Christianity in the News today on Grace Talk Soup


Did you know that the mainstream media doesn’t report on violations of Freedom of Speech where it involves a Christian? Do you that the UN considers your rights as a parent negotiable? What are the latest news items Christians need to be aware of? Come join us as we discuss them and how we should react?

Today on Grace Talk Soup, I’m going to address a few of the latest issues in the news that are important to the Christian community.

* Why is it important that we know about these issues?

* Why doesn’t the main stream media report them?

* Why aren’t more Christians speaking up?

* How do Christians react to these issues and why is that important?

* What problem with not speaking up?

Latest News Stories:

* Miss California question reveals her Christian beliefs on marriage and sets off a rant from one of the judges.

* President Obama asks that all Christian symbols be draped while he is making his speech at Notre Dame

* Homeland Security memo that was only to go to law enforcement states that returning military, conservatives and those who are pro life are “primary” threats to national security and potential domestic terrorits

* Hate Crimes bill that could silence pastors

How do you feel about these issues?  Why are they important for our future?  What is the effect on a Christian’s free speech and religious freedom?  How should Christians react and what is the problem if we react the wrong way?  Come share your thoughts.

To join the call live (8am PST/11am EST) via your computer:

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(724) 444-7444  Call ID: 19736

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May Grace Talk Soup Contest:

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Dr. Seuss Meets Lucy and Ethel

In honor of our guests tomorrow who wrote an enormously funny and poignant Dr. Seuss like poem about the CPSIA law we will be discussing, Ethel and I wrote a poem about our new segment, “I Love Language” on Grace Talk Soup.  Here is only an excerpt. You’ll have to tune in tomorrow to hear the rest!  But you’ll really want to hear their poem and why this law is so confusing and dangerous.

Lucy and Ethel loved language and so
they decided to teach on a humorous show
how to say what you mean and mean what you say
and edit your words in an eloquent way!

WANT MORE?  Stay tuned to…


Grace Talk Soup’s new segment “I Love Language” stars Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST!

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For Moms of Gifted Kids: Learned an important parenting lesson yesterday

My folks just got back from a trip to California to visit my brother and his wife.  They are having their second child.  My mom was the perfect doting grandma telling me all about my niece and how smart she is.  They brought back pictures and oh is she adorable too!

It had me thinking back to the things my kids did at that same age and my mom and I began talking about the adorable things my son used to do. Both my kids are gifted.  Gifted kids are precious, but they can also be difficult to parent at times.  It’s tough to be the one in charge when your kids think they know more than you…especially if they DO!  But having a brain that is always on overload can short out some mundane tasks and cause difficulties that can be pretty humorous.

Chris was always thinking but his thoughts followed an unusual path that lead to unusual conclusions, but always took the scenic route!  Chris was always too busy to eat and he was such a picky eater that there wasn’t much that would entice him to finish.  Meals were three hours long but only included four Chicken Dinosaurs!  To add insult to injury, he had a hard time remembering to chew and…SWALLOW!  He’d see a fly and follow it around the house with food in his mouth.  It would land on the wall high up near the ceiling taking his breath away.  He would gasp in delight at the thought of the fly’s ability to remain in that position high up on the wall…and choke on his food! I used to sit by him to remind him to chew and swallow.  lol

We talked about how he figured out how to work the computer at the age of 2 and would spend 6 hours a day on it standing up all the while because he was too little to reach the keys sitting on the chair.  We shared about the time he taught himself to read at the age of 3 using Jump Start 3rd grade and DVD subtitles.

He kept asking questions about himself and what he used to do.  He was fascinated by the stories He was so proud of himself at his early accomplishments that his self esteem went up by a factor of 10!

Then at home during dinner, my son brought it up again.  My dh and I began to talk about some of the other things he did and how Kelsey had done some pretty amazing things too.   Then he asked if Kelsey had ever done anything wrong.  He is 9 years her junior and has always looked at her as a mother figure. She has been such an amazing young lady and such an easy kid to parent for many years that all he knows is how good Kelsey is and how accomplished.

Here she is at an elite university after two years of jet setting around the U.S. for leadership and political programs she raised the money for herself.  She has a black belt in Karate and over 150 trophies.  She was even one of his instructors at the dojo.  She has accomplished so much in her young life as many gifted children do.  But that was all he saw.

So he was amazed and excited to learn that when Kelsey was two she bit her great grandmother and hit her with a broom because she didn’t like being told no. He was interested to learn how we disciplined her, as we do him.

He loved the stories of her Terrible Twos and her screaming matches at the store, how she got caught after hiding the vitamins she told us she was taking.  He was in hysterics and nearly fell out of his chair when he realized how easily we found them because they were all together in the waste basket when we had to empty it!  ROFL

He began to see her as human and more like him.  He began to realize that this amazing young woman who we are so proud of was just like him and that we are just as proud of him as we are of Kelsey.

We realized that, though we tell Chris how special he is and how he has different talents and issues than his sister, he was comparing his weaknesses to her strengths. A typical MO for gifted kids.  Gifted kids see themselves differently than others see them.  They tend to be perfectionists and self-critical.  The communication they have with themselves is that they are not as smart as everyone thinks they are and they are secretly afraid of being “found out”.   What a blessing for them to find out that the ones they look up to are just as human as they are!

What an important lesson for my little gifted son!  If you have gifted kids, I would love you to share your stories.

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The Lost Art of Civility: The Civility Project

FINALLY!  Somebody gets it!  In this fascinating article by the Jerry Falwell Ministries, Jonathan Falwell points out a growing concern I have had about our society for many years.

“In 2007 on the Fox News Channel, Bill O’Reilly and Geraldo Rivera went head-to-head in a debate over the deaths of two Virginia Beach girls, the result of them being hit by a drunk driver who was an illegal alien. The confrontation between the two men is now legendary as they heatedly shouted down each other with fingers aimed in faces.

This example, I believe, is indicative of a growing problem in our nation. We have grown so divided and so suspicious of those who are on “the other side,” that we have largely lost focus of the issues, centering more on inconsiderate taunts or the belittling of our adversaries. Terms such as “left-wing whacko” or “right-wing fascist” have become commonplace, and they ultimately get us nowhere in terms of achieving real social/political resolutions.

This is not the way people should be behaving in a civil society.”

In fact, I had blogged about a few other Bill O’Reilly interviews where he had approached the other party in an abrasive and disrespectful way.  One of those interviews was with Barney Frank.  As sometimes happens with interviewers, Mr. O’Reilly spent a monologue asking him a question and then never let him answer.  Though I don’t agree with Barney Frank, I did sympathize with him in this instance.  Mr. Frank did it right.  He was, for the most part, respectful and gracious.  This makes you look good and the other party appear to be the aggressor who is out for blood.

One man is taking a stand and organizing a response: The Civility Project.
“The Civility Project is not a call for people to surrender their personal beliefs or convictions, nor is it a call to limit free speech. It is simply an appeal to reason and respectful behavior among conservatives, liberals, moderates and all those in between as we debate and deliberate on the issues that face our nation.

If you are tired of the hostile and often petty social/political environment in which we find ourselves today, I encourage you to join me in taking the Civility Pledge by visiting this website:”

Though I have read the Bible cover to cover many times, and I have seen hundreds of scriptures where the Lord tells us how to communicate with one another, I have never seen anywhere where He tells us to shout others down the way society believes it is entitled to do these days.

“Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6

Shouting your adversary down does not change his mind or anyone else’s who might be watching.  It’s akin to what I call “Screaming in a Deaf Man’s Ear”.  He has no idea what you are talking about, but he knows one thing for sure: you are making him angry!

It takes much more skill to be an effective communicator these days.  That’s because we have allowed ourselves to lose sight of what the Lord tells us HUNDREDS of times in His Word. How we speak to each other is of vital importance, even over the words we use!  The lost art of civility is only one in a long line of lost communication skills over the years.
Communication is the key to understanding each other and without that, we are reduced to a bunch of Screaming Mimi’s who affect no change but make valiant efforts at Screaming in a Deaf Man’s Ear!

Will you join me in bringing civility back to the world?  Will you learn the communication skills necessary to share your thoughts effectively?  If you don’t know where to begin, Art of Eloquence can help!

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!
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