It’s Innovation/Discovery Week!

Today is Columbus Day which is celebrated annually on the second Monday of October and remembers Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492. His travels to America was a testiment to innovation and discovery so I’ve declared this week to be innovation and discovery week here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  I can do that; it’s my blog! ROFL

Today I’m going to share a few innovations of my own, but before that let me tell you what’s coming up this week:

On Wednesday, I’ll have a post celebrating another innovation, the anniversary of the very first two way phone conversation.  If you’re a homeschooler, you’ll love this one as I have a video coming explaining how this kind of old technology worked.

Innovation is not only important to science and technology, but to communication.  Putting something in a unique way helps to gain people’s attention and to keep it in order to get your point across.  Storytelling is a great gift and entertaining to your listeners/readers.  In business, this is called your Unique Selling Point.  Humor is often innovative, finding new ways to talk about old subjects.

Since Friday is English Language Day, I’ll have a fun video for you of a 102 y/o man explaining in his own style, just how silly the English Language is.

So here, now, is my innovative and humorous attempt to explain some of the unique things I see about language:


Happy Columbus Day!  Have an innovative discovery today.

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