Using Humor on Purpose

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Later on, I’ll share about the humor (and problems) that comes from ineffective communication, but for now Communication FUNdamentals Week continues with the humor that used on purpose.  Humor can be used to creatively express yourself in order to entertain and amuse.  I posted this poem I wrote on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page last week and it was met with a goodly amount of comments from folks who “felt my pain.”
Exerciser’s Lament 

The scale says more; my clothes, they tore.
I’m often winded at the store.
Though I’m not sure and it’s a bore
Now exercise is my new chore.
My legs are sore; I’m on the floor,
Endorphins are just pure folk lore.
Just shut the door; I want to snore
And with my bones I am at war.
If you’re going to complain, you should do it with a little style.

Last week was also Limerick Week and in order to celebrate, I posted this little limerick authored by yours truly.

On Celebrating Limerick Day

May 12th is Limerick Day
I’m exceedingly happy to say
Because it’s such fun
To rhyme and to pun
I ask you to try it your way!

Care to try your hand?


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It’s Communication FUNdamentals Week

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It’s Humor Week (or rather Communication FUNdamentals Week)  here at Communication FUNdamentals!  That means all the funniest communication tips, articles, videos, quotes, pictures <—— (notice anything funny about that?) and other creative fun I can muster.  Why?  Well, because the blog’s called Communication FUNdamentals.  That’s why!  lol

My blog’s name reflects the humor with which I write all of my articles and communication studies for Art of   I have always loved humor ever since I was a little tiny communicator and I patterned Art of Eloquence materials after The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, who used humor and his Christian faith to convey his messages.

I wrote a short article a long while ago in a galaxy far, far away that I have posted on the Articles Page of our website.  It’s called “Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool.”  So I’ll begin at the beginning with this article which starts off…

In the olde days of kings who ruled with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, mediated through humor.  Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

Humor is a valuable and effective tool for communicating just about anything because humor breaks down barriers.  Carefully disguised as fun, humor can smuggle new ideas into people’s hearts.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Knowing how important humor is to effective communication and the study of communication, I’m going to share as many comical, creative and fun ways in which we use humor this week.  I usually post only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but check back each day this week for more Communication FUNdamentals.

Today’s insightful, creative giggle is in the form of a video.  Victor Borge in Inflationary Language.  What do you think about humor? Post your comments here and please pass along the blog link to others to share the giggles!  Thanks.


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Compliment: FIMM Style

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Ending Praise Week with a blast.  Foot in Mouth Man has had 150 episodes of communication MISadventures.  In the past several  years that I’ve been writing for “himm,” FIMM has stuck his foot in his mouth many a time resulting in a backhanded compliment.  Here is a FIMM Classic from the early days:

Episode 11:

FIMM has finally met someone!  Bonnie was carrying some heavy grocery bags when FIMM offered to help her carry them to her car.  Bonnie was so impressed with FIMM’s sweet nature that she agreed to go out with him.  They have had three dates already this week!

FIMM wrote Bonnie an email to thank her for cooking him dinner last night.  Bonnie was very insecure about her cooking and told FIMM that she really hasn’t had much cooking experience.  By way of apology, Bonnie admitted that she had used spaghetti sauce from a jar.  FIMM wanted to show his appreciation before he called her for another date so he wrote her this email:

To: Bonnie Sweet

From: FIMM

Subject: Dinner

Hi Bonnie,

I just wanted to thank you for dinner last night.  Nobody opens a jar like you do!  In fact, the whole dinner was so good that I thought it was cooked by someone who knew what they were doing!



FIMM: Don’t be like himm!  Check out all things FIMM on his very own page at Art of Eloquence to see his latest episode, his very own video, audio recording and a few of his classic episodes!  Don’t forget to check out the Foot in Mouth Man Gift shop featuring FIMM Wear and his book of FIMM’s Best Episodes, FIMMology 101!


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Agree to Disagree

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Today is the last day of Grace Month.  All this month I’ve been sharing from my article, “10 Quick Ways to Disagree in Grace.  Number ten is used when all else fails.  If you can’t agree, you must disagree…in grace!

10. Agree to Disagree
Tis better to agree to disagree and live to discuss another day than to fight for your right to be a pest!  Sometimes people are not ready to hear or accept what you have to say.  Sometimes you are only one in a long line of people the Lord will use to share Jesus with this person.  Share and discuss in love and grace and then let it go.

Yesterday we talked about not arguing when we disagree and the reason for that is so that we can live to agree that we just disagree.  It is a communication myth that an effective communicator can get anyone to agree to anything.  Even The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, wasn’t able to convert everyone to his politics.  There are going to be those of us who disagree on fundamental principles such as religion and politics.  In fact, good men can disagree on many things.

If at first you don’t succeed, it might be best to agree to disagree rather than trying and trying again.

I pray these tips have helped you some, but if you would like to learn more about conflicts and how to avoid, reduce or resolve them, check out our latest Art of Eloquence communication study on conflicts!



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My Redeemer Lives!

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One of my most favorite songs of all time.  Blessings on this Resurrection SONday to your and your family from all of us here at Art of!

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Celebrating Five Years of FIMM

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It’s Good Friday so before I get started with our special Friday Funny Festivities, I want to take some time to wish you all a blessed Good Friday.  Today’s the day my son and I make Resurrection Cookies and read the Resurrection story in the Bible.

Well, as I said, this week is also a very special Friday Funnies week because Foot in Mouth Man’s five year anniversary was this past Tuesday. FIMM began his misadventures five years ago this month!  April 19th, 2006 to be exact.

You can check out FIMM’s very first episode along with several other featured episodes here.  As FIMM’s fame grew we featured him in his very own video:

Later on there were just too many FIMM Misadventures to put them all on our website so we created an eBook with the best of FIMM’s episodes.  You can check it out here.  He also agreed to a radio interview with me several years ago.  You can hear FIMM SPEAK here.  And finally, we started FIMM’s own brand of clothing at cafe press.

It’s been a fun five years, but I am slowly running out of good foot in mouth material and I’d LOVE some help!  If you have a misadventure you’d like submit, please send it to and put FIMM in the subject line.  FIMM entries must be family friendly please.

If I use your episode, you’ll get a mention on our site and on the blog as well as a free Art of Eloquence product!  So…got any great foot in mouth stories?



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Overactive Exclamatory Punctuation!!!!!!

Every day we use the internet to connect and communicate with folks all over the world.  How we type our messages can make a huge difference in how they are perceived.  On February 24th, I’m going to be sharing more about everyday communication with a panel of guests over on TalkShoe.  There are several things we do every day that hinder our ability to say what we mean.  Today, I’d like to bring the exclamation point to your attention.

The use, or overuse, of the exclamation point can create a vastly different meaning to your email and social networking communication.  It can alter your message or it can just as easily give you less credibility.  Let’s look at the different ways the overuse of the exclamation point can impact your message:

1. Using too many exclamation marks can strip all the emotion out of your message.

This reduces your sentences so that they all have the same weight.  “We have a new dog!  His name is Bark because he barks all the time!  I’m going to have to teach him to be quiet!”

2. Even the use of one exclamation point can make you sound like you’re angry.

“I thought you did your own programming!”  This makes it sound like an accusation that the person should be familiar with the material when, in fact, it was simply surprise.

3. Too many exclamation points can make you appear childish.

“I just loved it!!!  It was so much fun!!!!  I had a great time!!!  That was the best strategy!!!!” Using too many exclamation points with short choppy sentences can make you come across as childish or naive.

So what do we do if we are afflicted with Overactive Exclamatory Punctuation?   Well, you’re in luck, because I have developed a Four Step Program.

The Over Exclamatory Four Step Program:

1. Make a conscious effort to use exclamation points sparingly. Less is more.

2. Institute a “wait time” before punctuating your post.

3. Back away from the button…

4. Take the exclamation key off your keyboard!

Don’t you feel better now?  You’ll find that, by using fewer exclamation points, you will begin to feel calmer and more peaceful.  You’ll notice a lower rate of misunderstandings and offense and you’ll lose 5 pounds!  Okay, I was kidding about that last part.

For more creative and fun ways to improve your ability to say what YOU mean, visit

Do it NOW!!!!!!  [insert maniacal giggle here]

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Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan!

I normally don’t post on a Sunday, but since the technology exists to schedule my blog posts ahead of time through the magic of technology, I will this week and for one very important reason.  It’s Ronald Reagan’s birthday and he would have been 100 years old today!

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6th 1911-June 5th 2004) was the 40th President of the United States.  No matter what anyone thought of his politics, they couldn’t help but love The Great Communicator who spoke with disarming humor and a positive outlook.  Those who spoke with him always remarked at how he had the knack of making them feel as if they were the only person in the world who mattered at that moment!

Ronald Reagan was a man of faith who felt strongly about America’s ties to her Creator.  He had a way of using humor and God’s Word to speak gently and respectfully of his vision and his beliefs. I thought you might enjoy reading a little of The Great Communicator’s wit and wisdom.  Here are some of his famous quotes:

“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

“Our Nation’s motto – ‘In God We Trust’ – was not chosen lightly. It reflects a basic recognition that there is a divine authority in the universe to which this nation owes homage.”

“Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They’re just braver five minutes longer.”

“America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.”

“Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”

“One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it.”

“Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.”

“I have wondered many times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.”

“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”

Art of Eloquence has patterned our speech communication studies and events after The Great Communicator by using humor as well as God’s Word to teach a generation of Christians to speak up as eloquently for their beliefs and accomplish the work the Lord has for them!  During the last five years, each  Say What You Mean Convention strove to help Christian families do just that.  This annual, three-day event featured live seminars and workshops by some of the most beloved speakers including:

Micheal Farris of Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)

Carol Barnier, author “How to Get Your Child off the Refrigerator and Onto Learning”

Lorrie Flem, Teach Magazine Editor

Dr. Jay Wile, Founder of Apologia Science

Gena Suarez, Editor of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Michael Jr, Christian Comedian

Cindy Rushton, Time for Tea and Mom to Mom Radio Show

Many thanks and blessings to you all for taking the time to come share with my guests!

While I had a blast putting this on each year, it was an incredible amount of work.  In fact, it took me all year  to plan the events, make arrangements for the keynote speakers, record the hundreds of hours of audios and that was just a small slice of the planning pie.  During those years, I was unable to do much writing or many other speaking engagements.  After the conclusion of the Fifth Annual Say What You Mean Convention last year, I heard the Lord clearly tell me to hang up my convention hat.  The convention site will be up until the end of February so feel free to go on over and listen to the audios and download the free gifts!

I’d like to take this time to send a big hug and a thank you to several people.  There were some who worked beside me, year after year, in various capacities for this five year cause.  My unsung heroes, if you will.  I’d like to thank them for making the event a rousing success each of those five years. I never could have done something this big without them!

Kim Kautzer of WriteShop for all her help with the planning and execution each year as well as for speaking and helping me to run the events!

Joan Rudder Ward, of Girl Nurture and now Visual Psalms for her help in planning, speaking and especially for all her hard work on the website!

Carla Ives of Reluctant WAHM fame and now venturing forth into her new business, for all her ideas and support and prayers as well as for helping with all the little things behind the scenes.

And a special thank you to Marie Ynami for all her help in setting up the format and initial website and for encouraging me when the Lord first gave me this seemingly nutty idea of a techno ding dong hosting an convention entirely on the web!  If it wasn’t for Marie, I’d have never begun this great adventure!

While I’ll no longer be hosting this huge event, I have been running monthly seminars and workshops that are proving fun and informative for many.  Come join me and a panel of fabulous guests on February 24th as we discuss (WITH HUMOR) how important communication skills are in our everyday lives!

As you can see, Ronald Reagan has been a big inspiration to me as I worked through several projects in the past eight years with Art of Eloquence.  Happy 100th Birthday Ronald Reagan and thank you, one and all!

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“Vegetarian” Vegetable Soup?

Continuing with our Other Than Speech Making Month here at Communication FUNdamentals, I found this every day item that just smacks of communication fun.  So I was cooking lunch for my son last week.  Since he was sick, I decided to make him some Campbell’s Soup, vegetable soup, VEGETARIAN Vegetable Soup.  No…Seriously!

Isn’t that a bit redundant?  So what would NONvegetarian vegetable soup look like?  Well, my husband informs me that regular vegetable soup would have beef stock.  This one has tomato.  I still think it sounds rather silly.  What do you think?

For more fun with communication skills, visit Art of!

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Classical Music Speech Challenge

How did you all do last week with your impromptu speech?  What topic did you choose?  Please share your experience!  This is the last week of the challenge and we are going to step it up one more time.  But I know you are all up to it!

This week, I want you to put what you learned this month together and give an impromptu speech on one of the fun topics listed below.  This time also watch that you are loud enough for those in the back of the room to hear you and that you aren’t rushing through your speech.  Maintain good eye contact with your audience and have fun with your topic!  Show your personality!

Suggested Topics:

1. The importance of classical music

2. Pick a classical composer and share why you like his music

3. Explain why they say you learn better with classical music playing in the background

4. Explain why you believe classical music is boring

For more fun with speech communication, check out these fun Art of Eloquence studies:

Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course

Know Your Audience

Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith

Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership

Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues

If you liked these mini lessons, you’ll love our newsletter!  We will be offering 4 mini speech communication lessons form each of six Art of Eloquence studies this year, but ONLY for our newsletter subscribers!

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