work via our newsletter.  I post funny pictures, quotes and sayings that help illustrate various communication skills.  However, the next several months will be even more exciting.

September 1st will kick off our Communication Bingo contest.  I’ll be posting a few communication terms per day M-F along with some fun links, pictures, scriptures and quotes that illustrate their importance.  If you are one of the members who signed up to play (chosen 25 of our 75 communication terms) and you are one of the first 8 to call bingo (meaning I have called out all 25 of your terms), you will win a free gift from Art of Eloquence and 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Grand Prize!

If you are already an Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page member, go into the group and find the post with the details of the game and the 75 words.  Then pick 25 of them and send them in to me before Sept. 1st.  If you are not yet a member there, click here to “like” (join) our page and check out the link to enter!

3) you are a For the Love of Contest winner.

I have a fun blog for purple lovers called  Today and Wednesday I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog by having a contest.  Today I’m asking readers to name the purple things they have in their home that start with the letters A-M.   You can see the details of that contest here. You’ll notice that the cover of JoJoisms is purple (as are most of the Art of Eloquence communication studies!).

So…there are three ways to get a free copy of JoJoisms.  I suggest to you try all three!

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Words Matter Week: Friday Word Fun Entry!

Today is Day Five of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest!

Today’s Extra Entry:

Here are our extra entry rules for today, Friday, March 5th:

Each Friday, here at Communication FUNdamentals, we feature a video or quote or picture that illustrates miscommunication with humor.  This week, I have a funny video for you.

I’m always looking for family friendly communication humor.  Today’s extra challenge for Words Matter Week is to find some fun illustration of miscommunication.  Send your family friendly video, picture, quote or audio links to  and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject linke.  Each of these family friendly miscommunication humor segments will count as an additional entry in our contest!

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight tonight, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

Good luck!

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Words Matter Week: Descriptive Words Entry!

Today is Day Four of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest!

Today’s Extra Entry:

Here is our extra entry rules for today, Thursday, March 4th:

The key to effective communication is our vocabulary.  The more descriptive our words are, the more effective we are at communicating our message.  Here are a list of Plain Jane words that aren’t very descriptive.  What words could you use instead of the following that would be much more descriptive?

Good, Bad, Nice, Loud, Fun, Big, Small

Please email your list to and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject linke.  Each descriptive word will count as an additional entry in our contest!

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight on Friday, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

Check back tomorrow for yet another way to enter this contest or…subscribe to Communication FUNdamentals so you don’t miss a post!

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Words Matter Week Contest: Extra Entry Idea!

Today is Day Two of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest!

Today’s Extra Entry:

Here is our extra entry rules for today, Tuesday, March 2nd:

Art of Eloquence has started a collection of funny or poignant sayings about communication.  We would love to add even more to our growing list!  If you have a favorite family friendly saying or quote that is NOT listed on the top of our quotes page, please email  with your quote and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject line.  Each quote we do not yet have on our quotes page will count as an additional entry in our contest!

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight on Friday, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

You might want to subscribe to my blog or check back with Communication FUNdamentals tomorrow for another way to enter to win our contest!

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Words Matter Week: Contest!

This week is National Words Matter Week!  To celebrate, I’m having a blog contest and you could win a prize package of your choice!  Since this is Communication FUNdamentals, I want us to celebrate Words Matter Week by having some fun with words and our communication!  So let’s get to the rules of the contest:

Each weekday March 1-5th, here on the blog, I’m going to issue a simple challenge for you to enter as many times as you can.  The one who has the most entries at midnight on Friday, March 5th will win the grand prize!

How to Enter Each Day March 1-5:

To enter the contest, post a link to this blogpost or any of the other Words Matter Week blogposts (March 1-5) sharing about Words Matter Week anytime between now and midnight on Friday, March 5th!  Each post will count as an entry in the contest.

You may post this link on Twitter, Facebook, your blog, your website, your Yahoo group, social network/media, a chat, or email your friends and family!  Anywhere you post our link counts as one entry in the contest. To enter you simply email with “WMW Contest” in the subject line and tell me where you posted and what Communication FUNdamentals blog post you linked to.

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight on Friday, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

Check back tomorrow for another way to get more entries and have more fun with Words Matter Week!

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Congratulations Contest Winners & What I Learned

What a contest!  For the past two months, Art of Eloquence had a contest going that got really interesting, especially toward the end.   The idea was to help us get the word out about Art of Eloquence by posting links to our website.  The winner of the $350 prize package was the one who posted the most links, but we were also giving away other prizes by picking 10 other entries at random.

When we first started, I thought we would have hundreds of people entering once with several entering a few times.  I expected our winner to have posted about 5-7 links in the two months allotted and I figured the motivation to post the most links would come from the fact that folks really wanted to win the very generous prize package ($350 value) donated by several wonderful companies!  Boy was I wrong!

The winner posted 82 links during the two month period of time and our second place winner was not too far behind with 43 posts!!  Wow!  Wanna know something else?  As I corresponded with these two winners and with several of the other entrants, I found something quite interesting.

Almost all of them said they were happy to post because they really loved Art of Eloquence products and felt that effective communication was an important topic!  In fact, I can’t even count the number of times I found an Art of Eloquence link posted where the person didn’t even email me to enter the contest!  And when I contacted them to inform them that they could email me to enter to win a prize package, many of them said they just wanted to share the information.  WOW!  I am truly humbled!

Education and enlightenment can come from the most unexpected places.  We may often wonder if our life’s work is making an impact or if folks even take the time to read what we post.  2009 was such an awful year for so many that it seemed to leave people with little time or energy to post comments.  I knew folks were reading my newsletter and blog and were using my studies but, as negative communication travels so much farther and faster, I would receive the occasional note that someone was unhappy with the focus of an article, wanted more for free or didn’t like the Christian focus of my studies.  I was completely unprepared for the magnitude of the appreciation I would receive for this contest and the willingness of my customers, readers and subscribers to forward our website link.  I am truly honored and humbled that God would use me in this way and allow me to see such support back from so many!

Well, in case you are wondering who won our little internet contest, we have posted the winner and second place winner up on the contest page of the Art of Eloquence website.  There you will still find the massive list of precious prizes donated by some of the most amazing and generous companies out there.  I would like to formally thank each and every one of them for their participation and generosity!

I would also like to thank our winners, all 11 of them, and every person who posted our links for taking the time to post about Art of Eloquence and for the lovely comments made both in their posts online and to me in private.  God’s blessings upon you!

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Post Our Link & You Could Win $350 Prize Pkg!

OMGosh!  This is our biggest contest yet!  And the easiest one to enter!  Art of Eloquence will reach a milestone next month of being in business for 7 years!  Each year we have had a fun contest for our customers but this one is by far the BEST EVER!


All you need to do is post a link to the Art of Eloquence website and tell people to check us out and that qualifies you to enter our contest to win a prize package worth well over $350!  You can check out our Contest Page for more details and to see the HUGE package of prizes you could win if you are the one who posts the most before December 31st, 2009!   But …here is the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version:

What Art of Eloquence Page to Link to:

You can link to our homepage: , any of our product pages (see our Online Catalog),  our newsletter page: or even to our contest page:

Where to Post Our Link:

Post to your email friends, your blog, your newsletter, Yahoo group, website, Facebook, My Space or Twitter page… anywhere you have a following.

What to Say:

You can tell them to check out Art of Eloquence and that we have the most creative and fun speech communication studies around!  You can tell them about a particular product you like or want to purchase and link to that product page.  You can tell them to sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive offers and freebies just for subscribers.  Or you could tell them about our contest!

In the last seven years, Art of Eloquence has helped hundreds and hundreds of students improve their communication skills with their parents, their friends, their employees, their businesses and even those they minister the Word of God to!  With your help, we can reach even more and help them prepare for their futures as they follow the Lord’s leading in their lives! And you can win a huge prize package in the process!

But there’s more!  Art of Eloquence is giving away 10 MORE PRIZES in this contest!  Our winner will get a $350 prize package of awesome donated gifts from some fabulous Christian companies!  BUT we will also select 10 random contest entries to win a free gift from Art of Eloquence!  The more you enter, the better your chances of winning any of our prizes so enter early and enter often!! LOL

As they used to say on those Bartles and James commercials: “Thanks again for your support!”

Check out our contest page for all the details and to see the fabulous gifts so many have donated toward our contest!

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