Know a Mr. Prove-It?

Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:

Have you ever run into a Bad Conversationalist?

JoJo’s Answer:

I wrote an article several years ago called Six Ways to be a Bad Conversationalist.  In it I outline six different kinds of people who make conversation with them like swimming upstream: Mr. Prove-It, I.M. Oblivious, Me MyselfandI, The Reporter, Men of Few Words and The Storyteller.  Understanding these six ways people are a difficult communicator can help you be a better conversationalist.

Have you ever had a conversation with one of these folks?  How difficult was it to share your thoughts?  I have and when I was a young girl, I WAS one of these.  When I finally got over my shyness and I was comfortable enough to talk to someone, I was The Storyteller!  When I learned more about effective communication, I began to understand how much other people needed to share in the conversation and how much fun it was to hear the stories THEY told!

Have you ever run into a Bad Conversationalist?
Please don’t name names, but post your answers on your blog and come back here and put your link in so we can read it!  If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers here.

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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