Movie Pictionary Quiz

Creative forms of communication can be entertaining, but they can also educate us, inform us, help us develop our powers of observation and sharpen our skills.  This week’s Friday Funny is a creative quiz designed to help sharpen our minds, think critically and develop active listening skills.  However, if you have fun while spending time here at Communication FUNdamentals on Friday Funnies Day, so be it!

Can you name these famous movies?














The more quickly you are able to make connections, the more easily you will be able to search your mind for examples to illustrate your point in conversation.  Keep your mind agile and get used to thinking on your feet.  Exercises like these help train your brain in the skills needed to communicate effectively in social situations.  Almost anyone can read a well-written speech, but it takes great skill to think on your feet while trying to debate an issue or converse with a deep thinker.

For more creative fun with words and communication, visit Art of!

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The 3 Vertically-Challenged, Pink Mammals w/a Reputation for Gluttony

Euphemisms and political correctness have permeated our language leaving our communication bereft of all meaning!  We are so concerned with not offending that we end up saying nothing of consequence and are beginning to sound like we are all speaking legalese!  Often we expend so much energy, not to mention verbiage, in order to make the simple almost  unintelligible:

Once (but perhaps more times than I am aware of.  For I am not counting myself among the gurus on the subject) upon a time, there lived three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony.  The first (though he was only first in order, not necessarily in preference) vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of the agricultural by products of the stalks of cereal plants.  The second vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of thin, discarded tree limbs.  And the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal dwelling out of blocks of dried mortar used in masonry construction.

One particular day, after each of the three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony had completed their warm seasonal dwellings, a tropical twister hit with hurricane force winds and caused widespread collateral damage throughout the area.

The first vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling was condemned.  The second vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling was reduced to rubble.  But the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling withstood the gale force winds and remained unaffected.

The first and second vertically-challenged, pink mammals with reputations for gluttony requested refuge in the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony’s warm seasonal dwelling and were granted long-term economic asylum by the other in exchange for day labor as the third vertically-challenged, pink mammal had dreams of  owning and operating a vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony hotel.

And they all co-existed most satisfactorily ever after!

If you want to have more fun with communication skills, visit Art of!

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Via Dolorosa/Passion of the Christ

In honor of Good Friday, I am posting one of my favorite songs, Via Dolorosa by Sandi Patty with scenes from The Passion of the Christ. The two in combination are so incredibly moving. This video communicates the sheer love of Jesus to go through this for us.

Have a blessed Resurrection SONday from your friends at Art of

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Love and Hate Mail

“If no one is accusing you of being too legalistic, then you probably aren’t living a holy life. If no one is accusing you of being a ‘bleeding heart’, then you probably aren’t loving enough. If no one is accusing you of being too dogmatic, then you probably aren’t standing for the truth. If no one is accusing you… or criticizing you…you probably aren’t doing anything significant.” Israel Wayne

This was posted on Facebook yesterday and it got me thinking, as many of the things Israel says often do.  It was very timely for me as I thought back to some of the events of the past several years writing for Art of Eloquence, various Christian and homeschool magazines as well as podcasting and teaching seminars.   It doesn’t feel good to be criticized, but it is to be expected when you take a stand…any stand.  And it actually has a purpose that is beneficial to us as Christians.  What could be so positive about negative feedback?  A few things actually!

First, criticism has a way of helping us see how we come across to others so that we can assess ourselves and make any necessary changes.  Sometimes there is no other way to really know how we come across to a group of people other than to have some of them email you some love and hate mail.  One nasty gram might not be cause to change your stance on an issue, but a few customers or friends might help you to see a better way to say something or a more effective way to approach a topic.

Another good use of criticism is to help you know that you are on track following the Lord’s plan for your life.  I believe the phrase is, “If you had to prove you were a Christian in a court of law, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”  If you are a Christian and do not at least occasionally find a criticism in your inbox, blog comments or Facebook wall, you may want to check your Great Commission Meter.  AND…the more public you make your views, the more criticism you will encounter.

Try hosting a weekly Christian podcast for a year and see how many shows you can do before you encounter a listener who is less than cordial.  Open your Facebook page to the world and post notes like “The Seven Wonders of the Christian World” and see how long it takes for someone to post a comment that is not so complementary.   Put scripture all over your products or website and agree to teach a seminar about your topic and see how long you can go before someone takes offense.  I was asked to talk to a Christian online audience about my company once and had a listener who said she was a Christian accuse me of pushing my religion down people’s throats!

Each time I post a topic like this on my blog, Facebook or speak about it at a seminar, I expect to get some criticism.  What helps me to deal with it in grace is that I am prepared for it and I have an understanding of communication skills that is based on scripture.  The Lord chose to talk a great deal about how we communicate with one another in His Word!  Anyone can learn to handle these situations with greater ease just by studying them.  In fact, I’m about to release a new study that will make that even easier to learn than it was for me!  This is part of the reason I wanted to write “21 Days to More Godly Communication.”

Sometimes Christians grow weary in doing good.  As human beings, we wish to minimize our exposure to the hate mail and sometimes there really is no positive purpose to it other than someone venting hatred.  I don’t mind if someone disagrees with me, many people do!  Many cherished people in my own family disagree with me!  However, one can disagree without being disagreeable.  It’s usually called a discussion.

But, I want to discuss something else that comes from our Love and Hate Mail–something that very few talk about and something that Israel brought to my mind.  One of the problems is to discern if a criticism is something we  should consider prayerfully or the kind that serves only to distract and dissuade us from our mission.  This can be difficult, especially if you are getting criticism that is quite diverse.  I sometimes watch Bill O’Reilly and find it interesting how he can get both love and hate mail on the very same interview!  Some see him as having been too easy on a guest and others see him as having been to hard on him.  On the very same issue, some cry, “You dirty rat!” and others shout, “Way to go, Mr. O.!”

There will always be those who disagree with you–even if you stand for the things of God…and sometimes ESPECIALLY if you stand for the things of God.  It can be a frustration as you try to discern which emails to take to heart and which ones you should just let go.  I’ve had similar issues from time to time and since I adore making people happy and providing value to others, it is occasionally difficult for me to view my own hate mail.  For example, some emails complain that our newsletter has “nothing useful” for them while in response to that very same newsletter, others say the information was a blessing and a God Send!  Some tell me my blog post blessed them while others tell me it was hateful.

It’s discouraging to read that someone didn’t feel what we had spent hours creating to give as a free gift was, in their opinion, “nothing useful.”  However, it was quite encouraging to read the other emails sharing how much they enjoyed and appreciated it.  So how do we know which emails should cause us to make changes?  Often we do this by weighing the Pro’s and Con’s?  You know, how many liked what we did and how many DIDN’T.  This can often prove misleading.  The fact is that most people will not take the time to dash off a thank you note even if they really appreciate something you have done or provided.  Negative communication travels faster and farther than positive communication.  With folks so busy trying to provide for their families these days, criticism is more abundant than praise.  Folks who are offended by something will more easily justify taking the time to write a caustic note of discontent.

That brings me to another issue that not everyone is aware of when dealing with Love and Hate Mail.  With the impersonal nature of communication in the Information Age, the emotional level of our Love and Hate Mail is not at all even.  A busy emailer may find the time to jot a note of encouragement that goes something like this, “Thanks so much for your article.  It was very timely.”  However, “An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” says Proverbs 18:19.  An emailer offended by your post might regale you for several paragraphs of colorful verbiage complete with expletives because he doesn’t have to look you in the eye as he tears you apart with his words.

If we cannot discern which emails indicate we need to make changes by words or by volume, how can we?   We can pray.  We wait for communication from God to help us determine where we need to listen to the criticism and where we  need to just let it go.  We determine which criticism will help us reach others for His Glory and which will be contradictory to our mission He has for us–which criticism will help us serve Him and which will undermine our mission.  We keep in mind that we always speak in grace, but that what we say and do should be honoring to God first.

Love and Hate Mail will, I think, always be disturbing to us as human beings because most of us seek to please.  Most of us try to avoid confrontation.  Speaking in grace will give us the greatest probability of being effective without conflict, but there is a time when someone will take offense to what we say or do for reasons we cannot compromise.  That is when we know we are probably on the right path.

Love and Hate Mail can be helpful in communicating what we are doing well and what we may need to work on, but it should NOT be a meter by which we change direction away from the Lord’s mission for our lives.  We should allow it to help us to become more effective and gracious in what we do for the Lord, but we should not let it deter us from our path.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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Riddle Me This…Time!


I scour YouTube for funny videos and keep all kinds of funny “miss steaks” so I can share them all with you each Friday for Friday Funnies.  Well, this week my son was reading a book and ran up to show me this line:

“One week from the day before the day after the yesterday that comes three weeks before six months from six weeks from now minus 49 days plus five tomorrows and a next week.”

Just to have a little fun with language/communication…who can figure out this riddle…when would this be?  Post your answers here as a comment.  Show this to your smartie pants kidlings and see if they can figure it out.

Another humor-filled Communication FUN Friday from your friends at Art of!

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Abbott & Costello Computer Spoof

For all you non techies out there!  This one’s for you!  A spoof on Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First”, but updated to the Computer Age!  This video is too funny!

Another Communication Friday Funny from your friends at Art of!

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Fri Funnies Picture: Out of Control!

Sometimes just a single word can make all the difference in your communication.

Another great Friday Funny from your friends at Art of!

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New Value Packages Available!

I’ve been working all week to bring you some fabulous values!  Art of Eloquence is adding more value packages to save you money and give you bundles of value!  Our new value packages allow you to save money by purchasing several studies together!  AND we have created a Value Package Page on our site to give you a nice overview of all the ways your family can save on these fabulous bundles we’ve put together for preschoolers all the way on up through adults! We even have a special value package that has a little something for the entire family!

Here is a list of the value packages you will now (or soon) find at Art of but keep checking back because more are coming this week!

Preschool Pack
Elementary Pack
Teen Pack
Teen Bonus Pack
High School Pack
High School Premium Pack (coming soon)
College Prep Pack
Deluxe College Prep Pack (coming soon)
Fun Pack
Family Pack (coming soon)
Career Pack
Business Pack
Parent Pack (coming soon)
Leadership Pack (coming soon)
Even more coming soon!

I have also updated our online catalog.  So if you are looking for a specific topic, for a particular age group, or would just like to browse, click here!

Finally, as I began to add these packages, I thought it would be a nice feature to have a major listing of our various eStudies for each age group.  So…I created several new At-A-Glance type pages broken down by age group.  We now have overview pages for all our PreK eStudies, Elementary eStudies, Jr/Sr High eStudies, and for all of our Adult eStudies which are now linked from our home page.  I am still working to add all the pictures to these pages so bear with me as I finish that this week.

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Valentine's Free Gift for All Subscribers!

What’s New at Art of Eloquence Newsletter subscribers will get a free gift soon for Valentine’s Day!  If you are not a subscriber, you’ll want to subscribe before our next newsletter comes out so you don’t miss out!

What’s New at Art of Eloquence offers exclusive articles, special offers, free gifts and other communication fun ONLY for subscribers!  We do not give out this information anywhere else (on our site, blog or Facebook Fan Club Page!) but just to those on our mailing list!

If you are not subscribed, you can do so easily by clicking here!

Happy Valentine’s Day!  From the folks at Art of!

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21 Accents in 2 1/2 Minutes!

When I had my internet show, The Communication Comedy Network, I had to play several different people in a span of an hour.  I played a New York Newscaster, a Southern Roving Reporter, a British Professor and myself with a sort of California accent.  I found it difficult to switch back and forth between the accents and the accents I was doing were very different from each other.

The woman in this video is absolutely amazing!  She does 21 different accents in a span of just two minutes and 36 seconds and some of the accents present only very subtle changes.  I don’t know if the accents are 100% accurate, but I’ll tell you one thing, this lady is talented!!!  I can’t do it.  Can you?

More communication fun brought to you by your friends at Art of!

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