This is a new feature here on the Art of Eloquence blog. Many of my readers feel there has been a rein of error in communication these days. They cringe when they see misspellings, improper use of grammar and typos. This new feature of the AoE blog will turn your cringing into giggling.
Here are this month’s Rein of Error entries you can laugh at. No need to avert your eyes! It’s safe to look. Can you spot all the errors? These are just a few of the ones we had personal experience with.
This was my son’s cake from a few years ago.
This was an SAT Prep Book we chose not to buy for our dd about six yrs ago.
And here is a picture a friend of mine sent me that was in her city.
Did you spot all the errors? How’d they happen? Take a guess. Have your kids try their hand too. Please post your findings in the comments.