Rush to Hatred

Last week a very popular political figure had to be rushed to the hospital.  No, he isn’t a senator or congressman.  He isn’t even a politician.  He is a conservative talk radio host.

Though I prayed for his recovery, it isn’t his illness that brings me to write about him today; it was the reaction of some of those who disagree with his political persuasion. It was the message they sent and the way in which they chose to communicate it.  But more than anything else, it was their rush to hatred and the language of hatred that I wish to discuss.

Several blogs and internet news media reported last week that Rush Limbaugh was taken to the hospital with chest pains.  He was reported to be in serious condition.  I found out about it on Twitter and went to the various links provided to try to learn more.  What I found was something that saddened me.

Among the well wishes and prayers were comments calling for his death and requests for him to suffer.  I won’t include here the actual words used as I find them horrific, but I wonder why people, these days, feel the need to spew hatred on those they disagree with.  Why they wish them harm?

I disagree with many people including those who have the power to affect my life in a very negative way.  I don’t wish ill upon them.  I disagree with most of what President Obama is trying to accomplish, yet I was appalled to hear that someone had plotted to kill him during the time he was running for office.  I was horrified to learn that there was a security breach in the White House when a couple crashed a party where they had access to the President and Vice President!

If you disagree with someone, what is the purpose in publicly wishing them harm?  Do people think words of hatred will endear the other side to their cause?  Show them the error of their ways?  Not likely!  Do they think that simply because they believe something different from what they believe that they are not human?  Have feelings with families who care about them?  Or is the idea just to inflict as much harm as possible?

If you truly believe in something, isn’t it your purpose to try to affect change so that others will come to adopt your beliefs?  I have never known a time when the language of hatred had caused someone to adopt the opposite opinion.  Ever!  Wouldn’t it be better to speak with civility and grace to appeal to those who disagree with you so that they will listen to what you have to say?  I have noticed, too, that many of those who speak out against “Hate Speech” are the very ones rushing to speak hatred of others simply because they disagree with them.

What we need is an effective way of communicating our beliefs.  Art of Eloquence believes it is far more effective to speak to others in love and with respect.  It isn’t a rush to heated words or stopping another from speaking that will gain the hearts of those who oppose you.  I think, instead, what some are trying to do is kill the others’ argument.  But you will not persuade another by cutting off his argument. You will only stifle your understanding of how to answer him.

Some thoughts on the language of hatred from the folks at Art of

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5 Political Reasons to Learn Effective Communication Skills

I’m often asked why communication skills are so important.  I hear so many say things like: “After all, with cell phones, email and the internet we are the most connected society who ever lived.”;  “The only people who really need to learn effective communication are lawyers and politicians.”;  “Most people know what I mean.” and “So I’m not Ronald Reagan!”

Statistics show that 87% of what you and I do all day long is communication related.  You communicate when you talk to friends, when you discipline your kids, when you share ideas at work, when you share your faith.  I hear some of you out there though thinking, “What’s so important?  So I don’t get along that well with Aunt Millie!”   While studies show that effective communicators are more successful in their careers and in their relationships, I want to talk to you today about another vital reason to learn effective communication skills.  5 political reasons to be exact.

1. If you are a conservative…

The current administration is implementing liberal plans for the country.  If you feel this is wrong, you will want to voice your opposition.

2. If you are a Christian…

There are certain policies you might object to on religious grounds.  Let your voice be heard.

3. If you are Pro Life…

Here is one of those religious issues.  If you are Pro Life, you’ll want to share your opinions with the powers that be.

4. If you are against the current health care bill…

You will want to join the thousands of voices sharing their views against the proposed bill.

5. If you are concerned about the direction the economy is going…

You should speak up for what you believe in so your thoughts and needs will be heard.

Christian conservatives are waking up to the fact that we cannot remain silent any longer.  We need to speak up and voice our side, but we cannot just throw rhetoric and ideas around and hope they stick.  We need to be thoughtful, respectful, gracious and articulate.  And it isn’t enough that we are armed with the truth; we need to be armed with the skill to share our ideas in a manner that befits an articulate servant of Christ.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and and hosting her weekly podcast, Communication Comedy Network.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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