Recap of Birthday Bash week

Today is the last day to enter our Birthday Bash Contests!

It’s also the last day also to get our Birthday Bash freebie, my 3rd Book of JoJoisms!

Download our 3rd JoJoisms edition,  The 3rd Book of JoJoisms: Technology. Created especially for our Birthday Bash visitors and Includes: JoJoisms, Visual JoJoisms, several of JoJo’s articles and more!


Download your free copy of the 3rd Book of JoJoisms here!


Also, in case you missed the announcement:

 All Art of Eloquence eBooks are only $10 for a limited time!  Check out all the titles. Browse by age or subject!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Tomorrow’s my birthday…

Tomorrow is my 49th birthday and next year I’ll celebrate 50 years…half a century on this planet.  Hard to believe it’s been that long.  Seems like just yesterday I was 12.  Time goes by faster when you’re old.  lol  When I was 12, it seemed like it took 12 years before it was my birthday again.  Now that I’m 49, it seems more like 12 minutes.

Things change as we age; our perceptions are only one of those things.  Times have changed.  Communication has changed.  The technology with which we communicate has changed.  I shared my thoughts on how communication has changed in the last 50 years yesterday on TalkShoe.   I shared how we communicate differently when we get older too.  Here is the link to the audio if you missed the live seminar.

As many of you know, I’ve written a JoJoism or two about aging.  Here are just a few:

JoJoism#17 Age is just a number. So after 50, I’m going to begin counting backwards. I wonder how long it’ll take me to pass my kids on the way down?

JoJoism#33 Don’t think of them as grey hairs; think of them as nature’s highlights!

JoJoism#60: ” I’m a year older today. Then, again, I am somewhat older than I was before I said so.”

JoJoism#137 “The secret to long life is…don’t die so young.”

JoJoism#150 “We are born with a finite amount of energy. Unfortunately, by the time we figure this out, we’re in our 40’s and forced to conserve.”

JoJoism#152 “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and…that’s why I don’t exercise anymore.”

JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!


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Test Your Communication Skill Level

I hope you enjoyed Communication Effectiveness Month.  We talked about how communication skills affect just about every aspect of our lives from our parenting to our marriages and from our friendships to our careers.  If you’d like to assess your communication skills, here is a communication quiz I designed years ago.  I’ve copied part of it here, but you’ll see a link to the rest of it at the bottom of this post.

Communication Assessment Quiz

Check your CEQ: Communication Effectiveness Quotient.

1. How often do you feel intimidated by someone?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

2. How often does intimidation prevent you from speaking up?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

3. Do you shy away from conflict?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

4. How often do you find it difficult to get your point across?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

5. Do you find yourself angry with little idea of how to express yourself?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

6. Are you ineffective in diffusing another’s anger?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

7. Do you feel you are ineffective in getting what you want?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never

To finish the quiz, click here!

If you’ve identified an area that you’d like some help with, visit our website for a listing of various communication topics and age groups!


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