Don’t Miss the Upcoming Facebook Fun!

If you weren’t already aware, Art of Eloquence has a fan page over on Facebook.  We’ve been having such a fun time over there that I thought I’d share it with everyone so you could come on over and join us for some upcoming Art of Eloquence Communication FUN.  Aside from all the fun links, videos, funny pictures and sayings posted weekly, here are two reasons you’ll want to join us…

1. Communication BINGO starts Sept. 1st!

I have a list of 75 communication terms posted on a secret link on the Art of Eloquence website just for our Facebook fan page members.  Choose 25 of the terms, email them in to me before Sept. 1st and play along to win one of 8 prizes!  Each of the first 8 winners will get a free Art of Eloquence product!

The idea is to watch for the terms I call out each day and cross them off your list.  Each day I’ll not only post a term or two from the list, but a fun link, picture, joke or saying that goes along with it.  When all of your terms are called off, email me to claim BINGO!  After each win is verified with my email copy sent in, I’ll award each of the first 8 to call BINGO with a free Art of Eloquence eProduct!

If you aren’t yet a member of the Art of Eloquence Facebook page, come on over and “Like” us!  Then click our Events tab to find more details about our upcoming Communication BINGO!

2. Free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook!

If you weren’t an Art of Eloquence newsletter subscriber last week, you probably didn’t get a free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook, the very first in the eSeries!  Not to worry, because if you are a member of our Facebook fan page when we reach 1000 members, you’ll have another chance!   We have somewhere around 950 members.  When we reach 1000, I’m going to make a link available for ALL Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page members to claim their own free copy of my very first illustrated JoJoisms eBook with my insightful and humorous quotes on communication!

Don’t let us start without YOU!

If you “Like” us, I think you’ll really like us!

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Embrace Life: Seatbelt Ad

Instead of a Friday Funny this week, I bring you this amazing commercial.  I can’t remember how I found it now, but it’s an incredible example of nonverbal communication.  No words are uttered during this ad, but it most certainly gets the point across with pin point accuracy.  It also elicits such a range of emotion, but leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling.  Enjoy and please leave a comment with your thoughts.

Blessings to you and your family from Art of!

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Free JoJoisms Coming Soon

I have a new series of illustrated eBooks coming out soon.  JoJoisms are my funny, insightful sayings about life.  The first in the series will be on communication.  Who’d a thunk it, right?  Inside will be things like, JoJoism#45, “God didn’t make cookie-cutter people so there is no one-size-fits-all way to communicate with them.

It’ll be out this week and you can get it for free if…

1) you are one of our newsletter subscribers.

What’s New at Art of Eloquence is our newsletter featuring an exclusive monthly article and Ask JoJo featuring answers to YOUR communication questions.  It also shares exclusive offers and free gifts just for our subscribers.  Tomorrow;s newsletter will allow every subscriber to download JoJoisms that reveal life’s truths about communication fundamentals!

If you are already a subscriber, you need do nothing but open your newsletter and click the download link.   If you are not a subscriber, now is the time!  Click here to subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence today!

2) you are a Facebook Fan when we reach 1000 members.

We currently have over 930 members of the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page.  When we reach 1000, I’ll make a download link available to all members!  Our Facebook page members have all kinds of fun that we cannot work via our newsletter.  I post funny pictures, quotes and sayings that help illustrate various communication skills.  However, the next several months will be even more exciting.

September 1st will kick off our Communication Bingo contest.  I’ll be posting a few communication terms per day M-F along with some fun links, pictures, scriptures and quotes that illustrate their importance.  If you are one of the members who signed up to play (chosen 25 of our 75 communication terms) and you are one of the first 8 to call bingo (meaning I have called out all 25 of your terms), you will win a free gift from Art of Eloquence and 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Grand Prize!

If you are already an Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page member, go into the group and find the post with the details of the game and the 75 words.  Then pick 25 of them and send them in to me before Sept. 1st.  If you are not yet a member there, click here to “like” (join) our page and check out the link to enter!

3) you are a For the Love of Contest winner.

I have a fun blog for purple lovers called  Today and Wednesday I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog by having a contest.  Today I’m asking readers to name the purple things they have in their home that start with the letters A-M.   You can see the details of that contest here. You’ll notice that the cover of JoJoisms is purple (as are most of the Art of Eloquence communication studies!).

So…there are three ways to get a free copy of JoJoisms.  I suggest to you try all three!

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Birthday Bash w/8 Ways to Win

8 FUN Ways to Win! 18+ Prizes!

Contest Runs: August 1st-October 31st, 2010


This is our BIGGEST contest EVER! November 1st Art of Eloquence will celebrate eight years in business.  In recent years, we have celebrated by offering a few hours of online fun and a contest where we gave away a prize package to one lucky winner.  This year, we would like to offer THREE MONTHS of fun and give away 18+ prizes!  So this year we have eight fun ways for you to win from August 1st through October 31st!

1. Our Facebook Fan Page members will be able to play Communication Bingo. Here’s how this will work. I will post 75 different communication terms on the fan page and each member is allowed to choose 25 of them and email them to me.  Each week (M-F) I’ll post a few words from the list.  You will need to follow along and cross off the words/terms I have already called out.

The first 8 people whose entire list of terms is called off and email me claiming Bingo will win a prize and 8 points toward the grand prize!

To play, you need to be a member of our Facebook Fan Page:

2. FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) Scavenger Hunt on the Art of Eloquence website. Each person who finds all 8 (the one on the BB page doesn’t count) of the Birthday Bash FIMMs and emails me with the locations will win 8 points toward the grand prize!

HINT: Start at our home page and scroll down to where Birthday Bash FIMM is located.  Just follow the FIMMs! Click the link inside the [brackets] near FIMM to get to the next FIMM until you find all 8 Birthday Bash FIMMs.

When you find all 8 Birthday Bash FIMMs, email me  jojo @, put “BBFIMM” in the subject line and tell me where you found them. The first 8 to email me with the locations of all Birthday Bash FIMMs will ALSO WIN a copy of FIMMology 101!

3.  Post an Art of Eloquence Link: Each time you post a link to the Art of Eloquence site and email me sharing the link and where you posted it will earn you 8 points toward the grand prize! You may post a link to our main site sharing who we are.  You may also post a link to a particular page, product, category, blog post, or age category.

To qualify, post our link on your blog, website, Facebook or Twitter page, Yahoo group, Facebook group,  or other online chat group.  Then email me jojo @ with “BBLink” in the subject line and tell me what and where you posted.

For the rest of the details, check out our Birthday Bash Page!

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Birthday Bash Contests Coming in August


It’s Birthday Bash Time Again!


Art of Eloquence will be celebrating its eighth birthday this November.  Each year we’ve had a Birthday Bash to celebrate where our customers won free prizes, but this year will be even more exciting because there will be EIGHT different ways to win!

AND…much more than eight prizes awarded!

Say tuned to Communication FUNdamentals blog, What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter or the Art of Eloquence Facebook Page for details coming soon!

It’ll be our biggest Birthday Bash EVER!  It’s our birthday, but YOU could walk away with the gifts…the FREE GIFTS!

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"Things We Say Wrong" video

Things You Ought to Know has a funny YouTube channel where folks write in and ask how things work.  They research the topic and put out a video like this one on the “Things We Say Wrong.”   It’s funny and informative and presented in Art of Eloquence style.

For more fun with communication skills, visit Art of Eloquence online.

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Hey, That's Me! (w/some great resources too!)

The last few weeks we have been blessed to find several websites and other internet sources citing links for Art of Eloquence.  I am grateful to all who have asked me to contribute articles to their publications.  I have to say that it is still a rather odd experience to see my name on someone’s website.  Even after almost 8 years, I find myself saying, “Hey, that’s me!”  lol

A humble thank you to all of the publications that have re posted my articles and published some nice reviews of Art of Eloquence in the last few weeks!  I also want to thank those of you who have retweeted my articles, blogposts and sayings on Twitter as well as those who have posted Facebook notes with our links!  Thanks for spreading the word about Art of Eloquence!  We appreciate the opportunity to let others know about the ways in which we can help people overcome social anxiety and learn to speak up and speak out effectively in order to accomplish their own missions the Lord has for their lives.

Some of the places we were featured are great resources we thought you’d want to know about.  I am posting their links here so you all could take advantage of all they have to offer.  Some are brand new and I highly recommend you check them out!

1. Homeschooling the Easy Way eMagazine: Cindy Rushton’s new online magazine for homeschoolers has some wonderful articles.  I’m going to be one of her regular contributors.  Check it out!  You can subscribe to her RSS feed and get these updates.  Here’s what Cindy shares about her new eMagazine:

“Years ago we began our Homeschooling The Easy Way Magazine.  It has always been a magazine filled with encouragement, inspiration, and practical (very DOABLE) tips for making homeschooling easy. Now, it is produced as an online eMagazine that is free for all subscribers.

Our purpose is to encourage a return back to God’s design for the godly home and homeschool! Each issue includes articles that encourage homeschooling with a lifestyle of real learning that returns to the OLD PATHS that have worked for centuries. Topics range from hearing God in your homeschool to balancing all of the many demands that the busy homeschool mom faces day-to-day to teaching lessons in a simple, EASY way to VERY practical ideas that are sure to make homeschooling in your home EASY too! You won’t want to miss a single issue!”

2. Time for Tea eMagazine: is another fabulous resource for women by Cindy Rushton where I will be a regular contributor.  Here’s what Time for Tea is all about:

“Time for Tea eMagazine began as a simple newsletter to Cindy’s friends. It grew into a world-wide magazine that was published in print for 8 years. For the past eight years, it has been published as a free weekly ezine online-our ministry to minister to YOUR heart! Now, you can receive it digitally–either online at our website OR you can purchase our reprint books at a discount–if you are a TFT eMagazine subscriber (and that is FREE–stick with me and I will tell you how to join). You won’t want to miss even one issue!

Time for Tea features articles written for the purpose of ministering to YOUR heart! Articles range from topics covering developing a closer walk with the Heavenly Father to ministering to the heart of your husband to discipling our children with a Godly heritage to ideas for homemaking from the heart to getting and staying organized to ideas for developing the impact of YOUR Home Ministry to great encouragement for home businesses to wisdom that can truly encourage you to become a vessel that God can use!”

3. SONbeams: has wonderful homeschool curricula for PreK through early elementary.  They have a great blog where they have posted a review of Art of Eloquence products for that age group.  I highly encourage those of you with young children to check out their site and blog!  Great resources for moms even if you don’t homeschool!

4. Christians in Social Media Facebook Page: was kind enough to highlight me and my work and ask others to visit Art of Eloquence.  Christians in Social Media is a brand new Facebook page devoted to helping Christians who are online figure out this thing called Social Media.  Run by a wonderful Christian leader, LaTara Ham Ying, this is a great place to be. Check it out!

Also a big thank you to those of you who have written in to share your excitement about our upcoming release, Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety.  We really appreciate your comments and feedback!  Here are some of the comments we have been getting about this study:

“Dear JoJo,
Thank you for writing OVERCOMING SOCIAL ANXIETY.  The night before you announced this book I had prayed for God to help me find something to help me help my son feel better about his social interactions.  When I showed him this announcement, he also thought it would be good to try. ”
-Anne G.

“Thank you for your work on these valuable products!  The benefits are bound to immeasurable to many.  In Him, Laurie S.”

If you have posted about Art of Eloquence on your blog, site or on Twitter or Facebook, please let us know, especially if you have a wonderful resource our readers might want to know about!  We’d love to hightlight YOU too!

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Video: More than Words

People often mistakenly think that communication is just about the words we speak, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Without words, we can still communicate and words alone can deceive.  This video is a song called More than Words by Extreme.  I don’t know anything about the band, but I like what this song says.  It takes more than “I love you” to show someone you do.  Anyone can say the words, but to truly convey love takes much “More than Words.”

For more insights into communication, visit Art of

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I Got a Pea: A Video of Miscommunication…& Vegetables!

I found Songdrops while tooling around on YouTube one day.  They have some adorable videos and this one has to do with language.  Sometimes we say things which are grammatically or otherwise correct, but they are not the most clear way to communicate-thus causing miscommunication or, as in this case, hysterics.

On this Friday Funnies, I present to you, “I Got a Pea.”

For more Communication FUNdamentals, visit Art of!

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Are your emails effective? They can be!

Have you ever written an email you thought was clear only to have the recipient reply:  “What on earth are you talking about?”   Do you occasionally find that your email misspeaks?  Did you ever NOT say what you meant to say over email?  I think we all have had times like these, but with a few easily implemented tips, these can be fewer and farther between!

Join me in the next few months as I begin a new article series just for my newsletter subscribers on effective emailing!  These articles will eventually make their way into a book that will be offered for sale on the Art of Eloquence website.  However,  if you are one of our newsletter subscribers, you can get all this information for free beginning tomorrow morning in my very first What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter series of articles on effective emailing!

If you are not a subscriber yet, click here and, in addition, you will receive special offers and free gifts from time to time during the month.  Lastly, What’s New at Art of Eloquence subscribers are all entered into our Subscriber of the Month Drawing for a chance to win a gift certificate for $20 worth of Art of Eloquence products!  A new subscriber is chosen each month!

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