Insects are little pests in our homes. They don’t really belong there and they just annoy us as we have to deal with them either one at a time or, heaven forbid, in swarms!
Unnecessary words are the same way in our communication. Ever talk to someone who takes the long way around a conversation? Someone who walks around the block a bit before he finally spits out what he wants to say? Ever in a hurry and need an answer to a question quickly but the person you happened to ask has swallowed a dictionary? Does it BUG you? LOL
Sometimes we need a “Just the facts ma’am” moment, but we live in a “let me tell you all about it” world. FDR once said “Be sincere; be brief; be seated.” Sometimes a good idea for more than making speeches. ;D
A friendly reminder from Art of, the Communication FUNdamentals!