Friday Funnies is proud to present this week’s communication giggle and spelling mishap. I do wonder if there wasn’t a “splelling” burglar at work here. If there were, I’d have to give him my “congartulations.”
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WOW! Too bad the sign didn’t have SPELL CHECK!
Well, it DOES say “elementary.” Maybe they sent one of the 1st graders out to do it? SHEESH Reminds me of the time I drove by my son’s school when he was in 5th grade and there was this HUGE. . . CONGRADULATIONS TO THE TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!! I jammed that car into park and went to see the principal. What got me was she didn’t think it was any big deal. Guess I’m getting too old, huh?
This is so funny! it’s also so bad that it makes you wonder whether someone tampered with the sign. Either way, it’s just too good!
That is too funny!
Glad you all enjoyed it. I about fell out!
hey,looks like we’re on the same path. good stuff! come by and say hi! cheers Reginald Melchor
Ha! This reminds me of a sign I saw today – 5 out of 4 people can’t do fractions. 😛
Thanks, Reginald. ROFL, Candace! Thanks for sharing that!