Ready to Talk Grumpy?

Are you sometimes grumpy?  Is your spouse?  My friend Cindy Holman occasionally talks about Mrs. Grumpy on her blog.  Mrs. Grumpy is someone who kind of takes over her mood when she’s frustrated.  Now you have to know Cindy.  She such an encourager and always seems to be upbeat.  But like all of us, she gets down sometimes.  It’s at those points that Mrs. Grumpy takes over and it affects her husband and family.  Aren’t we all like that at times?

Having grumpy moments can affect not just our mood but our kids’ moods and those around us.  What happens when we get the grumpy habit?  When grumpiness takes over our spouse?  What does that do to the life of those closest to us?  We’re going to investigate this on my podcast over the next two weeks.

The Communication Comedy Network is proud to present the Talk Talk Show with host, JoJo Tabares [That’s ME!] in a two part grumpy series!  Tomorrow is part 1: Grumpy Men and the Women Who Love Them!  And just so the women don’t think this is purely a male issue, next week is part 2: Grumpy Women and the Men Who Don’t Know We’re Changing!

Tomorrow, we’ll be discussing the issues that make men grumpy, how that affects their families and how they and their wives can help turn their frown upsidedown!  Next week, it’s the womens’ turn as we discuss menopause. how it makes women grumpy and tips for turning grumpy into Snow White again without passing through Dopey!

Mark your calendar to the show live via your computer:

To join us live via phone:
(724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

To listen to any past episode:

Have an ungrumpy day!
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Making a list and forgetting it twice

“I write down everything I want to remember. That way, instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend the time looking for the paper I wrote it down on.”  -Beryl Pfizer

What has organization to do with communication?  Read my article, Organize Your Communication and find out just how much!

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Baby Babble

This is adorable though I can’t help but relate it to adults when we are communicating with others, thinking we are clear.  We know what we mean, but we may not be getting through to others who don’t understand.  It happens every day with our family, friends and business associates. Most of the troubles in life stem from misunderstandings.

It takes much more than knowing what you’re saying to be understood!  It takes the Art of Eloquence!

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CCN: The Communication Comedy Network Premiere!

CCN Logo2

All my life I wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m going to do it sitting down!” JoJo Tabares

The Communication Comedy Network is new to internet radio this week!  CCN is Real Communication Issues delivered in a really funny way.  Side effects include: unexplained laughing, seeing the positive side of life and communication excellence!

The Communication Comedy Network airs 8am PST (11am EST) to 9am PST (12pm EST) each Thursday and features various “shows” that use creativity to illustrate and teach communication skills.  Each week has 2-3 “shows” hosted by various people all of whom are played by the very playful JoJo Tabares of Art of

“Shows” include:

The 12 1/2 Minute News Hour hosted by Nancy Newsome reports real but odd news that teaches a specific communication lesson.

Word of the Week Short hosted by Professor Wordsmith who shares obscure words and grammar lessons.

Talk Talk Show: a talk show about talking (communication) hosted by JoJo Tabares of Art of Open discussions on various communication topics with occassional guests who share an area of expertise in a specifc aspect of communication.

Parodies of game shows, soap operas, infomercials and others will take place periodically all reporting or sharing real communication issues or news in a really funny way!

Join the Communication Comedy Network tomorrow morning at 8am PST/11am EST live!  Or listen to the audio recoding available directly following the broadcast!

This week’s Open Discussion Topic on JoJo’s Talk Talk Show is Hype and Hoopla of the Media relating more specifically to the recent Glen Beck show where he said the governement’s Cash for Clunkers program website was after your personal computer information!  Come share your thoughts!

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3 Important Lessons for Family

I wasn’t aware, but I guess, family reunions are big this time of year.  I just spent an amazing weekend with my sister and her family.  Our families hadn’t seen each other in a year since they helped us move to Arizona from California.  I learned three vitally important lessons from being so far away from most of my family this past year.

First, relationships cannot flourish without communication.  You cannot develop, strengthen or grow a relationship without communicating with each other.  You cannot let too much time go by without picking up the phone, typing out an email or writing a letter before you feel disconnected from your loved ones.

Second, relationships are built much easier, faster and deeper when that communication takes place in person.  I never realized how much I missed this year by not seeing my nephew grow or having time to listen to my niece’s sense of humor and intelligent banter.

Third, relationships thrive more when the quality of communication is high even if the quantity is low.  Even when we lived in California only a little over an hour away, we had precious little time to spend.  Most of our get-togethers were for birthdays or some established EVENT where most of the time was spent serving and eating and cleaning up.  In between there was some amount of discussion but it was often about logistics and major events.  Very little time was spent making memories.

This past weekend, we found time to be silly together.  We found time to play and we found time to make memories.  The communication was meaningful but also more relaxed and fun because this get-together was just for fun with no agenda but to connect.

Take time to connect with your family at those reunions.  The temptation is to talk about the major things in your life so you will be caught up with each other.  I submit that those major things can be discussed in an email or a short phone conversation.  I ask you to take the time at your family reunions to really connect with your family.  Share the little things, the funny things, the silly things.  That’s what makes a memory and that’s what you will both remember for a lifetime!

Check out Art of for eStudies that will help your family communicate more effectively!

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Palin Resignation Speech

By now you have no doubt heard that Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, has resigned.  There is a great deal of speculation about her reasons, timing and her future political career.  Both Republicans and Democrats alike were taken by surprise and are not quite sure what to think about it.  How did she come across?  Did she answer questions with her speech?  What did she leave unanswered?  I thought I would give my opinion of what her speech did and didn’t do.

The left says Palin gave no reason for her leaving office,  is running away because she isn’t qualified, can’t take the spotlight’s close look at her life, is erratic in her behavior and can’t be trusted.  The right says Governor Palin is just looking out for Alaska and needs time with her family or will be attempting to run for senator.

Looking at Palin’s speech, I find that she did give a reason for leaving at the end of the month.  She said that she didn’t want to waste the time and money to maintain her position when she is a lame duck. This is consistent with what we know of Governor Palin.  She will make the tough decisions for what she believes is in the best interest of the people she governs.

However, there are two questions this brings up that are left unaddressed in her speech.  The first, and most important, is “Why is she not running for re-election?”, and the second is, “What message does this send the American people if she has any plans to further her political career?”

Let’s look at what her speech communicated about the reason she is not seeking a second term.  She really didn’t give a concrete reason.  She mentioned that her family needs her and she spent a great deal of time talking about the mainstream media and various TV personalities, whose attacks have been relentless and in some cases completely unfair.  Governor Palin talked also about the legal bills she has been forced to pay in order to defend herself against these attacks. I don’t think anyone would think badly of her if she came right out and said, she is giving up politics to protect her family and to earn in the private sector to pay off the legal bills, but that’s not what she said.

While any of these would be a valid reason for not seeking re-election, her speech failed to articulate even one.  If she is staying home because her family needs her, I would expect her to say she is giving up politics until her family has grown.  But she didn’t say that.  If she is stepping down to pursue a better position that would give her more experience in order to run for a higher office, I would have expected her to tell us what she will be doing.  But she wasn’t specific about how she was going to support causes and candidates from outside the government.

Then there is the question of whether or not she will run for Senator or even President of the United States.   If she is going to run for any other office, she will undoubtedly be a lame duck at some point.  What if she was VP or President?  Would she leave her commitment a year and a half from the end?

Further, there is the matter of her demeanor during her speech.  Governor Palin didn’t seem to be her usual relaxed self during this speech.  Speaking quickly, taking deep breaths before many of her points, and many other little things made her appear nervous.  The Right extolled her communication skills for being able to speak this long without notes, but I think if she had written some bullet points, she would have come across as succinct.  The Left said she spoke far too long.   I quite disagree.  It wasn’t the amount of time she spoke that was at issue, it was the disorganized way in which she approached the subject as if there was more to the story than she was willing to go into at this juncture.

Finally, there is the matter of what she said.  Governor Palin is a very powerful speaker and came off that way during this speech when she was talking about what she would do and has done.  Where she faltered is when she painted herself as the victim of the mainstream media.  It came off as complaining.  While I believe she has every right to complain, the people want her to be the bull dog she is known to be.  They want her to stand up for her beliefs and ideas in the face of opposition.  That’s what a leader does.  That’s what a leader has to do.  There will always be those who disagree with you and, these days where civility is all but gone, leaders know that those disagreements may be hateful and hurtful.

Governor Palin’s speech leaves many questions, but I think one thing is certian.  This decision had to be well thought out and there is a plan.  I believe it will be revealed over the course of the next few months.  If she does have aspirations in the Senate or White House, she’ll have to work hard to communicate to the American people that she has the commitment she’ll need to get their vote.

I thought about this last part a great deal since I am just about to release my newest study, The Language of Leadership.  I’ll be posting on that in just a few days.  Our online class has several pre registered students who have begun taking the course this week.  You can take a look at how the class is run here!

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Ever feel like you’re not communicating?

Ever feel like you aren’t really communicating effectively with someone?

Learning to communicate effectively can be FUN TOO with Art of!

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Hilarious Commercial

Though it is logical and mathematical, search engines don’t have human intuition or insight.  How often have you searched for something like “Whale Songs” and come up with 200 versions of New York, New York?

Well, there’s a new search engine in town and its name is that has the most hysterically funny commercials illustrating the frustrating communication with the technology involved when using the world wide web for information.

Today’s Grace Talk Soup is about communication technology and whether it has hurt or helped our communication skills.  Tune in live 8am PST /11am EST each Thursday morning or..scroll down to our Past Episodes and listen to the audio recordings at your convenience!

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Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool

Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool?
By JoJo Tabares

In the olde days of kings who ruled with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, mediated through humor.  Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

Humor is a valuable and effective tool for communicating just about anything because humor breaks down barriers.  Carefully disguised as fun, humor can smuggle new ideas into people’s hearts.

Humor has been shown to be an essential component of learning for young and old alike!  In order to teach, you must have your audience’s attention.  If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, did anyone come to understand the beaver’s plight and struggle for logs?

Those of you who do not yet have teenagers, may not have had occasion to notice the strange eye reaction to being lectured.  You are familiar with REM: Rapid Eye Movement?  Those with teens have likely experienced REAM: Rolling Eyes At Me!  However, this phenomenon is often completely eliminated if you preach with humor!

Humor allows us to approach threatening subjects in a non-threatening way.  Research shows that most people find it difficult to receive information from someone who has little or no sense of humor.  Additionally it shows that when people laugh together, they not only enjoy themselves, but they are more receptive to new ideas.

Humor is one language that everyone can understand. It breaks down barriers between people. If you can share a laugh with someone, you’ve connected with that person. The defenses come down, and there’s a desire to continue the dialog.

Humor is also a model of efficiency.  It can generally get your point across with less effort and verbiage!   A picture is worth a thousand words and humor is worth a thousand dollars!  Entertainers make good money.  Is it because they cure cancer?  Solve world hunger?  No it’s because they solve world boredom!  They make you laugh and the really good ones make you think!

As a homeschool mom of two very bright and fidgety children, I use humor in almost everything I do.  I use funny quotes, entertaining games and exciting activities to teach and mold the young minds in my charge!   Humor allows me to hold their attention just long enough to implant some knowledge –sometimes without them even noticing!  Shhhh….


JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

If you want to learn more about humor’s effects on communication skills, when to use humor and when not to, listen to today’s Grace Talk Soup Podcast!

Listen to our live show every Thursday 8am PST/11am EST

Via Computer:

or via Phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Listen to our audios on demand:

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Humor in Communication

Since tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup podcast is about humor and we do a segment that is a parody of I Love Lucy (I Love Language) I thought I’d post this clip from one of the Lucy shows where Lucy tries to communicate with her mother in law.

It can be pretty funny to communicate when you don’t speak the same language.  I know because my MIL is from Mexico!  She does understand English fairly well and I understand Spanish a bit but neither of us speaks the other’s language.  This makes for some pretty funny miscommunication and we play a little charades as well!

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