And now a “words” from our sponsor!

The last several weeks, I’ve been talking about some words that are intentionally misused, words used to decieve.  This week, I’d like to focus on some of the most commonly (and unintentionally) misused words.

Some people seem to want to add to a word:
Toward has no s at the end, though it must seem incomplete to some because you often see it used like this,  “I went towards the gate.”
Anyway also has no ending s.  It is incorrect to say that you don’t like purple, though you’d take a purple car anyways.

Some want to delete part of a word:
You aren’t supposed to omit the d.  You weren’t suppose to.

The same goes for the phrase used to. Do not write it without its d, even if you use to do it that way.

Others change the word entirely:
For all intents and purposes, this is correct.  To have intensive purposes would mean that your purposes were of high intensity, highly concentrated or increased.

Still others want to accentuate the positive:
Some people must be trying hard not to be a Negative Nelly, yet others just couldn’t care less.  Because if you could care less, it would mean you still had some care left!

As we just learned, we don’t move towards something anyways because we’re not suppose to.  Even if you are use to it, it’s incorrect, for all intensive purposes.  But if you could care less, go right ahead!

A word of caution, I bring.  Though, unintentional misuse of words may be hidden to YOU, many of your readers and listeners will sea and draw their own conclusions.

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