The Communication Comedy Network is back! News Anchor, Nancy Newsome, interviews viewers on Mother’s Day Vs Father’s Day in this our first in a series of monthly vlogs. Nancy shares her research on the disparity between the celebration for moms and dads on their special day, but this one viewer had something quite unusual to share. Check it out:
If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter! This month I’ll be sharing two articles on some father issues and how they can strengthen your relationships.
The Communication Comedy Network Presents: Father’s Day
The Return of the Communication Comedy Network
After a few years, an addition and subtraction of a co host and a change in the programming, last December was the final edition of my weekly internet radio show, The Communication Comedy Network. The show was sooo much fun both for me and for my audience. I had so many people email in that they were sorry I had to shut it down because it made them laugh and it made them think more about the communication skills they need on a daily basis.
The CCN was my opportunity to fulfill my now famous Facebook quote: “All my life I wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m doing it sitting down. -JoJo Tabares” What could be more fun? I got to put on a new persona and be goofy with a fun accent while talking about things that really matter to me. The only challenge was the time it took to plan and execute a one hour weekly show and the fact that I was tied down to a time slot that my audience expected me to keep.
While I am not saying that I can now commit to 3-4 hours a week to return to a weekly show, I am resurrecting the show in a new form. I’m going to put on the personalities of Nancy Newsome, New Yorker and News Anchor for the 12 1/2 Minute News Hour; Bobbi Blogsalot, roving southern reporter on all things techie; and Professor Wordsmith, British Professor of Words in order to create 2-3 minute YouTube videos. I will be creating a YouTube channel called The Communication Comedy Network where I’ll get to dress up as my favorite communication personalities who will entertain and educate on all things communication!
After securing a webcam and or video recorder, I’ll start working on the details for some of the videos. Since these are for YOU, I thought I’d ask you for ideas. What would you all like to see? Be as creative as possible with the situations and any new characters I could become.
Nancy Newsome will be reporting on any news items illustrating either poor or excellent communication skills.
Bobbi Blogsalot will be reporting on communication in the blogosphere and any technological advances that either allow us to communicate better or hinder our abilities to communicate effectively.
Professor Wordsmith will be doing various segments on grammar, words, spelling and anything else having to do with words.
Got any other characters I could play? Any funny situations I could work out on film? Share them with me!
21 Accents in 2 1/2 Minutes!
When I had my internet show, The Communication Comedy Network, I had to play several different people in a span of an hour. I played a New York Newscaster, a Southern Roving Reporter, a British Professor and myself with a sort of California accent. I found it difficult to switch back and forth between the accents and the accents I was doing were very different from each other.
The woman in this video is absolutely amazing! She does 21 different accents in a span of just two minutes and 36 seconds and some of the accents present only very subtle changes. I don’t know if the accents are 100% accurate, but I’ll tell you one thing, this lady is talented!!! I can’t do it. Can you?
More communication fun brought to you by your friends at Art of!
Merry Christmas from the voices of CCN!
As many of you know, my last official podcast with the Communication Comedy Network (Real Communication News-Really Funny!) was this past Thursday. All the CCN staff and hosts (me, myself and I) got together and created this Christmas card for you complete with pictures as so many of you have asked to see what we “all” look like.
It seems so many have also asked what the hosts are going to be doing in 2010. Announcer Guy has recorded this audio explaining each of our plans for 2010 and our Christmas wishes for all of our listeners.
Merry Christmas from the former Communication Comedy Network!
“I always wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m going to do it sitting down!”-JoJo Tabares
Again, Merry Christmas from Art of Eloquence, JoJo, Nancy, Bobbie, the Professor and Announcer Guy!
Oct. Mailbag-Teaching Preschoolers
We received some interesting comments and questions this month and I wanted to share them with you. First here is a small sampling of the comments we received this month:
“Your communication article in TOS made me laugh. I am a talker. The first thing the Lord told me to do while I was just hours old in the faith was silence…That silence intrigued my hubby who followed me to church and was soon saved himself. LOL You are right on keep up the good work!” -Heather W.
“Hi, JoJo! Loved your article in The Old Schoolhouse magazine!:) Good stuff!” -Kimberly E.
“I can’t wait to listen to this week’s show!” -Leslie V.
“This issue with the different type of conversationalists was an absolute SCREAM! I laughed so much! Thank you for this, JoJo!” -Beth J.
Thanks ladies! I am always excited to hear from our customers and subscribers with feedback on what we offer. Thanks for taking the time to write in!
Two questions that were asked this month were things I thought many of our customers may be wondering so I chose them as the questions I would answer this month on Mailbag Monday. Here they are:
1. “I just ordered and received the Teen Bonus Pack and Defending The Faith. Do you recommend completing them in any specific order? Thank you!” -Judy K.
The Teen Bonus Pack was designed to be done in the order it is listed on the product page: Say What You Mean for Teens, Know Your Audience and Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course. SWM for Teens is a general communication study that will teach basic communication skills as well as a speech that is done in small bites which is perfect for beginners or shy students. Know Your Audience is a listening and persuasion course teaching students to tailor their message to different audiences. SWM: A Creative Speech Course is an actual speech course that makes it fun and easy for students to learn both impromptu and prepared speeches.
However, Art of Eloquence eStudies are designed to be flexible. Each study is a complete and separate course and may be used on their own and in any order. Further, most of our studies are easily adaptable to a co op setting where you may not have a full 18 week (semester) to deliver your class. I have personally done co op classes using Art of Eloquence studies that were 8 or 10 or 16 weeks. Most lessons are also complete and may be used separately. If you look at the makeup of your class (or the needs of the individual student), you can pick and choose which lessons to include in your abbreviated class.
If you would like more information for your particular student or class, I am always available via email for a short consult.
2. I received a call from a customer asking what age to start teaching her children communication skills. It’s funny she should ask this month as one of my podcasts on the Communication Comedy Network is this week’s show on how early we should begin to teach our children communication skills.
Art of Eloquence has several studies and fun things for kids as young as preschool to enjoy and learn these vital skills. We do so not just to capture a larger market, but because in my experience with my own children, it is far better for them to begin their study of communication skills at this age than to wait until fear or bad habits or rejection sets in.
You see, I was an incredibly shy child and grew up without the benefit of having these social skills. It hindered almost everything I did until I learned that my shyness wasn’t a personality trait. It was a lack of social communication skills. And once that issue was address, I became the outgoing gregarious goofball God intended me to be. The problem? It took MANY years to undo all I had learned with respect to how I related and communicated with others. I made a vow that I would not allow that to happen to my children and so I began their communication skills training when they were quite young because that’s when they have fun learning and soak it up as a sponge!
The result? My dd never went through that awkward age in latter elementary school where she was afraid to voice her ideas. She went on to learn to express herself so well that she was able to successfully debate her learned grandfather on creation vs evolution. She is now a sophomore at Vanderbilt University involved in ministry and just recently came back from a missions trip during her Fall Break from school.
I’ll be sharing much more on this topic on Thursday’s show. Join me for the Talk Talk Show: The Talk Show about Talking on the Communication Comedy Network live or listen in to the audio recording that will be available just after the live show.
The Communication Comedy Network airs Thursdays at 8am PST /11am EST!
It’s free, it’s fun and it’s informative!
What are Your Facebook Pet Peeves?
This week’s Talk Talk Show topic on the Communication Comedy Network is about Facebook Faux Pas. In preparation for the show, I’m asking Facebook users to relate their pet peeves. Not your problems with Facebook but rather your issues with other Facebook users.
For example, does it bug you when someone whose name you don’t recognize asks you to be their Facebook friend, but gives you absolutely NO information about themselves whatsoever? No picture, no bio, nothing on their info screen????
Does it bother you when someone asks you to become a fan of Air or… BUBBLE WRAP?
Wha’ts your Facebook Pet Peeve? Post a comment and/or come share your thoughts on the live show!
The Communication Comedy Network airs each Thursday at 8am PST/11am EST.
Join us via your computer:
Or Join us via your phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736
If communication is so important, why isn’t everyone studying it?
“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11
This week on The Talk Talk Show on the Communication Comedy Network, I’m asking the question, “If communication is so important, why isn’t everyone studying it?” In my seminars I ask how many think communication skills are important for every day life. Just about everyone in the audience will raise their hand. However, when I ask my next question, I get puzzled looks: How many of you have studied communication skills or are teaching them to your children?
“The wise in heart accepts commands, but the chattering fool comes to ruin.” Proverbs 10:8
Usually about three hands go up. One says she took a speech class once, another says she’ll have her son take a speech class when he’s a senior in high school and another who says she already taught her daughter a writing class. The rest say they don’t intend to make a speech in their lifetime so they don’t need communication skills. But they just said they were important in every day life! Why the disconnect? Because though most people think communication skills are important, they ONLY think of communication as speech or writing! However, this erroneous assumption can hold them back or damage their relationships in life. Let me explain…
1. Taking one speech class doesn’t make one an expert speech maker any more than taking one golf lesson makes one Tiger Woods.
“He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.” Proverbs 22:11
2. I know it sounds simplistic, but speech and writing courses teach speech and writing. They do not teach the specific skills needed in order to interview well, convince your boss you are worthy of a promotion, help dissuade your neighbor’s son from trampling your begonias, work out an issue in your marriage, discipline your 15 year old, effectively resolve a conflict with a co worker or family member, lead a group of people for a church project or share/defend your faith. Each of these require very different communication skills.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1Peter 3:15
3. Though many have a fear of speaking in public (but are comfortable one on one), speaking to hundreds of people is not the same as speaking to one. I know many great speech makers who are too intimidating one on one to be effective.
4. Being comfortable speaking is not the same as being effective. I’m comfortable playing basket ball, but as someone who’s 5′ nuthin’, I’m not proficient at it!
“An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19
5. Practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect! Many people tell me that they are comfortable with social communication because they have been doing it all their lives. However, some of those comfortable communicators don’t realize that they are communicating in a way that hurts people’s feelings or intimidates others or makes others uncomfortable or doesn’t persuade others to follow where they lead. I’ve been a student of communication for over 25 years and each year I make it a point to learn even MORE!
“Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6
87% of what you and I do all day long is communication related. The Bible has HUNDREDS of scriptures that tell us of the importance of mastering these skills and gives us some tips for doing so as well as some consequences if we don’t! Studies show that effective communicators are better students, have deeper relationships, better marriages, more successful careers and make more money than their less articulate counterparts. In fact, studies show that effective communicators are even HAPPIER!
“-So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Issaiah 55:11
I’ll be discussing this topic in depth on Thursday’s podcast and I invite you to join me so please mark it down on your calendar to attend live! (Thursdays 8am PST /11am EST) We’ll be discussing the top reasons given for not studying communication skills including fear and boredom and the solution for each issue!
All this week I’ll be sharing some of my articles on communication skills. I invite you to come back each day and share these with your friends and family.
Communication is probably THE most important skill in life to master! Until then, I leave you with this question, “If communication skills are so important, why aren’t YOU studying them?
Visit Art of Eloquence’s Online Catalog today!
Grumpy Women Podcast
Last week I hosted the Grumpy Men and the Women Who Love Them show on the Communication Comedy Network. We talked mostly about the men but a little about women: what makes us grumpy, how grumpiness affects those around us, how we can ungrump ourselves and finally how wives can help their husbands ungrump. I had two friends on the show sharing their experiences and they were such fun!
Well, Greg and Cindy Holman are back this week to talk about the OTHER SIDE of grumpiness! It’s the women’s turn so I’m hosting the Grumpy Women and the Men Who Don’t Know We’re Changing show! We’re going to talk about how women going through the change of life can become grumpy, how it affects us and those around us, how we can ungrump ourselves and how our husbands can help! Men and women are quite different! Different things make us grumpy, we handle grumpiness differently and we need different things to ungrump ourselves.
Come share your experiences live on the show! Are you going through menopause? Is someone you know going through it? How has it changed their communication with family and friends? Has it made them GRUMPY? Come share your thoughts and find out how we can ungrump the meno grump!
When, Where and How?
When: Thursday, October 1st, 8am Pst/11am EST
Where: Join the call live via your computer: or join us live via your phone:
How: to join us after the call: scroll down to the Past Episodes and click the orange Listen button next to the show title you want to hear!
Ready to Talk Grumpy?
Are you sometimes grumpy? Is your spouse? My friend Cindy Holman occasionally talks about Mrs. Grumpy on her blog. Mrs. Grumpy is someone who kind of takes over her mood when she’s frustrated. Now you have to know Cindy. She such an encourager and always seems to be upbeat. But like all of us, she gets down sometimes. It’s at those points that Mrs. Grumpy takes over and it affects her husband and family. Aren’t we all like that at times?
Having grumpy moments can affect not just our mood but our kids’ moods and those around us. What happens when we get the grumpy habit? When grumpiness takes over our spouse? What does that do to the life of those closest to us? We’re going to investigate this on my podcast over the next two weeks.
The Communication Comedy Network is proud to present the Talk Talk Show with host, JoJo Tabares [That’s ME!] in a two part grumpy series! Tomorrow is part 1: Grumpy Men and the Women Who Love Them! And just so the women don’t think this is purely a male issue, next week is part 2: Grumpy Women and the Men Who Don’t Know We’re Changing!
Tomorrow, we’ll be discussing the issues that make men grumpy, how that affects their families and how they and their wives can help turn their frown upsidedown! Next week, it’s the womens’ turn as we discuss menopause. how it makes women grumpy and tips for turning grumpy into Snow White again without passing through Dopey!