What communication skills do students need?

What communication skills do students need these days? Whether your student is in a public school, co op classes or homeschooled, he or she will eventually graduate. Come learn why communication skills are increasingly important for learning, college prep, college classrooms and for life in the ‘real’ world.

This month, my daughter, Kelsey,  joins me to share her communication experiences as a homeschool graduate, a college senior and a world traveler!

Seminar Date/Time: Today, Wednesday, Aug. 10 8am PST/11am EST

To Join us Onlinehttp://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736

To Join us Via Phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

The Talk Shoe audio will be available after the live show!


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  1. Should be good! Kelsey knows. Hey, she wrote the book! She was also raised by the Queen of Say What You Mean. :) You guys will really rock on this one!

  2. It was such fun having her on.