Birthday Bash Contest#9: Ghost Write Her

It’s Birthday Bash Time and you know what that means!  Time for our Facebook fan page party with free gifts and, of course, our contests where you can win free prizes like this one!

From: Carla Ives,

A 500-word article or blog post written to your specification by an experienced ghostwriter. The writing can be for personal or business purposes.  ($25 value)

(One winner will be chosen)


TO ENTER THIS CONTEST: to win a 500 word article or blog post from Ghost Write Her, subscribe to the Art of Eloquence blog and leave a comment on this blog post telling us you subscribed. If you have already subscribed to the blog, leave a comment telling us approximately when you subscribed.

Winner will be selected from among the correct answers and announced by November 8th. Winner must have a valid email address and has two days to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen.

*NOTE: Check out all our other contests and our Facebook Party on our Birthday Bash Page!



Congratulations to our winner:


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Are you a reluctant wahm?

Many of you may remember that last year my editor and dear friend, Carla Ives, and I were co hosting a weekly podcast on TalkShoe.  Well, Carla had some family issues that required her attention so she had to leave the show and most of her online presence for a while.  Well, you can’t keep a brilliant woman down!  She’s back with a new venture to add to her repertoire!  It’s called The Reluctant and it is brand spankin’ new!

The site is only a few days old and it already has some wonderful articles for work at home moms who are either reluctant to have to work from home (are more used to or prefer working in a corporate environment) or , if it weren’t for the economy, would rather not have to work at all.  It’s a fabulous resource for all work at home moms and homeschooling moms who are working a bit to help dh with the family budget.  Carla is a wealth of information and she has a huge heart to help others.

Well, this morning I was indeed humbled and blessed to find a glowing post on her site about my work and Art of Eloquence.  I just colored my hair today so I don’t know which is more red, my hair or my face!  Though she is a tough and nitpicky editor, she is very generous with her praise and I am truly honored by her words.

Please visit her site and leave a comment welcoming her back to the internet after such a long absence and so many difficult situations in her life, some of which she is still contending with.

Thank you my dear, sweet friend!

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Where were you the summer of 1969?

My cohost Carla Ives AKA Ethel the Editor, asked a question on her blog today.  Thought I’d ask you all as well.  If you were old enough like me (or if you studied this period in history), what were the first words spoken on the moon?  You can answer by posting here or go to her blog and answer there.  Also Carla has some interesting news on a new Pro Life ad coming out.  Go check it out!

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Grace not Race

My dear friend and cohost on Grace Talk Soup, Carla Ives, was my sounding board yesterday morning as I received some disturbing news after my weekly newsletter went out where I shared part of the article I wrote for yesterday’s blog post here on Communication FUNdamentals.  Sharing your troubles with a friend is one of those gifts God gives His children to help them through difficult times.  Not only did she reassure me, but yesterday evening I found this precious article in my inbox with a note asking if I would post it today as a Guest Blogger!  Well, needless to say I was greatly honored.  Here are her thoughts.  I’ll let her explain what happened.

By Carla Ives, A Word Aptly Written (

Now that I’ve got your attention, let me say that the above statement is NOT true, but we’ll get to that in a moment.   So then why did I use this headline?

My partner and Grace Talk Soup Co-Host, JoJo Tabares, sent out her weekly Art of Eloquence newsletter this morning. . . and got reported for violating a subscriber’s “racial discrimination filter.”  Go read the article that got her in trouble on her blog: .  Now you tell me if it’s about race.  It’s about G-R-A-C-E, folks, not R-A-C-E.  So what happened?

Apparently, it’s due to some word or phrase in the email that caused the subscriber’s ISP to delete and return the newsletter in violation of a “racial discrimination filter.”  She found this out by calling the newsletter provider.  Their representative read the article and he couldn’t figure it out either.   The only thing they could figure is it was the term “two way street” in her opening sentence:  “A few situations arose this past week that may give you cause to wonder if grace is a two way street for Christian conservatives. “  Have you ever heard the term “two way street” used in a racially derogatory way?  I haven’t.  The only derogatory connotation I have ever heard with this verbiage is in describing someone who is bisexual as a “two way street.”  Since gender identity has been added to race in the discrimination laws, we’re figuring that maybe it’s all lumped together in the “racial discrimination filter.”  It could also be due to the words “white trash” or “hillbilly” in the quote from Megan Fox.  We’re not sure.  Read the article again.  If you figure out how this excellent article is racially discriminatory, please let me know.

Now let’s go back to JoJo Tabares.  I have had the privilege of calling this Godly woman my friend for many years.  For those of you who know her, you know that she doesn’t have a racist bone in her tiny little body.  JoJo loves all God’s children.  She doesn’t hate and she doesn’t discriminate.  She does what she does because she is passionate about teaching us how to communicate with each other the way God would do it, so that NO ONE is discriminated against or unnecessarily hurt, always in love and with grace.  She wrote about God’s grace. . . and got flagged for being a racist.  Go figure.

At the request of her newsletter provider, she had this subscriber deleted so it shouldn’t happen again unless he resubscribes.  There may be a possibility that this person is subscribing so that he can send spam like this out, hoping she will contact him.  She was advised not to reply or contact him in any fashion.  Too many of these so-called violations and they can suspend your account.  Please keep in mind this is a double opt-in mailing list.  She usually gets reported as spam since these people, many who figured out how to subscribe only for the freebies she provides to her subscribers, conveniently forget how to unsubscribe.  It’s easier to just report her as spam.   This time, though, it’s hit a new low.  Very, very low.

Since JoJo is obviously not a racist (and I should point out that I don’t fit that label either), why am I bringing this to your attention?  Because it’s only going to get worse.  The hate crimes legislation that will make a lot of Christian speech into a prosecutable crime is up for a vote in the Senate this week.  All indications say it will pass.  Get set for a trial of the decade, century or what have you when they drag the first preacher down off the altar for preaching what the Bible says about homosexuality and other things.  If you believe things are okay that God calls an abomination, fine.  You’re entitled.  Whether you feel your rights come from the Constitution of the United States or an Almighty God, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.  But why am I NOT entitled to mine?  If many can say it’s right, why can’t we say it’s wrong?  When did a difference of opinion become illegal?  Apparently,  when a lot of us weren’t looking.  Why weren’t we looking?  Because we’ve become too comfortable in our churches, eating our pot luck dinners and singing the latest praise choruses while our rights are being snatched away.  We believe it simply can’t happen here.   Think again, folks.  It’s happening right under your noses!  That’s why JoJo does what she does.  She teaches Christians to speak up in love about our beliefs, about God’s grace and, more importantly, how NOT to hurt people and discriminate against them with our words.

Because of a few who shoot their mouths off in the wrong direction, Christians are considered a laughing stock, a bunch of homophobic, intolerant, right-wing whackos.  We are against almost everything America stands for today.  When did it change?  I don’t know exactly, but I do know that we were snoozing during the sermon while they were NOT.    Keep on snoring, America.  Then tell me it can’t happen here.  Guess what?   It already has.

Carla Ives is one of the Purveyors of Fine Words at , a professional writing and editing service that lets YOU shine through!  Carla’s specialty is editing, but she also writes press releases, articles, blog posts, ad copy and now resumes, a new service of A Word Aptly Written.  You can read her daily thoughts and ramblings at and catch her each Thursday morning, along with JoJo Tabares, on the wildly popular Grace Talk Soup podcast at  Carla can be contacted at  for all your writing and editing needs.

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You write it! She rights it!

My dearest friend and my co host on Grace Talk Soup, Carla Ives, has been interviewed by Take Root and Write in their Ministry Spotlight!  You’ve just GOT to read this!  She is so funny as she answers the interview questions!   And the interviewer, is another of my dear friends, Joan Rudder Ward!

Here’s a taste:

These are just a few places where your thoughts and ideas translate into words that need to relay important information to your particular audience. These are the moments when your work needs to reflect excellence, as these are opportune times to shine and convey your professionalism, the times where you may not get a second chance at that first impression, times when it’s important to have someone edit your work.

Our ministry spotlight person today is someone that can help you make that good impression.Meet Carla Ives, Editor, who helps your written work be the best that it can be. Carla has a delightful, quick-witted personality and is an easy person to converse with. We talked about her ‘gifting’ of eagle eyes and of that inner ear that can hear and help you convey the heart-message of your written word.

Joan: Carla, tell us what you do and a little background on how you discovered your gift.

Carla: (laughing) Well, I call myself a ‘Purveyor of  Fine Words.’ Fancy way to say that I am in love with language, expression and presentation!  I’m not sure exactly when I discovered this “gift.”  As a child, I read everything I could get my hands on. I practically lived at the library. Good spelling has always been instinctive with me. I won every spelling bee I ever entered. I guess it naturally flowed that I would “learn” to spot things. I’ve been proofing and editing for over 15 years now.  I “formally” turned it into a business two years ago.

It’s a fabulous article about an amazing lady written by an incredibly talented soul! Great article Joan!

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Grace Talk Soup Mania!

gts-logo-thumbnail1I’ve been hosting Grace Talk Soup for over two years now and the listenership and popularity have been steadily growing…until NOW!

In the last few months since my dear friend, Carla Ives, has taken the co-pilot’s seat, Grace Talk Soup’s popularity has soared!  Last month we had the most number of downloads and live participants in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Grace Talk Soup!  In the first three days of this month (May 09), the show had more downloads than it did for several of it’s entire months prior to Carla joining me!  We even have a Grace Talk Soup fan club over on Facebook that has over 400 members!

We have had a weekly contest on the show asking listeners to help us get the word out and I have seen Grace Talk Soup links all over the net including Facebook and Twitter!

Several days ago we were contacted by Internet Radio asking to interview us about the show.  It came out the other day and Carla blogged about it on!

Carla has added some much needed focus and fun to the show the likes of which is turning heads all over the net.  And this is only the beginning!  Grace Talk Soup fans can look forward to even more creative fun with Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor in their I Love Language segments on Grace Talk Soup in the future!

How do you like the new format?  Please leave a comment letting us know and giving us any ideas you have for upcoming communication topics you’d like to see!

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Ms Pac Man on this week’s Friday Funnies!

If you’ve listened in to Grace Talk Soup in the last few weeks, you’ll know that my co host, editor and dear friend, Carla Ives, is going through a tough time right now.  Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and it’s already been a long haul for her family.  Ray, just went in for a proceedure that will tell them how far the cancer has spread and then they will be deciding on a treatment.

Carla has a fabulous sense of humor and a very active imagination.  She wrote one hilarious blog post about her feelings and I thought it would make a perfect Friday Funny for Communication FUNdamentals.  It is hysterical but it is also a testament to how God gets you through and how you can use communication as a means to help you heal.

Ray and Carla have been blogging about his cancer experience to help others who are going through a tough time whether it be health related or not.  Take a few minutes and read her post.  You will laugh and be inspired!


NOTE: A God thing!  I designed a graphic for the cancer cells that she beats up in her imagination.  Carla told me they look very much like what she pictured!

If you want to hear more from Carla, AKA Ethel the Editor, tune in to Grace Talk Soup Thursdays at 8am PST/11am EST.

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HSLDA Recomends Art of Eloquence Studies!

The other day my friend, editor and co host, Carla Ives, called to tell me that she just read HSLDA’s Weekly Update and found that they had recommended two of Art of Eloquence’s speech communication studies!

“3. Public Speaking for High Schoolers

Good public speaking skills are essential for your teen. Family, friends, and neighbors make great audiences, and your teen will be more motivated to do his best when he knows others will benefit from his presentation. “

“For help in teaching public speaking see these other resources:

‘Say What You Mean for Teens’

‘Know Your Audience’″

I had received their update, but had not yet read it!  What an honor to have an organization like the Home School Legal Defense Association recommend my speech communication studies!

Art of Eloquence has been so blessed to have received such positive feedback over the years and from some major homeschooling organizations like The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

I think our studies have resonated with so many because speech communication skills can be so initmidating for shy kids or seem boring to others.  I was a painfully shy child and the only way you could get me to study speech communication was at gunpoint!  So while studying the subject in college, I discovered that, if it is presented in a fun way, even SPEECH can be a fun course to take!

Communication skills are something the Lord talks about hundreds of times in His Word.  It’s a vital subject for every day life with family as well as in our careers.  If you would like to see what all the FUN’s about, check out our full line of creative Christian-based, speech communication studies as well as all our free resources at Art of

Even shy children love our speech course!

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Lucy Linguist & Ethel the Editor Star in "I Love Language"

gts-logo-thumbnailAre you confident that you are being understood when speaking to your child’s doctor?  Are you sure that they know exactly what you need when you finally get to the right menu option at your mortgage company?  Do you know why your small business isn’t going where you feel it should?  Is it possibly because you aren’t communicating skillfully and efficiently?

If it is . . . or if it even might be, you need to join us every Thursday morning on Grace Talk Soup for I Love Language, starring Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor.  Laugh along with these two crazy compadres of Communication FUNdamentals, one spoken and one written, while gaining valuable knowledge and important tips on improving your business, your family and your life, simply by refining your everyday communication skills.

WHEN:     Every Thursday, 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific Time
WHERE:  Talk Shoe, more specifically at
WHY?:      Because you cannot get through ONE DAY of your life without communicating something to someone!

Life is simply too precious to waste one more moment being misunderstood.  Learn how to say it and write it right the first time.  So if you are missing out because of miscommunication or not being taken seriously. . . or whether you simply love words, you will positively adore I Love Language every Thursday, same talk time, same talk channel!  Bring your kids, bring your husband, bring your friends.  Laugh and learn along with us!  We’ll be waiting for you on Grace Talk Soup.  You can join us on the phone, in the chat room or both!

Tomorrow’s topic is: Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility
To call in during the live show:
(724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Remember:  Life can get a little spicy sometimes.  Just add a generous helping of grace, a dash of humor and Enjoy the Grace Talk Soup!
Lucy Linguist (
Ethel the Editor (
Starring in “I Love Language” on Grace Talk Soup:

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