If communication is so important, why isn’t everyone studying it?

“A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11

This week on The Talk Talk Show on the Communication Comedy Network, I’m asking the question, “If communication is so important, why isn’t everyone studying it?”  In my seminars I ask how many think communication skills are important for every day life.  Just about everyone in the audience will raise their hand.  However, when I ask my next question, I get puzzled looks:  How many of you have studied communication skills or are teaching them to your children?

“The wise in heart accepts commands, but the chattering fool comes to ruin.” Proverbs 10:8

Usually about three hands go up.  One says she took a speech class once, another says she’ll have her son take a speech class when he’s a senior in high school and another who says she already taught her daughter a writing class.  The rest say they don’t intend to make a speech in their lifetime so they don’t need communication skills.  But they just said they were important in every day life! Why the disconnect?  Because though most people think communication skills are important, they ONLY think of communication as speech or writing!  However, this erroneous assumption can hold them back or damage their relationships in life. Let me explain…

1. Taking one speech class doesn’t make one an expert speech maker any more than taking one golf lesson makes one Tiger Woods.

“He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.” Proverbs 22:11

2. I know it sounds simplistic, but speech and writing courses teach speech and writing.  They do not teach the specific skills needed in order to interview well, convince your boss you are worthy of a promotion, help dissuade your neighbor’s son from trampling your begonias, work out an issue in your marriage, discipline your 15 year old, effectively resolve a conflict with a co worker or family member, lead a group of people for a church project or share/defend your faith.  Each of these require very different communication skills.

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1Peter 3:15

3. Though many have a fear of speaking in public (but are comfortable one on one), speaking to hundreds of people is not the same as speaking to one.  I know many great speech makers who are too intimidating one on one to be effective.

4. Being comfortable speaking is not the same as being effective. I’m comfortable playing basket ball, but as someone who’s 5′ nuthin’, I’m not proficient at it!

“An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19

5. Practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect!  Many people tell me that they are comfortable with social communication because they have been doing it all their lives.  However, some of those comfortable communicators don’t realize that they are communicating in a way that hurts people’s feelings or intimidates others or makes others uncomfortable or doesn’t persuade others to follow where they lead. I’ve been a student of communication for over 25 years and each year I make it a point to learn even MORE!

“Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6

87% of what you and I do all day long is communication related.  The Bible has HUNDREDS of scriptures that tell us of the importance of mastering these skills and gives us some tips for doing so as well as some consequences if we don’t!  Studies show that effective communicators are better students, have deeper relationships, better marriages, more successful careers and make more money than their less articulate counterparts.  In fact, studies show that effective communicators are even HAPPIER!

“-So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Issaiah 55:11

I’ll be discussing this topic in depth on Thursday’s podcast and I invite you to join me so please mark it down on your calendar to attend live!  (Thursdays 8am PST /11am EST)  We’ll be discussing the top reasons given for not studying communication skills including fear and boredom and the solution for each issue!

All this week I’ll be sharing some of my articles on communication skills.  I invite you to come back each day and  share these with your friends and family.

Communication is probably THE most important skill in life to master!  Until then, I leave you with this question, “If communication skills are so important, why aren’t YOU studying them?

Visit Art of Eloquence’s Online Catalog today!

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SPAM can be annoying but it can also be a communication lesson and even a source of humor.   So the other day I wrote a blogpost about SPAM and, of course, it’s getting SPAMMED!  lol

A Recycled Funny from your friends at Art of Eloquence.com

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Free Pizza

Ever run into someone who just doesn’t understand how to communicate effectively? On the job, ineffective communicators can frustrate their bosses, cause customer problems and potentially cost the company millions!

It may be a funny video, but studies show that poor communicators struggle in their careers and in their relationships.

Art of Eloquence can help!  Visit Art of Eloquence and see how you can have fun as you and your family learn to Say What You Mean!

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Name That Expression

Remember Name That Tune?  Well, today is Wordless Wednesday and I’m asking you to Name That Expression!  This picture represents a communication expression.  Can you figure out what it is?

If you can, post your guess as a comment on this blog post. I’ll be back in a few days to give you the answer!  Watch this blog post for everyone’s guesses and my answer!

Tongue Tied

Name That Communication Expression!

A Communication FUNdamental from your friends at Art of Eloquence.com!

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Language and the wit of Winston Churchill

Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.” -Winston Churchill

For more communication FUN, visit Art of Eloquence.com!

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Can you spot the errors?

This week’s question of the week is a little communication quiz!  Can you spot the errors?  Grab your kids and see if they can too.  You can either post your answers here as a comment on this blog post OR you can post this same story on YOUR blog, answer it there and post a comment here with a link to your blog post.  Here you go:

Cindy was rite about the cheese grader being on sail at Walmart.  After all, she does oversea the entire Penny Pinching Club for the grater New York area.  For all intensive purposes, Cindy was the reining queen of savings!

Her friend, Mary, was in dyer need of a of an inexpensive vaccum cleaner so she steaked out Cindy’s house and weighted for her to get home from her seminar, Stretch Your Money Saving Mussels.

When Cindy finally got home, it was midnight and Mary had been so tried, she had fallen asleep in her car.  Though she was very tiered after her long day, Cindy invited Mary invited her to stay the night as it was too late for her to drive back to her county house in the woods.  The too ladies spent a few ours talking about everything from appliances to the price of egg yokes until the they were so sleepy they practically stood their like statutes.

In the morning, Mary was so thankful for all the advise Cindy gave her on savings that she pinched in and made breakfast for Cindy’s children before school.

I’ll be back in a few days to post the errors as a comment on this blogpost.  For more fun learning communication skills, check out Art of Eloquence.com!

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Statistician’s Answering Machine

Answering Machine

Hello, this is probably 438-9012, yes, the house of the famous statistician. I’m probably not at home, or not wanting to answer the phone, most probably the latter, according to my latest calculations. Supposing that the universe doesn’t end in the next 30 seconds, the odds of which I’m still trying to calculate, you can leave your name, phone number, and message, and I’ll probably phone you back. So far the probability of that is about 0.645. Have a nice day.

From ArcaMax.com

Do you have a funny answering machine message?  Post it here!

For more communication FUN, visit Art of Eloquence.com!

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Play Wheel of Communication and WIN PRIZES!

We’re having a very special podcast this week and you are going to want to be there!  The Communication Comedy Network’s Talk Talk Show will be pre-empted this week for a pilot of a new CCN game show called Wheel of Communication based loosely on Wheel of Fortune.  The Talk Talk Show will be back the following week at it’s regularly scheduled time but you can take advantage of this time to win some prizes for your family!

Bring your kids and have another browser open to find the words based on the clues the host will give you. The one with the most correct answers wins some free gifts on the air! Have fun, win prizes and learn about communication all at the same fun time!

Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 3rd at 8am PST/11am EST to join us live.  The Communication Comedy Network audios are always available on demand immediately following the live show, but if you are not there live, you cannot win any prizes!

To join us live via your computer:


To join us live via your phone:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

To listen in to any past show/audio:


Wheel of Communication airs right after the 12 1/2 Minute News Hour w/Nancy Newsome and Word of the Week, a few minutes w/Professor Wordsmith.

Remember: you can’t win if you don’t attend the live show so be there live Thurs., Sept. 3rd 8am PST/11am EST!

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Free tips on conflict resolution

My friend, Penny Raine, is having Favorite Friday Freebies on her blog.  She is posting all the free and nearly free items she can find.  Too cool, huh?  She’s asked others to help her find freebies.

I have been offering freebies, gifts and special offers to my newsletter subscribers.  These are all things that are ONLY available for my subscribers.  Well, this month I have started to give away a series of articles on conflict.  I have been giving away tips you can use to avoid conflicts or to resolve conflicts with family, friends and business acquaintances.  These articles will eventually be compiled and turned into a book on conflict, but you can gain all the benefits of my experience right now by simply subscribing to my newsletter, “What’s New at Art of Eloquence?”   The newsletter is free and we will NEVER sell or give away your email address!

In addition to this exclusive series on conflict, you will receive other freebies, special gifts and exclusive offers ONLY for our subscribers.  Click here to subscribe!

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Vintage Cosby: Brain Damage

Do you recognize these early communication skills in your children?

“I don’t know!”

If your kids could use some communication instruction, come on down to Art of Eloquence where we teach with humor and creative play!

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