Birthday Bash Contest#10: Art of Eloquence

It’s Birthday Bash Time and you know what that means!  Time for our Facebook fan page party with free gifts and, of course, our contests where you can win free prizes like this one!

From Art of Eloquence:

7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness   ($20 Value)

This is the most popular of our brand new webinar topics this year!  So popular, it’s the only webinar that was held over a second month!  You will receive our video recording of this incredible webinar and here’s what you will learn:

1. Seventeen things parents should do to help their child overcome shyness
2. Seven things parent’s shouldn’t do because it either doesn’t work or reinforces their child’s shyness
3. Seven ways parents can help their children change their thinking about shyness
4. Six things parents can do to change their child’s shy behavior
5. Seven things parents can do to change their child’s shy vocabulary
6. Eight things parents can teach their shy child to say that will help them overcome shyness
7. Seven things parents can teach their shy child to do that will help them practice the skills necessary to overcome their shyness

(TEN winners will be chosen!)


TO ENTER THIS CONTEST: to win a download of the webinar, 7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness, post a comment on this blog post telling us what you learned about our affiliate program that is different from most affiliate programs.

Winner will be selected from among the correct answers and announced by November 8th. Winner must have a valid email address and has two days to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen.

*NOTE: Check out all our other contests and our Facebook Party on our Birthday Bash Page!


Congratulations to our 10 winners:

Terri Duncan, Heather, Carla, Rachael, Ambre, Rebecca K, Robin, Joan, Cheryl Hosmer,  and Ashley!

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  1. Terri Duncan says:

    Wow! I haven’t ever clicked on that link because I was thinking about me having a website to be able to do this! The way I believe it is most different is that I haven’t seen one pay 40% commission- that is awesome! Now that I know I can share on my FB with the link..I am signing up!!

  2. I’ve never been a part of any affiliates, but I am certain not many – if any other offer 40% that is very generous!

  3. 40% commission offered!
    (Our daughter is painfully shy, and is already in high school. I worry about her going into “the real world” soon and not being able to talk when/where she needs to. Please help. Thanks!)

  4. What’s different about the Art of Eloquence affiliate program? That’s a no-bainer! It’s 40% commission! You’re lucky if you make 10-20% on most. But even with that great commission, the best thing is that you’re advertising something that will make a difference in people’s lives, long after most products are used up and thrown away.

  5. I have not been apart of affiliates before but I’m looking into this! 40% commission!! That sounds GREAT!! I know I am looking and searching all the time for great products!

  6. 40 percent commission is the most generous I’ve seen!

  7. i guess i’ll be unoriginal and agree- the commission is awesome.

  8. That’s an amazing commission, JoJo! That sounds pretty amazing!

  9. It’s really unusual to find an affiliate program that lets you keep your customers for life. The tracking cookies are yours to keep ..forever!… instead of the usual 30-90 days most other programs give you

  10. The 40% commission is definately different than any other affiliate! I love the products you offer and really believe they will help people! Thank you for all you do!

  11. I am an affiliate of JoJo’s Art of Eloquence, I am searched far and wide for an affiliate that matches her payout. There is none.

  12. Agreed to all of the above!! 40% is a very generous commission and I love that the customer is yours for life if they are coming through your link. As a home-school blogger, this will be great to add to our site. It’s very simple to sign up to be an affiliate (I just did!)