Birthday Bash Tomorrow!

Art of Eloquence will be TEN years old on November 1st! Mark your calendars so you don’t miss it because YOU get all the free gifts!  You can even win prizes!  Here’s how.  We’ll be celebrating from 11am to 1pm PST, Thursday, November 1st both on our blog and our Facebook fan page.

Two Hour Facebook Party

Time: 11am-1pm PST/ 12pm-2pm MST/ 1pm-3pm CST/ 2pm-4pm EST

Location: Facebook fan page.

Events: Communication touches every aspect of our lives so…during the Facebook Party, each of our ten sponsors (experts in their field) will be posting tips, links, and/or free gifts for you in all aspects of life.  Make sure you are on our fan page at that time so you can view them all.  Make sure to refresh your page so you can see all the new posts as they occur.

During that time, we will also post a link to each of the ten contests where you can win prizes donated by our sponsors. Winners will be chosen from all the correct answers posted as comments on each contest blog post.

You can check out all of our sponsors and the prizes they will be giving away as well as a few free gifts you can download right now on our Birthday Bash Page!


Stay tuned to this blog tomorrow for even more Breaking NEWS.  HUGE announcement coming!


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Birthday Bash Constest#8: Heidi St John

It’s Birthday Bash Time and you know what that means!  Time for our Facebook fan page party with free gifts and, of course, our contests where you can win free prizes like this one!


Busy Homeschool Mom Bundle ($23.5 value)

Whether you’re struggling with managing your day, or simply looking for encouragement and fresh ideas for tackling your list of things to do, you will enjoy hearing from the heart of busy homeschool mom of seven, wife and author, Heidi St. John.  You’ll laugh out loud, learn some of Heidi’s favorite tips on everything from home organization to meal preparation, and discover how you can homeschool in freedom and joy.

If you have ever felt caught between the demands of homeschooling your children and meeting the needs of your husband, you’re not alone. Read and discover how even a busy homeschool mom can make time to nurture her marriage. It’s not as hard as you think—and more important than you may realize.

(One winner will be chosen)


TO ENTER THIS CONTEST: to win a copy of the Busy Homeschool Mom Bundle, post a comment on this blog post telling us what you like about the Art of Eloquence monthly webinars.

Winner will be selected from among the correct answers and announced by November 8th. Winner must have a valid email address and has two days to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen.

*NOTE: Check out all our other contests and our Facebook Party on our Birthday Bash Page!


Congratulations to our winner:

Jalynn Patterson!

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Women’s Business Webinar Tomorrow

You are losing customers daily…

because you are probably making the 15 Deadly Mistakes Women Make in Business!

Your customers will never tell you why they didn’t buy from you or why they didn’t come back to your site…but I will!

This webinar is like nothing you’ve seen!  You’ll get no fluff here. You’ll receive one hour packed with information from a proven expert that will transform your business.  Reserve your spot now and get my eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business FREE!

Plus at the end of the webinar you will have access to the slide show with all of my notes so you won’t miss a thing.

For only a few dollars more than the cost of the eBook alone, you’ll get all three, but hurry. We will only be holding this webinar once, don’t be left out!

Click here to secure your spot now!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter

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Three Common Mistakes Women Make in Business

If you read my recent blog post called, “Would You Spend $997 for An Unexplained Product?” a few weeks ago, you know what sparked my excitement about bringing you this new series of webinars!  In a nutshell, most webinars spend 45 minutes telling you why the host is so great and only 15 minutes telling you what you came to hear.  My free seminars were never like that.  They were packed with information, but these new webinars are going to be even better.  Our new webinars are going to be simply INCREDIBLE!

Packed with solid information that will help you and your family communicate more effectively in business, in leadership positions and in your personal life, these webinars are going to have some exciting new features.

The old seminars were audio only and limited to 20 or 30 minutes. These new webinars will be 60 minutes and will also include a slide show presentation you will be able to download and keep for reference.  This first webinar will be given at an introductory rate and will include a free copy of my eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business– a $19.95 value!

This month’s topic is 15 Common Mistakes Women Make in Business.  I’m going to share just a tidbit of a preview for you here on the blog today, but our newsletter subscribers will get an exclusive preview of the webinar so make sure you are subscribed before tomorrow!  The details are on the bottom of this blog post.

Women tend to have a more difficult time communicating that they are serious business owners and, instead, project an image that their business is more of a hobby.  Some of that has to do with society’s view of women and their role in the workforce and some of it is the way in which we are taught to communicate.

Men are taught to be aggressive while women are taught to be nurturing.  The difference in what we communicate can be incredible.  It can be the difference between being profitable and wasting our precious time.  Here are three tips that will help women entrepreneurs become more effective business owners.

1. Seek out leadership opportunities in your community or online.
Women tend to socialize well, but they don’t tend to network very well.  The skills are similar, but networking is like socializing with a purpose.  It’s that purpose that women tend to shy away from so they socialize up until the point where they are comfortable talking about their business and asking for leadership opportunities.

2. Be assertive.
That brings us to being assertive.  While being aggressive isn’t a good thing, no business owner, female or otherwise, will get very far if they are not assertive.  As we discussed in the first tip, women need to take the opportunities that present themselves in order to communicate that they are a leader in their field.

3. Remember that this is business not a hobby.
Too many women entrepreneurs tend to introduce themselves as a wife and mother…oh and I do scrap booking on the side.  That screams HOBBY!  Would you even consider seeing a physician who introduced himself as a husband and father and oh he does brain surgery on the side?  Speak about your business like it’s a business not as if it’s a hobby.

For more information on exactly how to apply these three (plus one more) of the fifteen mistakes  I’ll be teaching during the webinar, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter before tomorrow!  I’ll be sharing details about four of the fifteen tips from the upcoming webinar…but ONLY with my newsletter subscribers so make sure you are a subscriber before Tuesday.  Also I’ll be sharing the link to the page where you can read more about the webinar and sign up to attend.

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter

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Birthday Bash: 8pm-Art of Eloquence

I’m going to be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what Art of Eloquence is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:

Art of Eloquence is giving away YOUR choice of any Art of Eloquence eBook to FIVE winners!  FIVE WINNERS will be able to choose ANY communication study from ANY age or subject category!

Choose from PreK, Elmentary, Jr/Sr High, or Adults!  OR…

Choose from our Homeschool Curricula, Leadership, Business, Social Skills, Faith or Speech and Debate!

To win this prize, you will need to subscribe to our newsletterWe’ll be picking five winners from among all the newsletter subscribers and contacting you via email should you be one of our winners!

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for a chance to win one of five Birthday Bash prizes from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

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Birthday Bash: 2:30pm-Admin Services

Gazelle Simmons from Admin Services will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:

3 Hours of Virtual Assistance (A $72 Value!)  Services to choose from include social media navigation, data entry, presentations and reports, word processing, database management, editing and proofreading services, mass mailings and thesis and manuscript processing!

To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  What does JoJoism #97 mean for your business? It’s  listed on our Business Communication page.

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our winner: Joan!

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Birthday Bash: 12:30pm-CWAHM

Jill Hart from CWAHM will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:rom

Button ad $60 Value!

Reach 22,000+ women every month!
* Placed in the Lower Right-Hand column on EVERY PAGE
* 4 weeks
* 125 x 125 graphic
* .gif or .jpg files only (No Flash files – .swf )
* Will include a link directly to your website.

To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your favorite Art of Eloquence studies listed on our Business Communication page!

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our Winner: Emily Sather!

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Email Faux Pas

Business Email Faux Pas

of the first magnitude…

Don’t be that guy…or gal!

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Art of Eloquence Facebook Party-November

Last week I had the honor of co hosting a 15 minute segment of the Homemaking 911 Facebook party on Thursday night.  I have seen postings for Facebook parties in the past several months and had considered it as an alternative to having our regular audio party on TalkShoe, but I had never been to one until last week. It was such fun!

So now we have decided to put on our very own Facebook party in order to celebrate Art of Eloquence’s 9th Anniversary in November.  Since Art of Eloquence uses humor to teach communication skills, we’d like to bring in some people who use humor in their business or ministry.  In order to make the most of this event for everyone who would attend, we’d like to ask that you all take a few minutes to answer five short questions.

1. What day of the week is best for you to attend a two or three hour online FB party event?

2. What time of day is best for you to attend a two or three hour online FB party event?

3. Who are your favorite funny Facebook friends you’d like to see present at the FB party?

4. What are your favorite blogs, websites and/or YouTube channels that use humor to present their family friendly ideas?

5. Who are your favorite people who use humor to present and share the Gospel with others?

Please post a comment on the blog with your thoughts and feel free to give us advice or ideas as you would like!  We’d love to hear from you.  Thanks so much for your help!  We’d appreciate it if you would be so kind as to forward this post to others you may know and ask them to put in their two cents worth as well.


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!


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Did you really want to DO that on Facebook?

A while back, I posted, Did you really want to say THAT on Facebook? so when an obscure Facebook “friend” posted this on my wall, the idea for Did you really want to DO that on Facebook? was birthed.

It happens occasionally on Facebook.  I call it the I’ve Got a Christian Cause so the Ends Justifies the Means Disease.  This is where people send you a friend request and then never interact with you.  They never reply to or “like” any of your posts, never answer when you post on theirs, never post on your wall UNTIL…they begin asking for help with their ministry/business.

I don’t mind if, once in a while, one of my Facebook friends lets me know they are involved with a charity and asks for my help by posting on my wall.  If I can afford to give, the cause is something I believe in and the charity is on the up and up, I’ll help.  If I can’t, maybe I can simply pass along the information.  Just by virtue of it being posted on my wall, allows my Facebook friends to see the need.  However, when someone ONLY posts on my wall for the express purpose of advertising their wares or plugging even a legitimate charity in a way that smacks of spam, I see that as a problem.  Here’s what I mean.

This particular person posted a very long comment about his charity on one of my most popular posts of the day complete with link, hype, tear jerking story and desperate plea.  The only thing that didn’t come standard was a tissue.  Notice how, as a comment on a post that had MANY replies, his request for money was automatically sent as an email to each one of the people who had replied to my completely unrelated post.  How convenient for him, hmmm?

At the time, I was willing to extend grace thinking he might just be an over zealous, kind soul who didn’t understand proper Facebook social networking etiquette so I left his comment there.  However, the very next day I found the exact worded, lengthy comment to my most popular post of THAT day.  I got curious to see if this was a duplicate or if this was his Modus Operandi.  Sure enough, his entire Facebook wall was replete with time stamped indices of HUNDREDs of duplicate copies of this exact comment he had left on other’s posts…all of which were their most popular posts of the day!  There wasn’t one post on any other topic or any evidence that he ever left a different comment when replying to anyone else.    I unfriended him.  I didn’t see any use in pursuing a friendship with someone who had no desire to connect beyond asking for money.

You may ask why I didn’t contact him in order to share my insights about how he might find a more constructive way to share his mission with others.  I’ll tell you why.  I’ve met Mr. I’ve Got a Christian Cause so the Ends Justifies the Means before.  They always sing the same song and it’s a waste of precious time to attempt to show them the error of their words.  They don’t have time to be nice; they are too busy doing good things.  They don’t have time to communicate with each individual; they are doing the Lord’s work.  It doesn’t matter how they communicate; God demands boldness.  If others take offense, so be it; I’m blessed to be a martyr for Christ.

God’s Word is filled with scripture that tells us to speak in grace.  Over 4500 scriptures deal with our mouths, tongues, lips and words alone!  The ends don’t justify the means in sharing your God-given mission or your faith any more than it does when you are trying to gain success or money.

The next time you are tempted to post something bold knowing that some might take offense, think about two things: 1) Does God really want you to say THIS?  and 2) HOW would God want you to say this?   In trying to answer question two, reflect on a few of those 4500 scriptures.

“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29
“-So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Issaiah 55:11
“An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!


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