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Now remember folks, if grace is not in your communication…
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Now remember folks, if grace is not in your communication…
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One of my most favorite songs of all time. Blessings on this Resurrection SONday to your and your family from all of us here at Art of Eloquence.com!
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Welcome back to “Other than Speech Month” here at Communication FUNdamentals. All this month, I’ve been talking about how important communication is for things other than speech making. So far this month, I’ve talked about spam, how babies actually cry with an accent, overactive exclamatory punctuation and leadership. This week, I’d like to talk about when it’s important to be “oddly specific” and “specifically general.” I’ll talk about the latter on Wednesday, but today, let’s get specific.
Most of the time, being specific helps avoid confusion.
1. Telling someone you’ll meet them in the morning leaves them unsure if they should be at Starbucks at 7am or 11am. Further, it causes them to have to reconnect with you prior to the meeting for confirmation. This leads to frustration if the two of you end up playing phone tag or email follow the leader.
2. Not being specific enough, your handyman can cause unreasonable expectations in his customer. If you don’t know that the job will take two weeks, you may become annoyed when your expectation of a three day job has passed and that was three days ago!
3. Without communicating specific issues likely to affect your work, your customer can have an unnecessarily frustrating experience working with you. I remember a particularly frustrating website situation where I was asked to provide pictures for my website. My web designer never thought to tell me the quality of the pictures needed nor that the pictures I sent her were going to appear blurry. She just put them up assuming I was aware of the quality issue and would accept the site as it was. Had she told me the quality needed up front or when she received the pictures, I would have found better pictures, would not have had a bad experience and would not have begun to look for a new web designer.
What doesn’t your typical customer know? What should they be made aware of? Do so BEFORE it becomes a problem.
3. Directions Disasters can cause confusion and can even be potentially dangerous. If my directions say to turn right on Maple, I’m going to turn right on the first Maple I find. If you forget to tell me to pass Maple Drive (which leads to a rough part of town) and I take Maple Avenue instead, I’m going to be a bit more than frustrated, especially if I have to interrupt Bubba’s Welcome Home from Jail Party to ask for clarification.
Sometimes things are obvious to us only because we are so familiar with them. We don’t always realize that they are not at all obvious to someone else. Though it may seem oddly specific to include a tidbit of information we don’t think twice about, we should always look at the information we give others from THEIR point of view. What would they expect? What would they probably need to know? What should we be more specific about when we communicate to them?
Being specific, even oddly specific, can help avoid frustrating and confusing, even dangerous communication. On Wednesday, I’ll share how there are also times when we need to be specifically general.
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“Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.” -Winston Churchill
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This week’s question of the week is a little communication quiz! Can you spot the errors? Grab your kids and see if they can too. You can either post your answers here as a comment on this blog post OR you can post this same story on YOUR blog, answer it there and post a comment here with a link to your blog post. Here you go:
Cindy was rite about the cheese grader being on sail at Walmart. After all, she does oversea the entire Penny Pinching Club for the grater New York area. For all intensive purposes, Cindy was the reining queen of savings!
Her friend, Mary, was in dyer need of a of an inexpensive vaccum cleaner so she steaked out Cindy’s house and weighted for her to get home from her seminar, Stretch Your Money Saving Mussels.
When Cindy finally got home, it was midnight and Mary had been so tried, she had fallen asleep in her car. Though she was very tiered after her long day, Cindy invited Mary invited her to stay the night as it was too late for her to drive back to her county house in the woods. The too ladies spent a few ours talking about everything from appliances to the price of egg yokes until the they were so sleepy they practically stood their like statutes.
In the morning, Mary was so thankful for all the advise Cindy gave her on savings that she pinched in and made breakfast for Cindy’s children before school.
I’ll be back in a few days to post the errors as a comment on this blogpost. For more fun learning communication skills, check out Art of Eloquence.com!
My dd took this picture and titled it “Squirrels Kissing.” I’m not so sure. Looks more like they are saying…
“This tree ain’t big enough for the two of us nuts!”
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