What’s the most important New Year’s Resolution?

It’s that time of year again when people make New Year’s Resolutions and don’t keep them.

“Lose 20 pounds by July.”

…..“Start a new business and become independently wealthy.”

………………………………..“Organize my closet alphabetically and color code.”

……………………………………………………………………………………………“Quit smoking, again.”

I’m poking a little fun here, but these are all admirable goals.  The problem isn’t that they cannot be accomplished, but that we aren’t always serious when we make them.  And sometimes we aren’t always making New Year’s Resolutions about the things which are the most important to our lives.

First, most of us want things, but we are not always that willing to do what it takes in order to accomplish them.  We want to lose weight as long as it doesn’t require any exercise!   That would be why they sell so many diet pills.  We want to make more money, but we aren’t willing to invest in the things that will teach us how to get there.  That’s why there are so many “Get Rich Quick” programs on the internet and Marketing Gurus on Twitter.  Life’s not quite as challenging in many ways as it used to be and we prefer everything delivered in a nano second.

Additionally, sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the things the world feels are important that they obscure the the things that are really important.  Here are the most popular New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Lose Weight

2. Manage Debt

3. Save Money

4. Better Job

5. Get Fit

6.Better Education

7. Drink Less

8. Quit Smoking

9.Reduce Stress

10. Take a Trip

Was your New Year’s Resolution in there and was it the same the year before?  It’s interesting to me that among the top ten isn’t something like: get closer to God, read my Bible daily, do something for others, help others come to the saving knowledge of Christ, heal my marriage, build closer relationships with family, spend time with my children, help my neighbors…

When asked what is most important in life, most people will say God, children, marriage, friendships, etc.  So why the disconnect in what most folks want to accomplish in the next 12 months?  When we die, we won’t be content to look back having left behind a legacy of thinness, smokeless-ness and wealth.  We want to look back on our lives and see the lives we’ve touched.  We want to see what we have done for the Kingdom of God.  We want to know that our children have fond memories and ideals we have taught them.  We want to leave behind a legacy of memories that can only be created by strong relationships.

What most people don’t realize is that a strong relationship cannot be built or enjoyed without good communication skills.  You cannot have a relationship with someone without communicating with them.  So this year, as you think about your New Year’s Resolutions, please consider not just what you need or want, but what you can build.  Consider the legacy you want to leave behind.  Consider how you can build that legacy through strong, close relationships with your spouse, children, friends, neighbors, co workers and family members.  Consider spending a little time, effort and perhaps even a wee bit of money to accomplish these most important things in your life.

We believe that one of the best ways to do that is to invest in yourself (in your education) that will allow you to strengthen these important relationships.  Check out Art of Eloquence before you make those New Year’s Resolutions and see how we can help you achieve the MOST important resolutions of all: Stronger Relationships!

Happy New Year from the Art of Eloquence family to yours!

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It’s December. Now how did THAT happen? lol

Ok so it’s December 1st, 2009.  Wasn’t it just January?  Come to think of it…wasn’t it just 1995…about two years ago?  The older I get, the faster time goes by.  As my father always says, “Tempus certainly does fugit!”  They say time flies when you’re having fun, but I don’t remember having THAT much fun!

So how does this happen?  How do you go from being a young girl without a care in the world one moment to a 47 year old mother of a college girl and a homeschooled 10 y/o son the next?  As Lucy used to say, “Whahappen?”

So Christmas must be around 2 oclock today and 2010 is probably being held on Friday!  Are you ready? I’m not!  But I did spend a few millennia yesterday evening creating a really adorable CHRISTmas gift for all our newsletter subscribers and Facebook Fans.  It’s called “God is Everywhere.”   I will be unveiling it in about a week so, if you are not a subscriber or a fan club member, go directly to Sign Up or become a FAN!  Do not pass go!  Do not collect $200!

How fast does time fly for you?  Here’s a little quiz to help you along:

What year were you born-if you care to answer? (JoJo was born in 1962.)

What year were you married? (1987   That used to sound like 10 yrs ago!)

How old are your kids? (19 and 10)

How old were they yesterday? (15 and 6)

How old will they be tomorrow? (40 and 31)

I now return you to your life in progress…QUICK!  You might miss something!

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From my heart…changes for 2010

This month marks our 7th birthday!  Art of Eloquence has now been in business for over 7 years.  I’m one of those “if one is good, 10 thousand MUST be better” kind of gals!  I love helping folks and I love to give.  Each year I began by asking myself how much more I could give my customers, blog readers, newsletter subscribers, etc.  Unfortunately, in order to support my habit, I’m afraid I had backed myself into a busy corner.

Earlier this year, my dh asked me to slow down the ministry portion of Art of Eloquence.  It was hard for me, but I went from sending out three newsletters a week to just one and writing a weekly Foot in Mouth Man episodes to once a month.  When my good friend and podcast co host had to leave the show, my dh asked me to re evaluate my time.  I love giving, entertaining and teaching so much that I didn’t want to give it up.  It was almost like a high.  I’ve never done drugs, but I hear tell it feels kind of like that.  So I took on the weekly show all by myself saying I’ll just teach a little each week and that way it won’t take up too much of my time to prepare.

You all probably can guess what happened next.  Yup!  I went nutz!  I just can’t do anything half way.  I can’t.  I spent time each week preparing and researching to bring my listeners all the latest and greatest information on that week’s topic.  I brought on guests and solicited experts and spent time sending out email questionnaires in order to get all the information to you that I possibly could.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I didn’t neglect my family, but I did have to sacrifice a great deal to get this done.  You see, I have insomnia.  Which, if you look at the positive, means you have more time to get stuff done!  So at 3am when most other normal human beings are having visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, I was on my computer doing research and writing.  All this extra work, left very little time to write new studies for Art of Eloquence or to revamp our website to reflect all the new studies and events we had to offer.  I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had to tell a customer that the study they were anxiously waiting for was STILL not done.  In fact, I had a perpetual “To Do” list that never quite seemed to get “To Done”!

Simplification is the word for 2010 and we believe it will not only allow me to have more time to create the products our customers have asked for, but it will also allow me more time to make our website and newsletter easier to navigate and more in tune with our customers’ needs.

To that end beginning this month, “What’s New at Art of Eloquence?” newsletter will go out once a month instead of weekly.  I will continue to give subscribers exclusive offers, freebies and advanced notice of all things Art of Eloquence, but the newsletters will be short and sweet.  Additionally, you may have already noticed that I have gone from daily blogging to three times a week.  Since I will not have to plan out 7 posts a week, it will allow me time to post links to articles and news events as they occur so that this blog will be even more informative.  So the blog may end up having almost as many posts.

Effective January of 2010, I will no longer be podcasting.  I have some great shows planned for the rest of the year with guests I’ve made commitments to on topics I feel are important.  However, time constraint and sheer amount of work involved in hosting a weekly show is just too much for me at this time.   Instead, I will be offering about 10-12 live seminars during the year on various topics.  Do mark your calendar to attend the Communication Comedy Network’s final podcasts.  The audios will come down after the end of the year to make room for the new seminar format.

My heart is to give all I can, but my dh and the Lord have shown me that I cannot keep up this pace without sacrificing other vital things.  I pray that these changes will help Art of Eloquence to be a larger blessing to you in 2010!

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