Success Cancelled so Come In; We’re Closed!

It’s time again for Friday Funnies and this week I have a real treat for you.  Two, two, two funnies in one…blog post!

This first one makes me glad I homeschool.  If you live in this high school district, you might want to consider it.

epic fail photos Success Fail
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This last one just tickles my funny bone.  Do they mean they’re leaving the door open while they are gone or is this a cruel joke to get folks to walk into a locked door?  You decide.

epic fail photos - Welcome FAIL
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  1. Good ones, JoJo! Some of this stuff you just couldn’t make up if you tried!

  2. I can understand one person making the mistake, but how long did it take for someone to notice?

  3. Love it! Always makes me giggle :)