In the News: Why Communication is Important

So often I’m asked if communication skills are really that important for every day life.  I’ve developed a quote I’d like to put on every bumper sticker. “While you may manage to live your entire life without making a speech, you will not get through one day without communicating something to someone!”

The past week, while I was posting about the National Words Matter Week contest, there were several news stories that came across my eDesk that illustrate the reasons behind why communication skills are not just needed for lawyers and politicians.  Here are two:

An article from March 5, 2010 states Doctors urged to do more listening as complaints about care increase Among other things it states “Officials say up to 90 per cent of complaints stem from misunderstandings between doctor and patient and, as a result, unrealistic expectations.”  It goes on to say, “Dr Jamal al Kaabi, a senior investigator at the Health Authority-Abu Dhabi (HAAD), said doctors should be aware that quality care ran in tandem with good communication…If a physician would allow just five more minutes of his time to listen to concerns properly, it would solve around 70 or 80 per cent of the problem.

A few years ago. I read where the AMA announced plans to begin teaching young interns about communication skills in order to avoid just such misunderstandings and the law suits that stem from them.   In fact, many conflicts are the result of miscommunication or misunderstanding.  Recent surveys say that the most common reason for a marriage to end is lack of effective communication.  It is small wonder.  As you read through your Bible this year, take note of how many times the Lord cautions us or instructs us about our tongues, mouths and lips!  Communication skills are what build our relationships and they are what can keep us out of all manner of trouble in life.

Many other industries are facing issues due to lack of effective communication.  Communication is so much a part of relationships that it is impossible to separate effective communication skills from the work we do each day whether it be in our personal or professional lives.

Another article from March 3, 2010 reports that recently a judge ruled against religious expression.   It seems that Butte High School admits asking valedictorians to “speak about what helped them get through school.  Some people wanted to thank the football coach or the track coach or their uncle or a particular teacher, and they were permitted to do that,” explains Griffith’s attorney, Bill O’Connor. ‘The only thing they would not permit, by their own admission, was…her to attribute any achievements to her belief in God.'”

Part of the reason God gives us a voice is because He asks us to speak out and speak up for godly values and Christian principles as well as to share the Gospel with others.  News items like this remind us about how important it is that we learn to do this effectively and in grace.  Additionally, we need to train our children to face these issues with excellent communication skills if they are to be successful in their personal and professional lives-especially as it relates to sharing the Good News and speaking up for Christian values.

If you would like a fun and easy way to learn these skills or to teach your children these vital skills, Art of Eloquence has some creative and fun studies and MANY free resources listed on our site.  Come check it out and, while you are visiting, sign up for our free newsletter with exclusive articles and free gifts JUST for AoE subscribers!

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Your foreign language guide video

What You Ought to Know is a video show on YouTube.  This one shares some tips for speaking to locals when traveling abroad.  Too funny!

Another fun way to learn about communication skills brought to you by your friends at Art of

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What’s the most important New Year’s Resolution?

It’s that time of year again when people make New Year’s Resolutions and don’t keep them.

“Lose 20 pounds by July.”

…..“Start a new business and become independently wealthy.”

………………………………..“Organize my closet alphabetically and color code.”

……………………………………………………………………………………………“Quit smoking, again.”

I’m poking a little fun here, but these are all admirable goals.  The problem isn’t that they cannot be accomplished, but that we aren’t always serious when we make them.  And sometimes we aren’t always making New Year’s Resolutions about the things which are the most important to our lives.

First, most of us want things, but we are not always that willing to do what it takes in order to accomplish them.  We want to lose weight as long as it doesn’t require any exercise!   That would be why they sell so many diet pills.  We want to make more money, but we aren’t willing to invest in the things that will teach us how to get there.  That’s why there are so many “Get Rich Quick” programs on the internet and Marketing Gurus on Twitter.  Life’s not quite as challenging in many ways as it used to be and we prefer everything delivered in a nano second.

Additionally, sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the things the world feels are important that they obscure the the things that are really important.  Here are the most popular New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Lose Weight

2. Manage Debt

3. Save Money

4. Better Job

5. Get Fit

6.Better Education

7. Drink Less

8. Quit Smoking

9.Reduce Stress

10. Take a Trip

Was your New Year’s Resolution in there and was it the same the year before?  It’s interesting to me that among the top ten isn’t something like: get closer to God, read my Bible daily, do something for others, help others come to the saving knowledge of Christ, heal my marriage, build closer relationships with family, spend time with my children, help my neighbors…

When asked what is most important in life, most people will say God, children, marriage, friendships, etc.  So why the disconnect in what most folks want to accomplish in the next 12 months?  When we die, we won’t be content to look back having left behind a legacy of thinness, smokeless-ness and wealth.  We want to look back on our lives and see the lives we’ve touched.  We want to see what we have done for the Kingdom of God.  We want to know that our children have fond memories and ideals we have taught them.  We want to leave behind a legacy of memories that can only be created by strong relationships.

What most people don’t realize is that a strong relationship cannot be built or enjoyed without good communication skills.  You cannot have a relationship with someone without communicating with them.  So this year, as you think about your New Year’s Resolutions, please consider not just what you need or want, but what you can build.  Consider the legacy you want to leave behind.  Consider how you can build that legacy through strong, close relationships with your spouse, children, friends, neighbors, co workers and family members.  Consider spending a little time, effort and perhaps even a wee bit of money to accomplish these most important things in your life.

We believe that one of the best ways to do that is to invest in yourself (in your education) that will allow you to strengthen these important relationships.  Check out Art of Eloquence before you make those New Year’s Resolutions and see how we can help you achieve the MOST important resolutions of all: Stronger Relationships!

Happy New Year from the Art of Eloquence family to yours!

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Funny Ads and Signs

Communication skills are so much more than making speeches.  They are vital for every day life.  Those in advertising know just how important a single word can be in making an impression on their client’s potential customers.  However, I don’t think the authors of these little gems had a clue how it would come across…  Take a look:

Interesting Ads and Signs

Now is your chance to have your ears pierced and get an extra pair to take home, too.
(For those times when you want to show you’re “all ears”!)

We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.
(That’s comforting!)

Save regularly in our bank. You’ll never reget it.
(I think I’ll regret that.)

This is the model home for your future. It was panned by Better Homes and Gardens.
(It’s always nice to know something was trashed by the best!)

For Rent: 6-room hated apartment.
(Thanks for being up front about it.)

Offer expires December 31 or while supplies last
(Because you wouldn’t want to wait til the last minute.)

Stock up and save. Limit: one
(But will I have room to store all that?)

We build bodies that last a lifetime
(So do I.  It’s just that my idea of a lifetime might be significantly limited by the amount of junk food I eat.)

See ladies blouses. 50% Off!
(Things are made so skimpy these days!)

Our bikinis are exciting. They are simply the tops!
(As I was saying…)

Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated? Come here first!
(How convenient!)

For sale: A quilted high chair that can be made into a table, potty chair, rocking horse, refrigerator, spring coat, size 8 and fur collar.
(Quite versatile!)

20 dozen bottles of excellent Old Tawny Port, sold to pay for charges, the owner having lost sight of, and bottled by us last year.
(I think I need a translator for that one!)

Toaster: A gift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically burns toast.
(Good because I have to hold the lever down manually to burn my toast at home.)

Handmade gifts for the hard-to-find person.
(I don’t know…if I can’t find him, how could I give it to him?)

Auto Repair Service. Free pickup and delivery. Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.
(That’s just what my neighbor said just after she sued her mechanic.)

Mixing bowl set designed to please a cook with round bottom for efficient beating.
(Now that’s getting a little personal, don’t you think?)

Semi-Annual after-Christmas Sale
(My kids keep telling me that Christmas should come more than once a year.)

And now, the Superstore – unequaled in size, unmatched in variety, unrivaled inconvenience.
(Thanks for saving me the trip!)

We will oil your sewing machine and adjust tension in your home for $1.
(Would that adjustment result in less tension or more?)

Ladies and gentlemen, now you can have a bikini for a ridiculous figure.
(Interesting marketing concept: Customers are either insulted or have no use for your product.)

Original quotes from with my added commentary

Perhaps they should have taken a few courses from Art of

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Recipe for teaching Home Ec

Almost all parents tell me they believe communication skills are important but most have no idea to what extent.  We use our communication skills thousands of times a day!  Homeschooling parents use communication skills even more often.  You cannot teach if you cannot communicate-PERIOD!  And the more effectively you communicate with your student, the more effective a teacher you are.

By the way, teaching Home Ec is probably more saturated with communication skills than other subjects you teach because you usually do it without benefit of a text relying mostly on hands on involvement as the student models or at least checks with the teacher at various times during a complicated process.  It’s not like math where we homeschool teachers can explain a short lesson and let our kidlings loose on the math lesson for an hour to complete the examples.

Teaching anything without benefit of excellent communication skills is a recipe for disaster.  If we don’t explain things clearly to our children in a way they understand, we cause frustration.  That frustration may boil over and burn out any desire to learn the subject at all.

So what’s the best way to teach Home Ec or any other subject we might homeschool?  I suggest you first first go to Art of and see how we might help you hone your communication skills.  All our studies are mixed with love, scripture and dash of humor!

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What if my child is shy?

Is shyness a personality trait or is it usually just a simple lack of social communication skills?  Can a shy child learn to love to communicate?  I did and I’ll tell you how tomorrow on my podcast.  8am PST/11am EST!

Join me live via your computer:

Join me live via your phone:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

Or listen in to the audio available after the live show!

Bring a friend!

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Post Our Link & You Could Win $350 Prize Pkg!

OMGosh!  This is our biggest contest yet!  And the easiest one to enter!  Art of Eloquence will reach a milestone next month of being in business for 7 years!  Each year we have had a fun contest for our customers but this one is by far the BEST EVER!


All you need to do is post a link to the Art of Eloquence website and tell people to check us out and that qualifies you to enter our contest to win a prize package worth well over $350!  You can check out our Contest Page for more details and to see the HUGE package of prizes you could win if you are the one who posts the most before December 31st, 2009!   But …here is the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version:

What Art of Eloquence Page to Link to:

You can link to our homepage: , any of our product pages (see our Online Catalog),  our newsletter page: or even to our contest page:

Where to Post Our Link:

Post to your email friends, your blog, your newsletter, Yahoo group, website, Facebook, My Space or Twitter page… anywhere you have a following.

What to Say:

You can tell them to check out Art of Eloquence and that we have the most creative and fun speech communication studies around!  You can tell them about a particular product you like or want to purchase and link to that product page.  You can tell them to sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive offers and freebies just for subscribers.  Or you could tell them about our contest!

In the last seven years, Art of Eloquence has helped hundreds and hundreds of students improve their communication skills with their parents, their friends, their employees, their businesses and even those they minister the Word of God to!  With your help, we can reach even more and help them prepare for their futures as they follow the Lord’s leading in their lives! And you can win a huge prize package in the process!

But there’s more!  Art of Eloquence is giving away 10 MORE PRIZES in this contest!  Our winner will get a $350 prize package of awesome donated gifts from some fabulous Christian companies!  BUT we will also select 10 random contest entries to win a free gift from Art of Eloquence!  The more you enter, the better your chances of winning any of our prizes so enter early and enter often!! LOL

As they used to say on those Bartles and James commercials: “Thanks again for your support!”

Check out our contest page for all the details and to see the fabulous gifts so many have donated toward our contest!

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Oct. Mailbag-Teaching Preschoolers

We received some interesting comments and questions this month and I wanted to share them with you.  First here is a small sampling of the comments we received this month:

“Your communication article in TOS made me laugh. I am a talker. The first thing the Lord told me to do while I was just hours old in the faith was silence…That silence intrigued my hubby who followed me to church and was soon saved himself. LOL You are right on keep up the good work!” -Heather W.

“Hi, JoJo! Loved your article in The Old Schoolhouse magazine!:)  Good stuff!” -Kimberly E.

“I can’t wait to listen to this week’s show!” -Leslie V.

“This issue with the different type of conversationalists was an absolute SCREAM!  I laughed so much!  Thank you for this, JoJo!” -Beth J.

Thanks ladies!  I am always excited to hear from our customers and subscribers with feedback on what we offer.  Thanks for taking the time to write in!

Two questions that were asked this month were things I thought many of our customers may be wondering so I chose them as the questions I would answer this month on Mailbag Monday.  Here they are:

1. “I just ordered and received the Teen Bonus Pack and Defending The Faith. Do you recommend completing them in any specific order? Thank you!” -Judy K.


The Teen Bonus Pack was designed to be done in the order it is listed on the product page: Say What You Mean for Teens, Know Your Audience and Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course.  SWM for Teens is a general communication study that will teach basic communication skills as well as a speech that is done in small bites which is perfect for beginners or shy students.  Know Your Audience is a listening and persuasion course teaching students to tailor their message to different audiences.  SWM: A Creative Speech Course is an actual speech course that makes it fun and easy for students to learn both impromptu and prepared speeches.

However, Art of Eloquence eStudies are designed to be flexible.  Each study is a complete and separate course and may be used on their own and in any order.  Further, most of our studies are easily adaptable to a co op setting where you may not have a full 18 week (semester) to deliver your class.  I have personally done co op classes using Art of Eloquence studies that were 8 or 10 or 16 weeks.  Most lessons are also complete and may be used separately.  If you look at the makeup of your class (or the needs of the individual student), you can pick and choose which lessons to include in your abbreviated class.

If you would like more information for your particular student or class, I am always available via email for a short consult.

2. I received a call from a customer asking what age to start teaching her children communication skills.  It’s funny she should ask this month  as one of my podcasts on the Communication Comedy Network is this week’s show on how early we should begin to teach our children communication skills.

Art of Eloquence has several studies and fun things for kids as young as preschool to enjoy and learn these vital skills.  We do so not just to capture a larger market, but because in my experience with my own children, it is far better for them to begin their study of communication skills at this age than to wait until fear or bad habits or rejection sets in.

You see, I was an incredibly shy child and grew up without the benefit of having these social skills.  It hindered almost everything I did until I learned that my shyness wasn’t a personality trait.  It was a lack of social communication skills. And once that issue was address, I became the outgoing gregarious goofball God intended me to be.  The problem?  It took MANY years to undo all I had learned with respect to how I related and communicated with others.  I made a vow that I would not allow that to happen to my children and so I began their communication skills training when they were quite young because that’s when they have fun learning and soak it up as a sponge!

The result?  My dd never went through that awkward age in latter elementary school where she was afraid to voice her ideas.  She went on to learn to express herself so well that she was able to successfully debate her learned grandfather on creation vs evolution.  She is now a sophomore at Vanderbilt University involved in ministry and just recently came back from a missions trip during her Fall Break from school.

CCN Logo2I’ll be sharing much more on this topic on Thursday’s show.  Join me for the Talk Talk Show: The Talk Show about Talking on the Communication Comedy Network live or listen in to the audio recording that will be available just after the live show.

The Communication Comedy Network airs Thursdays at 8am PST /11am EST!

It’s free, it’s fun and it’s informative!

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Success=Leadership=Communication Skills

Success=Leadership=Communication Skills
By JoJo Tabares

Research shows that successful leaders are effective communicators.  Why?  Because you can lead a horse to water but not if you don’t show him how to get there!

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” -Lee Iacocca

Want to be a successful corporate leader?  You have to learn to speak effectively with your superiors in order to communicate that you can handle a promotion. Next,  in order to remain successful in a leadership position with the company, you must learn to effectively communicate with your subordinates in order to lead.

Management in the 21st century isn’t barking out orders.  Today’s managers are leaders and leadership requires motivating their employees and building relationships.  Furthermore, most companies are now considering communication skills as vital factors in the hiring and promotion process.

Looking to be a successful entrepreneur?  You had better learn to effectively communicate your vision to investors, business associates and, most importantly, to your customers!

According to a study done by AT&T and Stanford University, “People who enjoy giving speeches earn much more than those who avoid public speaking.”

If you are looking to make a difference in the world, communication skills are vitally important!  In order to witness to others, promote a ministry, reach others with your vision, you must be able to communicate your vision and persuade others to accept it and join you in your mission.

“Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6

Good communication skills enhance your leadership and success in the following ways:

* Self confidence
* Leadership Skills
* Personal Presence
* Credibility
* Ability to Persuade/Explain
* Understanding of Others
* Interaction and Enjoyment
* Learning Effectiveness

“He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.” Proverbs 22:11

Pick your favorite leader.  Go ask him about how important communication skills are to him!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, including Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership, please visit

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ABCs of Effective Communication

ABCs of Effective Communication
By: JoJo Tabares

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. -Proverbs 25:11

B e careful of your thoughts; they could become words at any moment. -Ira Gassen

C ourage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill

D iscussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument an exchange of ignorance. -Robert Quillen

E ven if you learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to?-Clarence Darrow

F oolishness always results when the tongue outraces the brain. -Unknown

G ood communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh

H enny Youngman once said, “Anybody who thinks talk is cheap never argued with a traffic cop.”

It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool then to open it and resolve all doubt. -Abraham Lincoln

J ames Humes said “The art of communication is the language of leadership.”

K eep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them. -Unknown

L et your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. -Colossians 4:6

M ost conversations are merely monologues delivered in the presence of a witness. -Margaret Millar

N ever argue wih a fool. Someone watching might not be able to tell the difference. -Unknown

O ne of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. -Will Durant

P lato said “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.”

Q uestion the source and you will discern any bias. -JoJo Tabares

R emember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. -Benjamin Franklin

S ay what you mean and mean what you say. -George S. Patton

T he right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously. -Hubert Humphrey

U nderstanding your audience is key to persuading them.- JoJo Tabares

Verbocity leads to unclear, inarticulate things. -Dan Quayle

W ell timed silence hath more eloquence than speech. -Martin Farquahar Tupper

X tremes communicate less persuasively than does accuracy. -JoJo Tabares

Y ou can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere. -Lee Iacocca

Z ero equals one speaking plus no one listening. -JoJo Tabares

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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