Birthday Bash w/8 Ways to Win

8 FUN Ways to Win! 18+ Prizes!

Contest Runs: August 1st-October 31st, 2010


This is our BIGGEST contest EVER! November 1st Art of Eloquence will celebrate eight years in business.  In recent years, we have celebrated by offering a few hours of online fun and a contest where we gave away a prize package to one lucky winner.  This year, we would like to offer THREE MONTHS of fun and give away 18+ prizes!  So this year we have eight fun ways for you to win from August 1st through October 31st!

1. Our Facebook Fan Page members will be able to play Communication Bingo. Here’s how this will work. I will post 75 different communication terms on the fan page and each member is allowed to choose 25 of them and email them to me.  Each week (M-F) I’ll post a few words from the list.  You will need to follow along and cross off the words/terms I have already called out.

The first 8 people whose entire list of terms is called off and email me claiming Bingo will win a prize and 8 points toward the grand prize!

To play, you need to be a member of our Facebook Fan Page:

2. FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) Scavenger Hunt on the Art of Eloquence website. Each person who finds all 8 (the one on the BB page doesn’t count) of the Birthday Bash FIMMs and emails me with the locations will win 8 points toward the grand prize!

HINT: Start at our home page and scroll down to where Birthday Bash FIMM is located.  Just follow the FIMMs! Click the link inside the [brackets] near FIMM to get to the next FIMM until you find all 8 Birthday Bash FIMMs.

When you find all 8 Birthday Bash FIMMs, email me  jojo @, put “BBFIMM” in the subject line and tell me where you found them. The first 8 to email me with the locations of all Birthday Bash FIMMs will ALSO WIN a copy of FIMMology 101!

3.  Post an Art of Eloquence Link: Each time you post a link to the Art of Eloquence site and email me sharing the link and where you posted it will earn you 8 points toward the grand prize! You may post a link to our main site sharing who we are.  You may also post a link to a particular page, product, category, blog post, or age category.

To qualify, post our link on your blog, website, Facebook or Twitter page, Yahoo group, Facebook group,  or other online chat group.  Then email me jojo @ with “BBLink” in the subject line and tell me what and where you posted.

For the rest of the details, check out our Birthday Bash Page!

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